Can we get a boogie2988 hate thread going on?
Can we get a boogie2988 hate thread going on?
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>_ _ _
I think he hates himself enough already.
No he doesn't
he's a fatass who needs to stop being a cuck loose weight and stop being scared of offending people, he needs to take names a kick ass
No, what the fuck is wrong with you people. This man is severly mentally disabled, obviously doesn't have a great life.
If you care enough to HATE this person you have too much time on ur hands. Why not just be indifferent?
KEK predicted his death but it seems he has been chosen for greatness.
Isn't his wife a coal burning cheater or something like that?
not nearly
if he did he'd be dead or fit
it's about healthcare retard
He survived?
>fat people and healthcare aren't politics
i wish every kek faggot would fuck back off to reddit
I want to see what he looks like as a skinny fuck.
Then I hope he gets run over leaving the hospital.
His draw my life is boring.
>Mom went crazy
>Broke leg and Got fat
>Still getting fat
I also thought he was going to lose the pounds?
depression is powerful enough for you to just never get anything done, including killing yourself.
"I believe that people who work their ass off in factories should pay for me
to be here in this chair wasting food and be retarded" :)
Hope he makes it.
I'm just glad i got this reaction pic
He couldn't lose any weight on his own but some retarded fucking jew doctor approved weight loss surgery for him.
>tfw you paid for it
point being that he still doesn't hate himself enough
i know about depression
now go back to ribbit faggot
>Be boogie.
>Force fed by mother as a child.
>Can't stop eating.
> Mayo meme
> Can look at you from the right AND left
>Getting heavier
>Getting famous tho
> Poo running down leg
> Wife running with poo
> Better get /fit/
> Get risky surgery
> MFW Surgery delayed
> Surgery day deux
> Survive
> Go on Sup Forums to see if I'm now /fit/ and an 'ourguy'
> Everyone hates me
> Feel a sudden pain in my stomach.
I'd hate him if there wasn't so much bullshit in his childhood. Now if he had an okay childhood and still got fat i'd be soops mad.
That tweet is fake, redditor.
Wasn't he scared of Sarkeesian at some stupid con and he cried?
i still hate him for believing that his shitty circumstances should be subsidized by his fellow tax payers
i have this constant image in my head of him autistically banging his desk naked and yelling at the camera
it's pretty funny
Is medicaid paying for it or something.
I'm getting gastric sleevectomy later this month with private insurance and it was hell getting it approved.
As someone who's been 50lbs overweight most of his life and worked hard every day to get down to healthy, I hate this cunt.
He's lazy, grotesque and makes me feel sick. But worse than that, he gave up and took the easy way out thinking it would cure him of his disgusting habits.
Horseshit. This is an Eceleb thread and they all need to die.
He apologized for being white male at the con and than made a video apologizing again and she was still pissed.
What the fuck is this shit?
He has obamacare and thanks to stupid politicians bickering he was able to get this $100,000 procedure paid for by your tax dollars so he can keep his millions in the bank.
I think boogie is a fucking idiot. But I wish him well, bastard suffered a lot.
I though boogie died and the hospital tossed his body in the sea.
digits and he'll die of a blood clot and the based blackman and his wife will live a happy life the rest of their days.
What's the point of wearing a hair net if he still has a face full of pubes
I'm not going to buy a Sup Forums pass to post you chink fuck.
If get then he dies from surgery or surgery complications. Let me post you failed Asian jew.
paying for his healthcare violates the NAP faggot
Gas the jews?
I was pretty sure obamacare didn't cover bariatric surgery, I know i checked it out a while back and there was no plans.
plane ol' medcaid pays for it though
>100k procedure
No, it doesn't cost that much, at most those surgeries usually run about 12-15k.
I want to race for you...
anyone else curious what his ALT number is?
Kek please. Sure, the boogie hate meme will end, but he'll live on as another meme, like the fat acceptance advocate who died at 35 from a heart attack.
what's an ALT number?
Yea pretty much, anyone have the tweet of the guy?
Honestly tho it's kinda fucked just let him live his life.
Nah, Boogie1488 is a good dude who was abused as a child and is fighting with his weight as a result.
>Why not just be indifferent
I don't live by any muslims but I would happily trade all of them for a twix
Not even a full twix, just the wafer
just a portion of a liver function test, largely shows inflammation and liver problems. ive never really looked up inflammation and obesity
I think using him to push the point is a fucking psy op from the left because its impossibly retarded. Like, you'd have to be slime mold on the wall levels of intelligent to use someone like boogie as an example. Its the easiest way to rip your argument to fucking shreds.
Stop making this about boogie, all you faggots are simply replying to a troll thread posted for the lulz and you moronic idiots who honestly think boogie is the best target are being pulled around by your nose.
Target literally anyone else and someone might listen, but boogie? a lot of people on both sides like him and understand and sympathize with his fucked up head.
Fucking sheep fucks. Guess you deserve your tax money going towards fatties since you're too fucking dumb to organize and not fall for the stupidest shit. Cuck fucking tastic.
ALT/AST where you are super obese are usually really high from fatty liver from all the sugary food
but it is easily fixed with a low carb diet, I'm super obese and my alt/ast are perfect after sticking to low carb for about a year
If he couldn't afford it pre-barrack, the state would pay for it
Godamn, some of these people act like Obama created heaven and earth, it wasn't that long ago. That fat fuck is in his 30's, why does he have the attention span of a baby?
politically incorrect
It isn't my tax money.
fuckin early 00s were the golden age
boogie unironically believes he is entitled to healthcare subsidized by his fellow citizens
kill yourself, faggot
cool, that explains it. so he's probably gonna kill his liver within a decade if he keeps brushing his teeth with twizzlers
Not wanting the death of your political rivals. What a good goy
listend to an entire good charlotte and sum41 album last weekend. its so feel-good.
scotty doesnt know is also a quick way to instantly go back
I have a question. You know how sharks only really bite people by mistake, thinking they are seals? And that once they bite, they realize you are too bony as a healthy human to sustain them? Would a shark be able to tell the difference between boogey and a seal, they seem to have equal amounts of blubber.
Only one way to find out.
For science, right user?
What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!
>slurps chemically concentrated transfat
>punches chest to restart heart
>obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder
>lisping Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?
>Gets 10000 likes*
I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!
>smears mayonnaise on upperbody
>skin obsorbs mayonnaise*
Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
Someone spam his twitter and YouTube with "Forks over Knives" and "What The Health" comments.
Who knows... we might need more 'volunteers' to dunk into the ocean. There are several species of sharks after all. I suggest a Great white for boogie though due to his size and the seal comparison.
Funny how Louis Le Vau just released his boogie rant today as well
have fun!
>30 minutes
Am I meant to watch this whole fucking thing?
Gentlemen, Sup Forums
>Listening to this right now.
>Saw a Boogie hate thread.
>Came in and saw you link this.
Good job m8. Louis's firebrand rant style is always great and that fat ass boogie needed a good railing from another youtuber for awhile now.
Severely underrated
and those surgeries only have a 25% success rate long term. you have to change your eating habits, something that he could have done without surgery.. fat fuck gotta eat protein shakes, meds and fruit smoothies for life now to make it work.
but you know fat fuck will be sucking down milkshakes at a record pace soon..
all for nothing
>obviously doesn't have a great life.
Sits around playing video games all day (on systems he gets for free) while his wife shoves food down his gullet and he gets cash flowing in from Youtube.
Yeah, that sounds like a real hard life Boogs is living.
Oh, but when he was a kid, his mom wasn't very nice to him and made him drink sodies.
george lucas ruined star wars with the prequel trilogy and the entire franchise is just a excuse to sell toys
im glad he got ass cancer and the doctors shouldnt have removed it
no. if you hate on boogie, youre a massively insecure cuck. the guy had a terrible life, has mental disorders, he doesnt need anymore shit.
Don't worry, there's no shortage of fatties these days.
>the guy had a terrible life
>lives in a nice house
>has a wife
>makes money by doing nothing
>sits around playing games and talking into a camera all day
And before you start, a lot of people have had rough childhoods. I'm sure plenty have had it worse than him. Most of those people don't go on to be able to live the life he has, where they barely have to work for the extravagant things they own, all the while crying about others not paying for a health problem that they actively created.
Why was Pupinia's video removed? She was just expressing her opinion on boogie.
If boogie got his fat and lazy and weighed 600+.. pretty damn good chance that his surgery is gonna do jack shit for him over time.. he will have some changes at the beginning but even that will go away and he will just balloon up again and pull his WOE IS ME card yet again.
i could never figure out why people put their personal private life online...
>Surgery goes right
>Nothing happens
>Everyone forgets
Pic related, it's him
To get simpathy and therefore, shekels
I want to feel bad for him but then I remember my friend went through and how he turned out.
>Biological father was abusive towards his older sister, brother, and Mother
>Older brother has autism and sister was insane and kept trying to mill herself
>mother remarried a perfect father
>Step-Father died before he was even a teenager because sister tried to kill herself by burning herself and ended up burning the whole house and the father died while saving her
>Got fat because of deep depression(he got up to 270 pounds)
>Mother turned into a alcoholic(she got better once she remarried again) and he basically had to take care of himself and siblings
>and at some point during his life he got sexually abused by a family member
And after all of this terrible stuff he is the happiest person I know. And last year he went on a strict diet and started to work out. He now weighs 190 pounds of mostly muscle. If my friend can go through a life just as terrible as Boogie claimed he have, then why can't Boogie change just like my friend did?