Trump wants to ban affirmative action in colleges
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Our savior
HAHA wow, the backlash from this will be fun to watch. Dats Raysissst.
Lets fucking hope
Kick out 80% of the Jews from Harvard
Colleges have become 4 year LARPs that you're levelling up any value or skills as a human being while you throw away your most fertile years where we should all be getting real skills, funding and competing with corporations. this LARP also allows the system to select nonwhite people exclusively as the ones who have 'levelled up' and deserve the promising jobs in society. not to mention the indoctrination
Needs to happen, affirmative action completely undermines equal opportunity. This will be the ultimate chimpening.
If the ban happens, how will niggers ever recover?
>ban affirmative
Supreme Court says states can ban affirmative action
Black guy here
Wtf are you talking about? AA hurts black people more than helps them. Do some research on college mismatching. People like Thomas Sowell has proved that what AA and race quotas actually do is take blacks who could have easily succeeded in a 2nd rate or 3rd rate college and turn them into artificial failures by placing them into institutions that they aren't prepared to handle.
For example; Black students who scored at the 90th percentile in math had serious academic problems trying to keep up at MIT, where other students scored somewhere within the top 99th percentile.
Nearly one-fourth of these black students with stellar qualifications in math, who could have succeeded at any other college, failed to graduate from MIT, and those who did graduate were concentrated in the bottom tenth of the class.
Now, whereas with with Whites and Asians, they might get turned down from an elite college because of race quotas but they will just go to a lower rate college and succeed even stronger since their abilities are higher than the college standards, so unlike the black people, they never get engineered to be failures in any true sense.
This happened to me. I barely made it into a large state college. I had to go to a summer program full of other minorities before they'd let me in and despite nearly failing that they still accepted me. Lasted about one semester and got kicked out.
My family is well-off so I just transferred to a 2nd tier college and I'm finally performing well but that's a year I'll never get back and not everybody can afford a second chance like I can.
If I didn't earn my spot by merit, fucking give it to somebody who actually deserves it.
Oh christ thank you. It was meddling with the natural of order of things. Sure there won't be a slew of undeserving minorities but those who do pass will be there because they actually belong.
N-nani?! Is he setting the stage for a white only America?! Is this step 1???
To every one of you fucktards who keeps saying Trump is a joke. He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he's our guy.
He put an end to TPP, the Syrian Civil War, pretty much defeated ISIS, used a MOAB on the talibans, didn't back down after Assad used chemical weapons, withdrew from the Paris agreement, reduced regulations, supported European conservatives (in Poland), banned trannies from the army, told Merkel and the EU cucks to go fuck themselves and is now putting an end to pc culture and affirmative action.
CAN YOU IMAGINE IF HILLARY HAD WON? None of this would have happened.
It'll never happen, banning affirmative action is cuckservative talk.
What needs to happen is to have affirmative action apply to the most discriminated against population, whites.
When whites are 10% of the ivy league population, yet 50%+ of the total population, something fishy is going on.
Almost everyone would be better off if you graduated school at age 14 then went to work.
While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration
Trump: Let's Bring in More Europeans
Trump on Merit-Based Immigration
Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.
Related Links:
Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act
Pat Dollard's White Majority Project
Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration
Forgot to mention that he banned Muslims from 7 different countries from coming to the U.S.
>Assad used chemical weapons
I have not seen this copy pasta before, interesting
>2000 years of culture
>the statue is probably older, or at least the motif
'I need to find a way for this to victimize me'
Black people are the REAL victims here :))
Asians get more heavily discriminated against by AA
Trump obviously doing the right thing but SJWs are going to get ape shit about this.
You miss the point
These schools are all formerly WHITE institutions, created by whites for whites. Just like our countries.
What benefit do whites gain if they can't get into school because of competition with foreigners?
Good! Let's hope this comes to be.
Literally missing the point of college by thinking good grades equals succeeding.
No you dumb fuck he's pointing out that liberals mindlessly support AA thinking they are helping their poor nigger pets while it's actually just messing things up for everybody. Whites are losing spots to unqualified blacks who end up failing out anyway.
>I want Jim Crow back
People like you make sensible Trump supporters look bad.
sensible = shit eating cuckservatives who would gladly hand the country over to BASED LEGAL IMMIGRANTS
If other races are out competing you even with shitty diversity initiatives like affirmative action gone then you're really a fuck up that's only a drag on white society. sorry, it's the truth.
i dont know what took so long. everyone would always say "the minorities need the help" but it was so easily understood and shot down simply by saying "but you realize race-tests for admission is obviously racist, right?"
if this happens i might actually vote for drumpf in 2020
let me shine some light on what's going on with demographics on american campuses. First off, 60%+ graduates are now female. Most females steer away from STEM degrees. Secondly, with AA now, universities are "encouraged" to match the demographic of the state. What this means is that even if your state is 70% white, white males make up only about 28% of the college population. And they are still outperforming all these other sorry fucks. I saw it happening slowly while I was there. When I started the computer science lab was full of nerdy, white males. By the time I graduated it was full of wimyn and shitskins. And all of the tours on campus are niggers and spics because they heavily recruit from those areas.
so next time someone asks why america has been slowing down in it's technological pursuits and other such endeavors the answer is the same answer it's always been. niggers and jews.
this makes sense. i scored 90th percentile in math and would always have trouble keeping up in any math class (it's just cognitively unpleasant that I can't focus on it).
other stuff like chemistry that's more than just flipping equations 100% of the time is much more tolerable.
I fucking despise math
always will, shit's a goddamn chore
>"but you realize race-tests for admission is obviously racist, right?"
And then naive cuckservatives like yourself discover that noone in the world cares about not being 'racist'
t. jew
oh, typical clueless leaf. i will tell people things to shame them into compliance, even if i know they don't believe the truth.
it's like putting someone in jail after they murder someone. obviously, the person didn't give a fuck about the murder, but you have to leverage societal shame to put them into the rapecage.
another example: me responding to retards like you who will never change their minds, but i do it anyway to ensure that newcomers know the brainletity of the leaf so that they consider anything a leaf says in the future with the rake it deserves.