What does Sup Forums feel about this movie?
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This is what Ronald (Idris Elba's character) looks like:
(((Akiva Goldsman)))
(((Brian Graze)))
i really liked the books, but i just don't like forced diversity so i dont think ill watch unless its pirated... if they only would reversed characters, elba could have been a good bad guy
i always imagined clint eastwood while reading the books
I don't particularly know enough to care or care enough to know. I'm staring down a swamp colossus here in my hemisphere. I wish you the best of luck in yours.
But look at the picture honestly, doesn't Elba look like a duck? White guys in bad roles will make the category cool again.
* cuck.
A cuck fedora tipper.
two good actors
Elba does fit the antihero role very well (Luther), and I reckon McConaughey would be pretty sick as a villain
While forced diversity is annoying it does seem like this film could be well cast
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I am stoked, I really enjoyed the books. Hoping the movie can explain enough about what is going on to not make it confusing.
Literally doesn't matter that Roland is black.
i'm going to see it just because i read like half the books. even though i dont remember much of them.
I was looking forward to this and then Sony and then the casting and now I don't give a shit
Except it does, it's a plot point in regards to Detta
Where is Clint Eastwood 2.0?
Fuckin Jewßz!
They'll just make her white and make her call him a coon or some shit.
How is the book?
not going to watch it
It looks completely shit, and has a completely different tone and style than the books.
Nobody of any importance will criticize this because the main character has been blackfaced to be a nigger, and criticizing it would weaken their standing in the anti-Western communities. That's in spite Roland being white is a key plot element running through several books.
Let me find the introduction of the book.
As someone who read the book series I was ecstatic to see them make a movie out of this but I'm devastated that Roland has been made black as it makes it quite apparent that like most of Sai Cuck's books that get made into a movie, a heavy SJW fluff will be stuffed upside its ass.
Underwhelmed by the trailer, I enjoyed the graphic novels but maybe it will surprise me. Can't wait for Elba to do the James Bond reboots.
I'm fairly confident that Susannah Dean and Eddie will be stripped from the movie.
A tragedy really
They're alright. I read up to the crazy train part and dropped it since something else caught my attention.
Steve kings is a little bitch and Hollywood hates white nationalism so they will use their influence to cuck our fellow whites.
Fantastic IMO I read it thinking, SJW would be all over this if it was made into a movie, but we can enjoy this because Liberals don't read.
Just one warning... its a little... trippy in its Western/ Post-apocalyptic setting and overall very strange, but very nice
Here's the opening of the book:
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
The desert was the apotheosis of all deserts, huge, standing to the sky for what might have been parsecs in all directions. White; blinding; waterless; without feature save for the faint, cloudy haze of the mountains which sketched
themselves on the horizon and the devil-grass which brought sweet dreams, nightmares, death.
An occasional tombstone sign pointed the way, for once the drifted track that cut its way through the thick crust of alkali had been a highway and coaches had followed it. The world had moved on since then.
The world had emptied.
The gunslinger walked stolidly, not hurrying, not loafing. A hide waterbag was slung around his middle like a bloated sausage. It was almost full. He had progressed through the khef over many years, and had reached the fifth level. At the seventh or eighth, he would not have been thirsty; he could have watched own body dehydrate with clinical, detached
attention, watering its crevices and dark inner hollows only when his logic told him it must be done. He was not seventh or eighth. He was fifth. So he was thirsty, although he had no
particular urge to drink. In a vague way, all this pleased him. It was romantic.
Below the waterbag were his guns, finely weighted to his hand. The two belts crisscrossed above his crotch. The holsters
were oiled too deeply for even this Philistine sun to crack. The stocks of the guns were sandalwood, yellow and finely grained.
The holsters were tied down with rawhide cord, and they swung heavily against his hips. The brass casings of the cartridges looped into the gun belts twinkled and flashed and
heliographed in the sun. The leather made subtle creaking noises. The guns themselves made no noise. They had spilled blood. There was no need to make noise in the sterility of the desert.
The movie trailer: hooktube.com
>black in movie
I'd prefer to watch a black video, were at least they're being honest about white genocide
The ONLY reason I haven't given up on it totally is because it was mentioned that this another turn of the wheel of Ka and isn't the same story. But, I'm pretty sure it's going to be another Ghostbusters-tier rehash and I'm going to hate it for not being faithful at all to the book and playing the race card. I'll be shocked if it opens with "the man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed..."
>i always imagined clint eastwood while reading the books
same here.
bit Boring imo.
>The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
This lines was actually the first thing King ever wrote.
Also he is a huge idiot, which is a shame.
There's a nigger in it.
Same when I read it in the early 80s. Would prefer to see The Talisman on film too.
I never read any Goosebumps books so Stephen King doesnt have a place in my heart like he does most lower iq people.
The Blacked Tower.
It gonna fail
No one from pol will go to watch that shit.
Does Matthew mcconaughy have aids
Right here. Did they even try?
>Did they even try?
Yes they did, they sought out the blackest actor they could find for some fucking reason
I don't watch Jew movies
So they made Roland into a based black man... Not surprised.
Me too.
This is why I won't go see the movie. Instead I may read the book.
I was a pretty big fan of the series when I was a teenager. It really pisses me off what they did.
>muh 9/11
>black Roland which makes no fucking sense considering that his define feature is being a white man that has bright blue eyes and looks identical to Clint Eastwood the author
>no Debba being a racist cunt to Roland since he's black now
>the acting is trash
>nothing like the books
>Roland is black so that means Susan is gonna be blakced and the Mayor is gonna be cucked by a bull. Literally cuckhold porn
The only good thing is Mathew playing as Randall Flagg and even then then, it's not good enough to save the movie. Fuck those Sonyggers and that old cuck, Stephan King for letting this happen.
The books weren't very good, but casting Idris as the gunslinger pretty much destroys the entire character arc of the crazy black lady.
Funny that they finally bowed to SJW demands for a pallet swapped character for a franchise where the lead character HAS to be white otherwise large areas of the story don't work. Bravo.
I think you're all a bunch of gigantic faggots and are looking into it too much.
You faggots are the dumb cunts fueling the alt-right meme by crying over shit like this, if you want to be taken seriously then don't make non issues out of issues
also idris is a legend
This movie is confirmed to be a sequel to the books, not an adaptation of the books. The fact that he is black and Eddie and the nigger chick aren't there doesn't matter, this user is right:
It is another brand new round of getting to the tower now, and he has gone through so much now that he has become a nigger.
Absolutely nothing. Who gives a shit.
>making a racial issue when there never was one in the original
It will flop. Say good bye to those precious shekels you retarded fucking jews. This isn't 2014.
Books are fantastic. Read them all twice. From what I read, the movie takes place after the 7th book ends and Roland realizes something's up. Basically the film is supposed to be the start of the final quest to the tower. The casting of the movie is a little questionable tho.
You're preaching to the choir retard.
Just the cost of doing business
Like you give a shit. I always see movies, tv shows and video games as separate canons from whatever they're based on so I can enjoy them for what they are because I'm not a paranoid, racist, autistic little faggot like you insecure fucks.