>tfw Sup Forums is jealous of Stefan because of his success
>stay salty basement dwellers
>tfw Sup Forums is jealous of Stefan because of his success
>stay salty basement dwellers
mock him all you want. he is the greatest philosopher of the 21st century
>get 2 dollar paypal donation
>see 10 cents of it
I would find that annoying too if you're going to donate to someone then at least come up with the scratch to put some change in their pocket past the processing fees
I dislike him profiting on it, but his argument is actually good, it's not begging if he offers something in exchange
stef, your shit is free, that is a statement of fact. you are no different than a street beggar saying he's offering you a beautiful day outside when it's 70 and sunny
>If you publish free content then it is naive to expect voluntary contributions on consumptive ground alone.. What you should do is publish to your own site on a pay per view basis. Then you will realize the true worth of your material to the consuming masses.
This is probably the first time a leaf hasn't posted pure shit on /pol
or suck youtube's dick and see what that's worth
I remember seeing somewhere that he sold close to $1m in Bitcoins not too long ago.
Not that I give a crap.
Yeah, because that worked so well for the Daiily shoah faggots
he's good he's going to expose the Holocaust in some undeniable way
I saw that, it's a public BTC wallet, but 1 mil doesn't go that far when you're paying 4+ employees, buying expensive camera equipment and likely donating extensively to GI and other right wing causes.
No he is not. Also he is jew.
Sup Forums shills BTFO
hes right tho
alternative media is under attack
I think he is jealous of Jordan petersons 50k per month patreon support kek
>a thread for an "e-celeb" which stays up without being deleted
thats a nice pepe
yeah... and? Jewish people are awesome. don't blame others for your shortcomings.
>being on Sup Forums and thinking the mods are here to help us
He never advertises. He pulled the safety net of advertising and selling shit and being employed, and relies entirely on his ability to connect with people and give valuable information and advice,
Pretty admirable.
like I sais, he is one of the most brilliant people of the 21st century
The thing he doesn't realize is that the trolls he hates accelerated his rise to popularity, and attracted more viewers and people who ended up donating.
He needs the trolls. Also it's so fucking lame to basically do that "people who criticize me are actually ashamed and guilty because they feel inadequate" defense.
No Stefan, sometimes people criticize others because it's warranted or it's just funny, not because they have some deep seated sense of low self esteem.
I don't think that, but it is fun to bring up she who must not be named, lad.
>Freedomain Radio
>Wants my shekels
When did "you people" start calling it /pol? Please inform me.
What happened with them? I haven't been following since they put the paywall up. Nice digits, btw.
>This isn't e-begging. It's asking, with style.
I have no problems with opening up donations. I do have a problem if he turns it into telethon beg fest.
I could probably toss him a dollar
Won't donate a dime to anyone unless they accept Bitcoin. Don't want my name associated.
He is really not. Good analysis/fact gathering and interesting interviews. As a philosopher, 2/10
Bitchute and others will soon replace YouTube. With webtorrent the barrier to opening your own YouTube business is nigh zero.
The one that gets content creators paid easiest via users voluntarily agreeing to watch ads from creators they like will attract the best content. Users not ad purchasers will be back in control of who gets paid for content
>tfw npr and classical stations have been begging for three weeks now
i just want to listen to haydn in peace
He is not "SAVING WESTERN CIVILIZATION", his videos only get 500,000 views on average, 60% of his viewers are in non western countries, he can't change the public opinion...
>he is the greatest philosopher of the 21st century
Fucking lol at this. Hes hardly a philosopher at all in any remote sense.
Doesnt mean I dont like his content but dont kid yourself with dumb statements like that.
Fuck you shareblue. Fuck off this e celebs they all should this threads are clearly roach threads saged this thread fuck this alt right jewtubers
hes a louis ck impersonator now
>I haven't been following since they put the paywall up
Well, that answers your question!
>60% of his viewers are in non western countries
[Source]? That is interesting.