What is it?
What did it do?
Who funded it?
Who ran it?
What did it focus on?
Why did Hitler shut it down?
Why were its members deported rather than shot?
Why did they all flee to America?
Why did they open a new school in America?
Frankfurt School Discussion
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Sup Forums answer:
Jews jews jews jews
/lit/ answer:
basically just applied post-modern theory to sociology and the humanities (read: western humanities), in which fundamental aspects of culture are questioned, which lead to a post-war anti-colonial pro-human rights movement
This is not bad in and of itself, until the politicians and Foucault began to use it to claim victimhood for oppressive powerful factions in society. That lead ironically to the shattering of the unified marxist left into identity group. All in all it did no good for anyone.
It's the reason why gender is now a spectrum.
so we're done here, yea?
Soviets were behind it, to subvert the west
Bumping for importance.
Study at a small liberal arts college, double major both of which are "liberal arts." I've only read Adorno and Benjamin, but their works aren't intrinsically harmful-it as you say, that proceeding thinkers adopt that sort of methodology to challenge the foundations of art and society. I think I'd be more angry with thinkers like ((Judith Butler)) or James Baldwin.
It was a place where a bunch of mentally ill jews came together to scheme against traditional german culture and values
Unfortunately the virus spread all throughout the west
Here's the real Frankfurt School agenda:
Butler and Adorno are like day and night.
take your shitty normie meme and fuck off back to feelsbook or wherever it is you are from
Gramsci had nothing to do with the Franks.
Day and night in terms of content. But the Frankfurt school does not call for the terrible culture that resulted after them, whether their ideas and methods were extrapolated or not. Whereas someone like Butler is pretty much a degenerate philosopher.
Let's put it this way:
The scheme is to undermine Western society until it totters on the verge of collapse or collapses outright.
At that point, the great unifying enlightened socialist junta takes the little power they have left to take (since much of their agenda and vision focuses on multigenerational gradualism) and launches humanity into the new synthetic future.
It has been hip to be into this shit since it first came out.
College assholes eat it up.
Unfortunately, college assholes also run the world.
The correct answer is jews though.
Day and night in terms of methodology. Ever read this? It BTFOs PoMos a decade before PoMo became a thing.
You lost me, only know bits and pieces of Adorno and Benjamin. PoMos?
We really are fighting the Sith aren't we?
Well, let's just say there are jews and there are (((JEWS))).
This is now a book thread.
If you want to read an Orthodox philosopher eviscerate these guys (or at least their philosophical allies) and then play a symphony on their quivering organs, check it out.
Does he go into the actual Frankfurt School, or just the typical right-wing caricature of them?
He actually takes on real guys, and with serious erudition and wit.
So what arguments does he make against Adorno and Benjamin?
It's been about six years since I read it, but I can give the basic gestalt of his thought:
Basically, all these guys in one way or another were coping with the failure of Platonism in the face of the nihilist critique.
"If the sublime is undiscoverable, then why bother trying to find truth? Maybe truth is defined by the individual, or evolves in company with other truths, etc."
Hart basically agrees with the fundamentals of that part of the postmodern logic, the part that says the Platonic project has fallen apart.
He goes on to say that, according to folks like Gregory of Nyssa, the sublime was not itself ever a goal.
Rather, Creation is arrayed as a series of surfaces, the contemplation and appreciation thereof, all of them apparent and self-evident, would lead a person down a spiral path ever closer to grasping God.
Platonism has failed, yes.
The inheritor is not its disjointed and confused progeny, however.
Rather, the future belongs to a church with an understanding of its distinctive understanding of Creation and people's place in it.
Of course, that is over something like 900 pages of super dense prose, but I could not recommend it enough.
Franks weren't postmodern.
Well, they were in the way that any Hegelian is. But "postmodern" is a loosey-goosey term we needn't get too deep into.
The idea remains: sweep the floor of the old to make way for the new.
>Why did Hitler shut it down?
>Why were its members deported rather than shot?
What's the difference between a prison camp that kills its prisoners and a prison camp where the prisoners die of disease and starvation because the country is experiencing a wartime famine and few working supply routes?
The problem is that there is no failure of Platonism. Instead there is the progressive failure of a society which goes against, and destroys the possibility of, everything that Platonism stood for.
I mean, there are no philosophers who even approach Plato in an overarching philosophy, arguably Hegel was the only one to ever come close (and probably because he recognised the true masterpiece of philosophy).
There are some interesting possibilities here, but it is certainly an indirect criticism considering how they are such modernist thinkers. I suppose you could say that they were meta-platonists: obsessed with discovering the reason for the failure of marxism and mapping the (meta-)forms of domination in the 20th century.
But nonetheless, Platonists remain, and are perhaps the most important philosophers of the 20th Century (even if lesser-known). So I don't know how useful such an analysis it is. Seems more like an attempt to put a flag down on the grave of post-modernism before neo-platonists could do it. But Neo-platonists have already claimed to be beyond post-modernism.