Americans! How is Trump actually doing? Is he liked by the people or not? What's the general consensus there?

Americans! How is Trump actually doing? Is he liked by the people or not? What's the general consensus there?

The Finnish media only reports when Trump does something stupid, and I don't know which alternative sources to trust.

Depends on which part of the country. Generally speaking the rural parts still love him and most of the cities still hate him.

This, also people are extremely fearful of opening up on political discussion at all in fear of causing arguments and lost friendships and just avoid it like the plague.

>The Finnish media only reports when Trump does something stupid, and I don't know which alternative sources to trust.
MSM here does the same. And your situation is the situation of most people in the US.

>The Finnish media only reports when Trump does something stupid,
ALL mainstream media does. it's concerted effort. That is globalism in action u see there.

Trump is great, man.
i bet aloooooot of ppl love him, even leftists converting, because the shilling and lying of the elite is so extreme right now, even they cannot stand it no more and beginn to sympathize with trump and realize he's actualy the good guy ....

Don't trust polls or the media, the last election showed how much the left controls it.

Fucking truth. 99% of my conversations since the election has been about the weather.

He's a disaster for all but the sub-80 IQ Centards, but at least after WWIII we won't have to hear about his DWO SKUPS!

trump fucking sucks.

the only reason i ever supported trump was because i didnt want my taxes to soar through the roof with hillary but i am starting to regret that now.

Hes pissing off the right people aka boomers so thats good.