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They must remove affirmative action of all kinds.

Damn unis might have to accept students based on their merits instead of an arbitrary quota.

>Trump isn't the savior of the white ra-

Coloreds and shitlibs are apoplectic, proving exactly why this is necessary.

Trump will lose sweetie. You blumpfkins will be the ones hanging, just wait.

>going to universities
good goy
let me know when trump grows a pair and deports the 10+ million spics


What if it turns out that women and minorities disproportionately apply for gender studies and that shit.

This is sad. Whites aren't discriminated against. More ''muh white genocide'' rightwing snowflake talk.

would this actually be a surprise to anyone?


It's too soon. The jews will escape and do this again to someone else's nation.

We need to be red-pilling the Chinese people, and putting pressure on Israel not to accept these globalist kikes because it would make it appear as though Israel was colluding with them to divide the west.

If we cannot quarantine the kikes before pulling this shit, they will escape.

this is the greatest fucking timeline. kek is real.

Need better bait than that

>whites and asians discrimated against
>Trump Looks at Discrimination Against Whites in Universities


>banned trannies from the military and addressed anti-white discrimination just in the last week

Patience, faggot. The God Emperor can't accomplish everything in one day.

Anything to get sessions from focusing on weed, waste of time.

If he doesn't end the federal funding to anti-white universities, then this means nothing.


Fuck you, racist ass white bitch. How do you like the black man and asians taking over your culture?

>mfw I lied about having native American ancestry to get into a good uni a few years ago

This is literally going to happen.

Blacks aren't going anywhere they are actually in just as bad a position as whites worse economically. No matter how many they put in movies.

You'll be gone soon after we go. Don't worry. And Asians can't even defend their own wimmin from the white invader.

Michigan already did away with Affirmative-action.

2014 SCOTUS upheld a referendum which bars publicly funded colleges from granting "preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin."

learn english

>mfw I can just ask to see a doctor rather than a white doctor

Keep inquiring, keep asking questions! Anti-whites gotta go!

>Trump isn't deporting 50,000 spics a day from the second he took office REEEEEEEEEEEE
You should run next time and you can show us how it's done

Why are you calling it "anti-white" discrimination when it is explicitly stated that no particular ethnic group is mentioned? Discrimination is discrimination no matter who it is for or against.

It can literally only happen in a country made up of northwestern Europeans.

Theyre going to go fucking ballistic over this and be BTFO for the next 8 years if and when its proven true.

You have to go back!

It's probably more, given that Obama's numbers came from changing the definition to "turning them away at the border"
You'd probably have to weigh up how many less are making the attempt now Vs how many are being thrown out, how many that were thrown out are making the attempt again, etc.

Anti-whites are being silly as usual.

"They say they are anti-racist, but what they really are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

to be fair, in terms of colleges, asians are by far the most discriminated against.

>Trump ends diversity quotas
>gender studies and wayycism classes end up empty
>entire field closes down


Really has his priorities in order.

If fairness means that Asians get more places in the universities here, then I don't give a damn about "being fair," user.

"Fair" is a synonym for "nice to look at," by the way.

looks like someone doesn't like equality.


THREAD THEME: youtube.com/watch?v=IUjLE_N1Cuc

Will this get rid of 80IQ uppidy niggers thinking dey smart and rallying other niggers?

and most are china sympathizers.

ya, panda express is good as fuck

I'm not an expert of ye olde English but everytime I saw "fair" being used in a book it was used to describe the skin of a pretty white girl.

So I thought it meant smooth and soft

It's a synonym for pale. I'm partial to alabaster.

Thanks man. So it literally was invented to describe how great white skin looks

Lets hope this discrimination ends

Thank you for calling them what they are. Never use their language (e.g. PoC), it only legitimizes and reinforces their retardation in their minds and the minds of others. 'Nigger' is also acceptable.
You're not gonna do shit, you limp-wristed little bitch.

Have a feeling that this will backfire... Universities are basically leftist indoctrination centers for whites. A nigger doesn't need any more indoctrination to be a nigger and their presence at academic institutions actually hinders the indoctrination process on account of violence, rape and obvious favoritism. Unless this measure actively identifies and removes anti-white instructors, all it'll do is recruit more race traitors for leftist causes.

Tha-that's actually pretty good

Good. Defund the Marxist courses.

This is a country that values free expression, and people are allowed to teach whatever they please, but that doesn't mean that they're entitled to teach it on the American tax payer's dime. They can go teach it at a private college that doesn't receive a dime from the tax payer. Preferably one that's also ineligible for FAFSA.

It's cute when niggers try to muddy the water by acting like they're on par with the other races. All races look down on niggers, and rightfully so -- you're straight up garbage.

I wonder if Sessions is going to change his mind when it turns out the net effect will be helping asians and hurting whites.

>Have a feeling that this will backfire... Universities are basically leftist indoctrination centers for whites.

If it's filled with only whites, they'll all protest against the cirriculum in a fair and peaceful manner, mostly by not taking the retarded classes.

The only reason people don't protest universities now is because they don't think they're in the mainstream opinion.

But since the universities are all liberal bullshit now won't they just enforce their own quotas outside of affirmative action?
I'm just thinkin even if affirmative action is totally dismantled on a government level, the universities will just use it to be "champions of social justice" or some such nonsense by having as many nigger as possible?
Just a thought

this is like the idea that flooding countries with immigrants is going to "redpill" the populace into National Socialist ideological genocide machines

>high iq
>minority status
How does this hurt them?

For the last 10 years I thought I died and this was a special kind of hell.
This better not be false hope. Holy fuck.

Back in the day, universities were filled with only whites. And yet it degenerated into the abominations we see today. Packing more whites into the student body is just sending more meat into the meat grinder. There needs to be a purge of the faculty and curriculum. An audit of all offered degrees corresponding to unemployment of graduates is a good start. Denying scholarships and other federal funds for these useless degrees will force the the university to focus on useful and productive ones.

Fuck coloreds

Snow White being "the fairest of them all" should've been a clue.

We actually are. But you're probably black so you wouldn't understand



Its probably east Asians that are discriminated against desu.


>Whites aren't discriminated against.
the topic is college admission so, you're wrong.

In the United States, affirmative action in employment and education has been the subject of legal and political controversy, and in 2003, a pair of US Supreme Court decisions (Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger) permitted educational institutions to consider race as a factor when admitting students while prohibiting the use of quotas.[5] In other countries, such as the UK,[6][7][8] affirmative action is rendered illegal because it does not treat all races equally.

But... that would improve society. Is that (improving society) even allowed?

Even if whites ceased to exist, blacks would still be the least desirable. Don't they understand at least that?

Affirmative action hurts Asians even more than White students.

I'm actually very curious to see how the liberal doublethink on "model minorities" play out this round.

The case that elite universities redline asians is pretty simple. Asian enrollment rates at elite universities are flat, even though the number of qualified Asians keeps increasing. Only Caltech with a strict meritocratic admission policy is the exception.

The fucking irony that liberals operate where they think rally against "institutional racism" but think AA/quotes are OK when they're the exact institutional racism they supposedly despise.

College is a waste of time and money. The fact that whitey has to keep moving is a blessing in disguise.


everyone hates niggers. even niggers hate niggers

>not mentioning mexicans

Go back to the hut, buttblasted afrinog.

dude this has to be bannon, he wrote about this exact shit before he was backing trump

It's Bannon.


Funnily enough, the only people with high test scores who aren't punished by these policies are Jews. I wonder how that happened?

Did you know that welfare, racial quotas, and affirmative action are considered necessary by your owners on the democrat plantation because they think you niggers are too dumb to make it on your own? You are their pet monkey. Now get out there in the street with a sign and do some tricks for them, Toby, and maybe they'll throw you some more gimmedats.
That's a good boy.

>minority status
they aren't minorities at uni level, so they don't benefit from current affirmative action policies.
in fact, California has banned affirmative action, so the UC schools are like 60% asian.


Oh jesus.
We're not even a year in yet.
The future is brighter than I can possibly imagine

Are Jews classified as white or a visible minority? Because Jews are the reason universities went to shit.

>against whites
... and asians even more lol

Yea, good luck getting into med school if you're Asian. You need like 4.0 GPA to even have a shot. Bunch of Jewish bullshit holding down the superior races.

Thats the problem, you dont. Black people that act white will gain respect by us. There is so few of them anyway.


>More ''muh white genocide'' rightwing snowflake talk.
>How do you like the black man and asians taking over your culture?
So which one is it? Make up your mind, retarded Sambo.


Trump makes universities great again

Oy vey!

I keked.

My wife didn't think this was funny at all

So we are here anons. The moment has arrived where white people are being treated just like the minorities have been treated in the past. We are reversing our discrimination. The only difference is that white people can lead to the eradication of you minorities, while the only thing you minorities can do is piss us off.
Tread lightly.

came to post this
