>Nazis commit warcrimes
>Allies commit warcrimes
>"lol who cares"
damn.... really... makes me think....
>Nazis commit warcrimes
>Allies commit warcrimes
>"lol who cares"
damn.... really... makes me think....
As far as the world is concerned, theNazis where the aggressors and Aliies good guys.
As Jamie Lannister just put it, when the world sees peace who is going to care how they got there.
What international law did the Dresden bombings break?
Some people deserve to die, others don't.
Childish delusion
now you understand why they are called "Goys"
>absolute retards
lmao, shut the fuck up you american mutt and sit down you little bitch. that city got leveled because we could.
Blitzkrieg was like the antidote to the trauma of trench warfare.
>theatening to go to war?
>conquered in 1/34 the time with 1/25 the casualties
Not doubting Germans war crimes but the nature of their strategy seemed to be they went with a quick, restrained and ultimately humane route.
What international law did the execution of terrorist (partisans) break?
Slide thread.
Nazis bombed civilians first. Start shit get hit.
Literally not an argument
We have a proverb here in America
"Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'"
>Germany started WW2
> be IJA surgeon general
> stuck in nowhere, Manchukuo while other lucky bastards get to die not of hypothermia
> does unspeakable acts against humanity in general, cause nuthin better to do
> Is okay lol cause my boy Douglas MacArthur will bail me out and literally make me an advisor for the good guys in Maryland
>Germany didn't start WW2
top kekles
>shitskins are raping your daughters because they can
>be British
>rile Poland up with blanco guarantee
>give Poland to Soviets later on
>steal Polands gold
>lose Empire
>get blacked
>get bombed
>get stabbed
>get trucked
>get acid attacked
>defend your jewish actions while you melt awway
literally not an argument.
make your point more clear.
My argument is your argument, dipshit.
this except america is also crumbling
you make no sense at all, try again.
>get blacked
>get bombed
>get stabbed
>get trucked
>get acid attacked
only applies to london.
>implying i dont know this country is going to shit
>implying i'm not moving
>implying your still not living in a shithole
enjoy your "country"
I know but Brits are more cucked mentally
>i-it was actually our plan to lose everything
>w-we won haha y-you are alos not doing good hehe
so much salt from you tonight, Humphrey Cuckington
At least I can legally own guns and carry knives
You: we bombed because we could
Me: shitskins rape your girls because they can
To explain it to an autist: I'm pointing out that your might makes right argument is shit.
literally only niggers say that. kys
>only applies to London
>mfw London used to be the capital of the world
Now look at it, bong. Look at what you achieved.
What do you thinks going to happen after London? Do you think that it's going to stop when the large cities are fully blacked?
>I know but Brits are more cucked mentally
Still have no idea what you're saying, but you seem actual retarded. bye.
>I don't understand that might makes right is a bad ideology to take when I'm on the losing end of a war
>bombing a civilian city is bad, cept when the nazis did it thousands of times before
Sure user
Keep dreaming
Anglos would defend being tools of jews even if it means literal extinction for them ( it does)
Dont waste your time
Don't call it moving. You're retreating from the fight.
When did I say that? I'm pointing out that your justification of "we did it because we could" is shit
>thousands of times before
Name ONE (1) instance of Nazis intentionally bombing civilians, and they wittingly KNEW they were civilians.
Protip: you can't
you're ancestors retreated from europe when they got fucked over, fuck off with that shit faggot.
Dresden had not military value and was literally terror bombing for the sake of inflicting as many civilian casualties as possible. Churchill literally asked Harris 'How many Germans can we roast tonight?'. The British bombers attacked at night creating firestorms that literally melted the pavement and caused people in their bunkers to become nothing more than piles of fat. The bombs they were dropping contained a chemical that made it so that even when the Germans went to the river the water would not put out the fire on their bodies. In the morning the Americans planes came and literally machine gun downed the survivors gathered on the Elbe. Ironically the only target that had even a little military value, the railway was left completely untouched.
Before WWII even started
Total War, NaziKuck. If you don't want shit, don't start shit. Unlike silly shit like fucking with jews, or raping Nanking, such carpet bombing serves a valid purpose of crushing decentralized cottage industry and enemy morale by scorched earth tactics.
Also, victor's justice is a thing.
Which side won the war?
The loosing side in a particularly vicious conflict, looses a lot. And are then judged and handled
by the angry victors. And the victors then
write the history books as they say.
And that's all there is to it.
educate yourself before you even pretend to be larping nazi you dense american.
Did you even finish the first paragraph of that article?
mentally ill, the nazis were involved in the spanish civil war. educate youself. sad man cant even larp correctly.
The Luftwaffe was actually involved in that conflict. The Condor Legion if I'm not mistaken. But they were bombing a Communist base in the Spanish Civil War. So unless Canada user wanted the Commies to win, his outrage is unwarranted.
>Unlike silly shit like fucking with jews
>Also, victor's justice is a thing.
oh the ironing
can you imagine the level of a mind that defends Nazis online?
Did the Nazis knowingly bomb civilians or not? Please leave the goalposts where they were.
>And the victors then write the history books
So, who wrote the history books for US schools in the past couple decades. McGraw Hill? Wonder who they really are...
At least there are some uncucked Germans left. Stay strong, bruder. You are not alone.
Kind of glad that Brit's are now getting their comeuppance for this, what with their increasingly irrelevant, nanny state, porn/advertisement/gun censored caliphate.
he got btfo, not even responding. if you're going to defend nazis at least have a baseline high school education of that time period. really makes me think if these people know what their defending.
History is written by the victors.
> Name ONE (1) instance of Nazis intentionally bombing civilians, and they wittingly KNEW they were civilians.
As you can see, you rilled the British up a bit with that one.
As they've told you now, the Germans massively bombed
Britain and it was 99% air battle. And they bombed the cities mercilessly and they were hoping
these actions would demoralize the British into
surrender. But the British never did. And the
Germans even noticed that the British citizens were
NOT becoming demoralized really by having their shit
all burned up. And the British air force was
fairly damn capable which gave the Germans a lot of trouble.
Austria, Poland, France I think, taken. Yet
the UK never was, and the easy victories over
nations Hitler had enjoyed ended there.
I don't mean to demonize the Nazi's but
Hitler was kind of an idiot. I don't like him much.
He couldn't general for shit. Once he was faced
with real adversaries he never won again.
And made continuous blunders.
Hitler invented the Nazi party.
But Hitler destroyed it expertly too.
What does it make you think? Maybe it's time to stop rubbing your aching pussy over a war that ended 72 years ago this month?
I posted that in a thread a couple of hours ago as well, even my normie pensionist neighbors just bluntly stated that the city is filled with subhumans and trash (sic).
When, not if, shit goes down here it must be solved European style which means mass graves..
Cut my life into pieces
Why would I respond to someone so blinded by hate that they can't realize that murdering 20k people is fucked up?
The war is still going today, m8. It won't end until you've been replaced.
I'm sure they must have been aware that there were civilians in the city but in a civil war where civilians adopt guerrilla tactics and urban warfare doctrines it is hard to avoid bombing civilians in a compacted city. And I didn't realize you were responding to the user asking if the Germans bombed any civilians knowingly, sorry about that. I was just responding in regards to thinking that there were no Germans involved in the Spanish Civil War. You're right however, they did know but much like Warsaw, it was unavoidable if a faster victory was to be assured.
>blinded by hate that they can't realize that murdering 20k people is fucked up.
really makes me think.
if leftists were free-thinkers, they'd be here already
>me nan was bombed now i's hate them i does
if go full SJW, the only ones to escape is no-one.
how autistic do you have to be to type like that?
Why have you made Poland a sovereign nation on this map?
nobody in my family lives/lived in the south try harder
> The war is still going today, m8. It won't end until you've been replaced.
I had to read this twice before it clicked with me. Having a slow night. Yea you're absolutely right.
The war is still on. But only one side seems to be fighting. With clever tricks.
It's not sovereign. The map is only giving detail to the division of Germany following WWII. And all of Germany's eastern territory with the exception of Konigsberg went to Poland so it has to be mentioned.
What are you then?
A scally thick Manc twat?
>london is england
american education
So why not just show the soviet flag?
London is England in 50 years
Top bant Hans
The Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, which prohibits the killing of civilians during wartime.
This is a nice containment thread, all sorts of retards here.
Because then it would give the impression that Pomerania, Silesia, East Brandenburg, Danzig and Southern East Prussia all went to the Soviet Union as well as Konigsberg which is wrong. Those lands went to Poland, granted it was a puppet state but it went to Poland nonetheless and that is where it remains today.
sometimes it just happens
I use to think that Germans couldn't bring the bantz but this one is proving me wrong. I guess Britbongs are use to dishing it out but can't seem to take it back.
really how is showing our empire dissolving top bants? its old as fuck, try something new.
By that rule, the rest of Germany would have the German Republic flag
You showed the division of Germany, that isn't old? The German user then responded with the dissolution of your entire global empire and the following lyrics to the song you started. It's both ironic and creative in my opinion and thus funny.
Why would it show the German Republic flag though? Germany in 1945 was partitioned. West and East Germany weren't even a factor yet.
i didnt post that, but i guess. its just not really funny to post "LOL YOU HAD BIGGEST EMPIRE NOW YOUR AN ISLAND" after being here for years.
>division of German is top bantz
>dissolution of Empire is not
>bantz is about being salty Humphrey Cuckington
On a serious note; your stubbornness got us this shitty world in the first place. We have seen how it looks after two Anglo victories, I say we should try something else for once.
We are, that's why we're full of fucking muslims.
Sorry, didn't check the id's. But the ironic aspect of the bantz made it funny for me.
>be german
>be butthurt about not having enough colonies (why the fuck should u have any colonies u fucking retard u don't have an easy access to ocean you dumb shit)
>start WWI
>kill millions of Europeans
>ruin Europe forever
>get fucked like you deserve
>made to pay contributions like you deserve
>be butthurt about getting fucked and paying contibutions like you deserved
>blame everything on commies despite financing and supporting commie revolution in Russia
>start building war machine
>granted territories by the European contries just so you can stop being so butthurt about getting fucked
>still not enough
>start the war
>kill millions of Europeans
>commit every atrocity imaginable
>eventually your machine breaks and you are starting to get fucked like you are used to
>get bombed to ashes
>get raped
>being mad about it despite yourself ruining Europe forever
>become cuckold
>get beheaded by Abdulla
>you deserve it
Again, WWII was total war. Any idea of niceties like Hague conventions and rules appropriate for gentlemen went out the door as tens of millions were thrown into the meat grinder in Europe and Japan.
Bet OP is against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and would rather have had countless American troops (and Japanese civilians) die instead, cuz "muh warcrimes!".
Welcome to reality.
>somebody points out that his nation has been reduced to being a vassal to a former colony
Go suck a Paki's chode while listening to Depeche Mode, Nigel.
wow i guess you blown me the fuck out.
>>become cuckold
>>get beheaded by Abdulla
>>you deserve it
Achmed is punishment from God for the Kraut's hubris, along with the communist ruler Merkel.
Just saw a Kraut show on PBS about a white German girl stuck living with turkroaches her mother married into and wearing a fucking headscarf to attend mosque...Fucking cucked.
Honestly Germans should be thankful that Dresden got bombed, that way their misery will end much quicker.
>Germs bomb London
>Allies bomb Dresden
>b-but muh Allied war crimes
Do it again Bomber Harris
That's a different war. Talk about that war because what happened or didn't happen at Dresden or Dunkirk or wherever is over and done with. What's going to happen tomorrow or next year?