Black british Islamic State fighter's candid message to trump in latest Raqqa video released yesterday

Black british Islamic State fighter's candid message to trump in latest Raqqa video released yesterday
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b'ithnillah ya trump

God damn that's a skinny nigger. Must be really lacking supplies at this stage of the siege.

He obviously can't blend in with the fleeing locals. Feels good this nigger will be dead In a week tops.

I can already see liberals clamoring over this saying stupid shit like
>"lolz at least ISIS got something right XD"
Anyone else think this as possible?

>you may have your eyes on raqqa, but we have our eyes on constantinople

Raqqa si ege is barely in 2 months. mosul lasted 9 months and had 4-6 times the population. Dont think provisions are a problem

that allahu ackbar is perfect. are all muslims british?

where can i watch the full thing?

here buddy

thanks, it's great watching them on the verge of full capitulation.
desperate cornered rats.

it was real in your mind

Scramnbled for eggs softly. Falling into Trump richly. Still unable . . :>
To dignify responses must be to abstract from user wisenessdom.

Why aren't you out there fighting?


information jihad

>they sent some cripple to sudoku bomb a building



>Isis is fighting against ableism

don't let your disability prevent you from reaching your dreams

Are you far enough in to see the cheesy "bomb" graphics? That shit is pretty funny too

Leftists would rather see hundreds of thousands dead if it meant making Trump look bad.

Send it to Trump.

He'll let Mattis know what the ISIS guy said.

I can't wait to see his mangled body on the internet.

why is a CIA soldier insulting the president

>mfw ISIS ends up in Turkey

I want to disagree with you, but ....fuck man you might be right.