When did you realize (((Atheism))) was just another of their tricks?
When did you realize (((Atheism))) was just another of their tricks?
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Whom the gods destroy, they first drive mad.
Also worth mentioning that nowadays they are pushing hard for (((paganism)))
The minute I discovered Albert Pike is worshiped by the elite, and the 'enlightened ones' made it obvious they are doing thier best to rid the West of Christianity. Washington DC is a giant masonic temple....
Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in.
Almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.
Atheism is inherently not a movement. It's more like the lack of one. Anti-religion could be considered as one, but not having a cause isn't a cause.
Yet you don't see Bill Maher, Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins trashing judaism 24/7... I wonder why?
What's your point here?
Anyone from any ethnic group can be atheist or religious. Just because Jews aren't religious doesn't mean I should be.
My point is jews are pushing atheism specifically as a mean to attack Christianity.
The implication you made is that atheism is entirely Jewish. I wouldn't be here if you pointed out how Jews were attacking traditional values, but that isn't what you did.
My point is that it is jews like Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins, the one who are pushing atheism 24/7.
We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.
>le atheism is a liberal ideology promoted by jews meme
Atheism is just a descriptor, means you don't believe in God. China and the East Asian countries are atheist and I don't see jews involved in that. You Christians really need to stop thinking belief in god is the standard normal mode for everybody and if someone doesn't believe it must be the work of jews. It's just dishonest and a lazy way of arguing. Besides, Protestants in America fucking love Jews and you and I both know it.
I'm agnostic, we've always been at war with the atheists
There was an episode of Metalocalypse about it
>Christians really need to stop thinking belief in god is the standard normal mode for everybody
T. Brainwashed Atheist
I still haven't realized
When I realized evolution being true =\= god being untrue
When I was 15.
This image is marvelous. The true redpill.
Atheists are morons, soon they will cry for those days of "annoying Christians" once Islam takes over.
Jews try to kill jesus again.....christians BTFO!
>Promotes charity, family, self-improvement, morality that has contributed the most to the modern world
>promotes nihilism, post-modern subjectivity
Christianity is the religion of life and atheism is the religion of death. Even if you don't believe in God you can't deny which one is more productive.
almost everything sweden is doing is christian
in fact sweden would be considered the most christian nation today by jesus
sweden just replaced christianity with marxism, which is basically the same thing just without the fantasy part of it
>Atheism is inherently not a movement.
t.Self-proclaimed atheist
>This is who Templarps give as an example of a redpilled Christian
Even tho it doesnt matter uf god exists or not in that context, pushing atheism only helps them getting rid of native culture and morals/believs
What do you get if you have people who have no morals beliefs and culture, while you controll the media which feeds them said things to your pleasing
World domination and 7 billion slaves
>You Christians really need to stop thinking belief in god is the standard normal mode for everybody and if someone doesn't believe it must be the work of jews.
Belief in divinity is natural. Authoritative science is not natural.
>Buddhists kill Muslims in Myanmar
>Hindus kill Muslims in India
>Atheist Slobodan Milošević BTFOs Muslims the hardest in recent European history
>Christians bomb his country into oblivion to save them
>Christians get on their knees and kiss Muslim feet
How do Templarps even compete?
>When I saw the lifestyles that aetheism leads to, and how they push it to the goyim
Do (((atheists))) ever get tired of getting so BTFO all the time?
>El Spicador
Your Christian country is obviously very moral :^)
Christianity is Jewish
That's been common knowledge for a while now, for those who are not still blue-pilled.
Christianity is a kike lie that doesn't even recognize that race exists
>unlike America which is filled with Christians making it a stupid nation
Christ, I hate Europeans
This is highly accurate.
But it doesn't say jews are the chosen people, dipshit.
Belief in divinity is not natural, it's learned. Otherwise you wouldn't need to indoctrinate kids as early as age 3 with it.
Not to Christians who aren't kike apologists, and know their history.
>el salvador
>catholic faggot retard
>hatin on atheists cuz my whole country is retarded and catholic and turning into shithole extravaganza
>hate dem joos tho
you need to channel that anger, faggot
and use it to fucking read actual books
sorry to hear you were raped by pedopriests
sorry to hear of your shitty country chimping out
you are handicapped by stupidity so I won't unload the full wrath of my atheist magic on yoooo
oh shut the fuck up.
Atheism is a movement; it's an obsession about
above all else.
It's for fucking autists.
t. shitskin trying to worm into white society
Who was Jesus?
Why were the Gospels written in Greek, rather than Hebrew or Aramaic?
Why were the first Christian Pope and saints all members of the Flavius Caesar family?
In his book Caesar's Messiah, Atwill outlines a revolutionary discovery: the series of events in Jesus' ministry described in the Gospels are exact, sequential parallels to the the battle campaign of Titus Flavius, as recorded by Josephus in War of the Jews. From this revelation, Atwill unravels one of the best kept secrets of our modern era–that the origins and intentions of Christianity are far different than we have been led to believe.
The key came in Josephus’ War of the Jews, which describes Titus’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The military campaign exactly paralleled over 40 moments in the ministry of Jesus described in the Gospels; an inconceivable coincidence.
As Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.
The Deception of Constantine
Constantine mixed Mithraism, Apollo worship, and Christianity to vault himself into popularity.
Why don't you go donate to some niggers in Africa about it cuckstain?
checkmate athiests, pic related
Not that guy, but that is only the edgy vocal guys who think they are rebelling by doing it. The ones who only trash on Christianity are the worst.
I don't believe in god, but I was raised in a heavily Christian area and hold the same morals and ideals as my family and community. I don't think lack of faith should really count against someone if they simply don't believe but still hold true to the lifestyle. I think it is much worse when you see people who are "devout" being degenerates because they only have faith but can't bother to live by it and just believe they get a pass from confession.
> popular opinion and the actions of man
cool story
>I don't think lack of faith should really count against someone if they simply don't believe but still hold true to the lifestyle
wrong. your kids (if you manage to have any as a degenerate) will lose that "lifestyle" and embrace pozzed atheist dogma eventually.
This meme is so old. Atheism (or at least my way of belief) is the belief that there was always something, just floating around. Given the right circumstances, life was formed and here we are now.
Athiests don't believe in magic. You've probably never seen the early earth atmosphere + electricity experiments have you. Be honest, how far have you made it in science class?
>Christianity is Jewish
Jews hate our Lord
Christianity has poisoned the West's soul with egalitarianism. Thanks for freeing the niggers from slavery and the civil rights movement christcucks.
Yes, it was fanatic southerner atheists who fought to free nogs, wasn't it?
The Gospels and story of Christ as we know it was Flavian propaganda to subvert the Jews. It's there to attenuate Jew's power, but anyone who believes in it becomes a cuckold themselves.
I like that word, I think we don't have a proper equivalent in spanish.
Came here to post this
You literally worship a jew you fucking hypocrites
What *isn't* one of (((their))) tricks??
typical d&c faggot
>Came here to post this
Memes are literally everything you (((atheists))) have
Atheism is mental illness
wtf i'm a christian now!!
>the Old Testament is literally the Jewish Torah
>Christianity is developed off Judaism
>people still don't realize Christianity is semetic
Truth will set you free
Encasing something in triple parentheses doesn't make an argument, it just proves how lazy and intellectually dishonest you are.
Christianity opposes Judaism, not due to being an ideological opposite to it but due to not remaining consistent with its slave morality.
Jews monopolize slave morality for themselves, while Christians want to give it to everyone.
Paganism is the true ideological opposite to Judaism since their morality is master, and rooted in the Earth, unlike Judaism and its daughters, Christianity and Islam, who base their morals on pure abstraction, not rooted in the Earth.
When did you realise that (((christianity))) was also one of their tricks?
In terms of cuckedness from most cucked to least cucked it goes like this
Abrahamic religions >>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
(((abrahamic))) religions
It's true
~4 years ago
Considering it's in the protocols of the elders of Zion, it's no surprise.
I'm Ashkenazi. Where does that fit on this?
You forgot Kaganovich and Stalin. Both atheist Jews.
Atheism is the least likely scenario of mankind's creation. To think that skinbags made of stardust left from supernovas formed into sentient beings that now contemplate God is just some accident is fairly ridiculous. I can understand not being a part of any organized religion, but to think there is no supreme, sentient creator is rather absurd.
christian pointing at someone being brainwashed
thats an irony if I ever saw one
The problem with (((Paganism))) is that it's literally a meme, a dangerous meme just like (((atheism))), that in the end only serves the purpose of undermining Christianity.
Give me a reasonable explanation of the beginning of the universe that doesn't require God. I'll wait.
>that one pic claiming it's Jesus
Reminder the shroud of turin proves otherwise.
except atheism doesnt promote anything
>Belief in divinity is natural
so children would believe in god without parents intervention ? cool story bro
>Authoritative science
what does this even mean
>science is for autists
>so children would believe in god without parents intervention
please explain what you mean by this
you are literally being brainwashed by your parents who feed you stupid stories and bring you to church to further being brainwashed by your child molesting priest
I do not understand. Why is religious education brainwashing?
Christianity is also a meme, it took elements of Hellenistic philosophy and Jewish Spirituality to become the most viral meme the world has ever known.
This is why i called it a "daughter" of Judaism, because despite coming from a Hellenistic Pagan father, it still retained her mother's spirituality and outlook on life AKA (That *this* life is just a test and that our true existence lies in heaven).
Whatever form of "conservative" Christianity you follow only was conservative because it needed to *hypocritically* protect its own existence.
These conservative elements are not inherently Christian in nature but are concessions that were needed to survive.
Now that survival is not really a problem anymore, you see Christianity as it always was at the core.
You just blame the Jews because you dont want to take responsibility for the inherent nature of Christianity, Christianity had every opportunity to succeed for 2 millenia and has only managed to weaken Europe by making heaven more important.
>t. Mestizo mongrel who is so deracinated that his only source of identity is (((Rabbi Yeshu))).
Take your proto-Marxism elsewhere, Christkike.
What do you mean by religious education? If I' going to make up a story about an all powerful spaghetti space monster and teach it to my child, it is going to believe it
Im arguing the statement that "belief in divinity is natural"
it isnt otherwise you wouldnt have to breainwash your child to believe in go
thats why atheist children mostly stay athiest because their parents dont feed them untrue fairy tales
>Calls me a Mestizo mongrel
>British flag
If no one ever explained the concept of electrons to a child, would they believe in them? Is the belief in electrons "natural"? Does lack of innate belief in electrons mean they are not real?
Why does it need a "beginning" in the first place?
You only ask such a question because of how your brain is wired, with binary logic.
We are born and die off and the way we conceptualize the world is a projection of our own mortality.
We think that because we are born and die, that existence around us must reflect this same process, but existence is not such a static process.
We are beings in flux which never truly begin or end.
We think that because we see our vision end at the corner of our eye, that means that there is nothing beyond it, but that's just human limitation.
The universe is not "human".
Why islam is the only solution for the western Civilization.
The Christian meekly begged the Disbelievers to save the House of what he percieved to he God while the alpha Muslim just went and kicked the "enlightened" Kaffir from near his mosque while walks proudly with his girl with pride and dignity
you are too retarded. there is an answer that ends with checkmate atheists in an unironic way but it would take a long time to type, and it is completely rational, probably too rational for most
except youre not explaining anything youre citing a fairy tale
how is that any different than a siberian russian telling their children that a lake is sacred so you cant drink from it or demons will eat you ?
>Christianity is also a meme
>it took elements of Hellenistic philosophy and Jewish Spirituality
And what do (((pagans))) have apart from LARPing?
Even the sole label of "pagan" is not only historically flawed but plain retarded. There was never a "pagan Church" nor "pagan religion" nor "pagan people". Hellenist religion has more in common with Egyptian religion than with whatever the savages in Scandinavia prayed to back then.
I can't make a blanket statement about all religions, but the three major monotheistic religions are purely about subjugation. Whether that is subjugation to a tyrannical God, or to the men who claim authority through that god you are still willing slaves. Plebs disgust me.
What fairy tale am I citing? I'm just arguing for the existence of God.
They have ancestry and blood, which Christianity places *second* to God.
Paganism IS ancestry and blood first, before all else.
>Even the sole label of "pagan" is not only historically flawed but plain retarded. There was never a "pagan Church" nor "pagan religion" nor "pagan people". Hellenist religion has more in common with Egyptian religion than with whatever the savages in Scandinavia prayed to back then.
Paganism is not an institution, but a way of engaging the world which many different forms of paganism share. They engage the world honestly and through the senses, instead of reason. Pagans use reason the way it evolved to be used, like a tool. Christians believe reason to be the expression of God, and worship it even today.
This is why Nietzsche called Socrates and Plato "symptoms of hellenic decay", because they were among the first to place reason on a pedestal instead of acknowledging its limits.
I like how you ignored me when i refuse to argue under the monist frame your seem to be attempting to box others in.
Well, it is humbug. What other unproven theories would you like me kowtow to?
>Christianity is the religion of life
>muh memes are strong
>Promotes charity, family, self-improvement, morality that has contributed the most to the modern world
As i pointed out here It promotes such values, not so much as an expression of its own spirituality, but as a means for survival. If Christianity was consistent with the application of its principles, it wouldn't survive long.