
I hate that fucking turk that comes here weekly and just spouts lies and shit.
A literal fag nationality is claiming that they are somewhat "superior"
They aren't even a race. They are the result of greeks and arabs raping eachother back and forth.
Also their national sport involves oiling eachother up and grabbing eachothers dicks. I can't make this up. Turks need to be sprayed immediately.


>öyle bir yanmak ki ayrı tirad açmak


That one Turk that posts white hate threads seriously needs to get a Bible, a job, or his IP banned.

I knew this would trigger you rape babies

turks aren't genetically similar to greeks or arabs, they're closer to iranians.

Trigger? What makes you think some anime faggot who hides behind nazi flag triggers me? You are just creating waste of space with non-political subjects just like your existence in this world

>a waste of space with non-political subjects

KFC car park tonight cunt, i'll fight
both of you disgusting t*rks LMFAO

you homos are low test

Turkroach hate thread

Be careful, they oil themselves up and they might grab your dick too.

dump some more my dude i think we can get one rolling.


dude, this is Sup Forums. We post gore for fun. Try harder.

>btfo by kurds

I also am having fun with the Turkish flag on Sup Forums. It's literally the only good thing about being in this shit hole.

>posts dead kurds killed by turkish soldiers
why wh*Teoids are so retarded?

>when you aren't even turkish at all instead you are just a low t homosexual shitposting on Sup Forums instead of being social
I'm not going to waste any more time on you. I've got people to see.

Hey guys look at this turkish soldiers BTFO'd by kurdish guerillas :DD the guy on right is PKK militant throwing kurdish nationalist sign as you can see.

If you hate whites so much, does it aggravate you that 99% of Turkish pop culture is incredibly white or white looking?

i laugh everytime when i see a dead t*rk, one less problem for the world

Turkish wrestling, oiled gay sex, gay sex in the turkish bath. Typical day in the lice of the roach.

moruk beyazlar sikimde bile değil buradaki altyaşların götünü yakmak için roleplay yapıyorum sadace.


Why isnt he banned yet?

mass report

Day of Thanksgiving when?

I don't speak Turkish I was just wondering. There this MTV type channel on all the time and it seems like all your popular musicians are white. Or as white as a Turk can be I guess...

Lets massreport him. Roaches not welcome

Shoot el presidente roach

Sup Forums is blocked in Turkiye

Biz,kısık sesleriz...minareleri,
Sen,ezansız bırakma Allahım!
Ya çağır şurda bal yapanlarını,
Ya kovansız bırakma Allahım!

Are you a nigger?

Iyi akshamler, benim Tonibler ve ben sut icher

Apparently someone here just tried to kill the Anatolian Regional Mayor... This country is pretty spicy right now between Kurds, isis, and roaches

Checked and bumpin.

Is your bipolar ass country aligned with Russia or USA or what

Everyone in that video is a corpse now lol

That t*Rk is like beetlejuice. You say his name in a thread and he appears with his same 4 pictures.

who me?

What video is that?

Nope, because Iranians are early Aryans ('Iran") whereas roach are turkic/(Khazakstan-tier)/mongoloids(steppes) .

>Only win wars by zerg attacks
>no match for Greeks (pic)
>must prepare to meet allah anyway and be his faggots .

Greece + Russia on way to crush roaches completely soon, prophecies closing in and even we didn't believe in them, but they're passing.

turks are a mongrelized steppe monkeys but i don't see how that would make it surprising to you that they're similar to iranians. have you ever looked at the location of iran on a map before?

well most iranians are persians and theyre another group, just how it is

>well most iranians are persians
i never said they weren't.

>theyre another group, just how it is
that's not just how it is. they're not exactly the same, but turks, iranians, georgians, armenians, kurds etc all cluster together genetically, as you would expect given how close they are geographically. what's interesting is how distant turks and greeks are despite sharing a border.

Who cares? You are just different shades of nigger anyhow, genocide cant come soon enough.

I love how butt-mad this guy gets. He just keeps posting the same 3-4 images while we got rekt threads worth of conent from that retarded "rebellion" that some dumbass officials tried to pull while the president wasn't even in the country.
Really activates my almonds

ok friend

that turk is hilarious
he's open about hating us unlike the mexishitspics who are darker than turks but act like they are our friends

shit map
this one is better
