What could possibly be the next extensions of the EU?

what could possibly be the next extensions of the EU?
I wish Putin was pro-European once again


>I wish Putin was pro-European once again

silly subhuman

Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan

I wish more countries could leave the union honestly

>a perfect European Union wish the biggest european state

Africa is the next step

>biggest European state with 12.1 homicide rate and median wage 300$


The EU is dead. Germany killed it during the Economic Crisis. The Migrant Crisis is the aftermath.
European countries should leave the German controlled EU and start a new one without Germany. If Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Malta did it, France would follow suit and we could create new trade agreements with the UK, maybe even one where the UK would join and have a new EU where our common European values and culture would be preserved.

Merkel has fucked us over and the Germans applauded. It's time for them to pay for what they did.

>he thinks the EU states's crime rate won't increase with the immigration wages coming

there won't be any awake of white people in these countries, they will never vote for no-immigration or leave-EU politics
these societies are rotten, it's impossible to go to a new union, peoples no longer got any values

The UK would be happy to work with Europe informally but it just goes so against our national psyche, all the way back to the 17th century, to give up democratic power to anywhere. The American revolution was an extension of this culture, it's so embedded in the English-speaking sense of right and wrong that I don't think it'll ever be shaken. If in 200 years the country is 50% non-British genetically, 10th generation immigrations will still inherit that perspective.

Putin is pro European you daft idiot. He is not pro EU. That is not the same thing.

its not an English speaking phenomenon but more of a northern European trait.
You will find that attitude in any northern European country. Its a spirit of individualism which makes us highly inventive and productive but extremely uncooperative on a larger scale.

lol they won't work without Hans. Literally. 2 much siesta, espresso, and surrending - not enough work.

Not really. Most Southern countries are unhappy with the EU, but at this point in time there's no alternative, if so to speak. Presented the alternative, Southern Europeans would gladly work together.

Also Portugal, for instance, has a 5 immigrants to 1000 nationals ratio. For comparison Belgium has 50 to 1000 nationals. We've seen what the current "multiculturalism" is doing in Europe and we would never abide to such s thing. Latin countries especially, tend to be very protective of women and if half the things that are happening in Western Europe happened in Southern Europe, there would be an uproar and street violence against migrants. I shit you not. For the most part we are still a Portuguese country and even the migrants from our former colonies are well integrated into the Portuguese culture and "colonial culture" has a room in our country and we gladly have it. After all it's part of our history.

We don't want other cultures invading, especially cultures that don't want to assimilate. For that we have the Chinese and that's more than enough. We accept diversity, but we repel all those who don't respect the law of the land. There will NEVER be Sharia Patrol in Portugal and if someone tried they would be beaten to the ground and people would applaud. If they attacked our priest and churches they would know the true sense of DEUS VULT, because people would lynch them in the streets and the police wouldn't do a thing about it.

Southern Europe needs to stop fearing Germany once and for all and give them a big "So and thanks for all the shoes" and realise that Germany and other Western and Northern European countries will never treat us as equals. To them we were always inferior and will always be inferior, so I say fuck Germany and their lot. Let them take the sandniggers, we will create (heavily controlled) paths were they can freely pass and we'll create our own currency, our own laws and our own union.

To a degree, yes.

North Korea would be a good start.

But the inherent problem with the EU is the surrendering of democratic power. It all stems from there. If you're surrendering power you're surrendering it to someone, and the EU today is nothing more than a German controlled toy.

In a EU that tries to cooperate economically and socially without impositions that would go against the sovereignty of any given country would be ideal. Trade agreements in technology, goods, services and resources, not European impositions when it comes to fishing and farming that benefits rich countries and destroys (even more) the economy of the poorer ones, for instance.

serious answer the remaining balkan states, Norway, and in the distant future maybe Moldova/Ukraine/Belarus (last one least likely unless Lukashenko is worried about getting annexed by Russia to pull a Ukraine)

i would argue they are polar opposite things

We're getting trade agreements though. We're leaving and we'll have that, there's no need for a European political union if you want economic cooperation. Likewise with the armed forces. NATO works fine.

All the Balkans, minus Serbia.

as a serb i hope so

This is a joke right?

Southern Europeans work at least 40 hours a week. The problem with Southern Europe was joining the EU when the economies weren't that strong. They took loans, temporary loans that now bind us to an eternal debt to the EU.
The rich European countries acted and still act like loan sharks, not even like banks and that's why we need to leave the EU and the Euro. The Euro was the final nail. It inflated just about everything by 20-50% and wages remained the same at best. In most cases they were cut and since we weren't in control of our currency we couldn't devalue it or print it.

Basically the PIGS need to unite, leave the EU and tell the EU to shove the debt where the sun don't shine. If they want their money they can start by uncucking themselves and stop paying Turkey the "protection fee" so they don't "unleash the hordes of migrants". Germans are hypocrites. They give Turkey billions a year and squezze Greece for every cent they have and don't even help (not they help Italy) them when it comes to the migrant crisis, so fuck them. They're so afraid of the Turks that they've turned their backs on other EU countries, so I say fuck them and fuck their buddies. Go get the Reich if you want your money.

Germany is holding the E.U together and also taking down European culture at the same time.
Fuck Angela Merkel

Germany is holding the EU together and also tearing it apart. only 1% of immigrants of from Syria. That means only around 10 000 migrants Germany are Syrian.......FUcking Insane

Sorry my English is bad

Agreed. I know Serbian diplomats and even they agree that Serbia doesn't have what it takes to join the EU on several aspects.

Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Roménia, Croatia, Estonia and Slovakia are already in. I would like to welcome Ukraine but that won't happen. Putin won't let it.

Putin is pro-money, you danish retard.

Germany isn't holding the EU together. Germany is holding the EU by the leash. Big difference.
...And yet they keep pushing the refugee agenda and Germany forcing other countries to take them in, under threat of sanctions? Does that sound to you like a "Union"? Sounds to me more like Imperialism.


Iceland is NOT in the EU