Arguments against the normalization of transgenderism?
Arguments against the normalization of transgenderism?
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No argument. Sup Forums is obsessed with traps and trannies, and refuses to have a discussion on the normalizing of pedophilia.
my best argument is the pic you posted
Posting a less shilly straw man of a photo with your stupid post nobody should care about. You suck. Why not answer your own question? Besides. Straight men put em here. Eve fucked us. You get more womany every time you attack anybody or anything else
All you do is call everybody lies and pedos because youre liars. Closet cases. And pedos
^^^^^^ Jerks off to traps
why are you so butthurt?
Buggs bunny. And insert for clam digger. Even your metal rod argument is stupid. Regular pussies close up sometimes refusing to be lain in any way. All men look like girls before they are shat out
not even once
Nope. Maybe to language. Neo vagina and vagina. Are synonymous. I make vaginas cheap for you as a gay male. Why would i want the competition of trannies? Unlike you we make sense.
Why do you debase yourself for a female or a group of them?
Attacking transgenders allows conservatives to show they are against gay people in a vote neutral way without actually attacking gay people, which is a vote loser presently.
Keeps the religious vote showing up without turning away as many moderates as youd get fighting gay marriage.
This image needs to be the new JUST meme.
Some ugly dyke. I mean. You must be a gorgeous fit man
You have an open wound that your body is trying to heal, so instead of letting it heal you sit there with a dildo inserted for 5+ hours everyday for the rest of your life. That is the reality for trannies. WHy would you encourage someone to do that to themself?
transgender faggot: >so what that my father and uncle raped me when I was 5, I was born this way, I know it, I'm not mentally ill, you're ill with all your hate, you're all just closet gay and won't admit it, everyone is gay
why dont we stone gays holy shit, they are worthless, they produce nothing, no kids, no future, nothing
My objection to transsexuals is that the capital base is not yet adequate for the kind of transformation they are attempting to purchase. Moving prematurely in this way leads to avoidable suffering. I would sell them what they want, but for the time being I'd rather sell them estrogen blockers. Take it easy, trans people. You want your wild re-engineered body, agitate for capitalist medicine and wait two decades. Or agitate for capitalist medicine and get to work!
Because I'm not a pedo faggot like you.
Higher suicide rates. Higher rates of mental illnesses. You may be thinking these are both good things but any children they raise are more likely to be transgender, showing that they influence children with this shit. So with all these facts combined you can make the compelling argument that transgenderism should not be encouraged because of these negative effects and it should not be promoted towards children because it increases the likelihood of them suffering these effects too.
For more of an emotional response, point out the fact that SRS surgery for men is literally turning their penis inside out into a gaping wound. And it is a wound, as they have to "dilate" it by shoving a dildo up there regularly in order to prevent it from healing. This wound leaks blood and pus constantly, transgender males refer to it as their "periods". SRS for women is not as grotesque, simply attaching a plastic penis to them held on skin, but it still mutilates the genitals and is negative. And that after all this, post op trannies still have the same rates of mental illnesses and suicide.
Hope this helps
Better version.
Woops forgot to erase layer.
>the normalization of transgenderism?
There is no argument, other than that Sup Forums is obsessed with traps and should just come out already as a traposexual community. I bet that every single one of you has watched trap porn before.
Half these trannys try to kill themselves. They suffer from mental illness. The leftists are using them as pawns to advance their twisted, left wing, civilization destroying, ideology.
The trannies have it rough, and need compassion, but most importantly they need treatment and research. They are sick. They need help. Don't "accept" them; all you're doing is reinforcing their mental illness.
Traps =/= trannies and you know it.
>mentally broken faggot trying to tell others what is normal.
I totally see the light now.
'fraid to break it to you, but I don't take advice from freaks that have no sense of reality just because it's real in your mind.
normal is what the majority does, and you're not it faggot.
Demand will increase capital into research for the procedure, so future trannies have the future they want and deserve. Counter-argument?
>implying just because a group likes something makes it morally right
>implying the "trap obsession" isn't just a meme
>implying that a trap (someone who admits they are male) is the same as a tranny (someone who is mentally ill and thinks they are female)
>implying you aren't the goodest goy ever
You probably don't even get paid for this shit, how does it make you feel that you're getting jewed out of $15 an hour?
The argument versus is similar to the argument against homosexuality and sterile heterosexual sex.
Homosexuality and sterile, contraceptive heterosexual sex are philosophically the same.
Perhaps the reason they have high suicide rates is because society rejects them? If we normalized the trans lifestyle, perhaps their suicide rates would approach the rest of society's? Also, unless you somehow prove that transgenderism is bad, why would the proliferation of transgenderism necessarily be bad?
the left is simple-minded. It's best to teach them with pictures and videos.
Your pic
Perhaps the reason they have high suicide rates is because they're fucking mentally ill?
Honestly, I don't get it. I don't know how people can look to the East and be all like "Man, female 'circumcision' is such a horrific thing to put people through," and then at home they allow someone's dick and balls to be sliced open, scooped out, inverted, and then shoved up into their body to fester as an open wound that desperately wants to close. I don't know how people can talk about it only being a choice of appearance of genitals when no natural vagina is going to be spitting out a hairball, or especially if they're actually just dressing up a piece of their fucking colon. I don't understand how there's such rampant trans megalomania that demands that if heterosexual people don't want to suck their dicks, they'd be allowed to deceive them, and then their supporters will call anything hetero-normative rape culture. I don't know how this is anything except insanity, and even if transgender people themselves are still in small numbers, I don't know how large sections of the nation can support these acts.
i saved it as pasta
Perhaps, but studies of trannies with suicidal ideation report rejection from family, peers and society as the #1 factor in their depression.
OP's pic is a normal human being living how they want to live. No mental illness at all.
This is what libs actually believe.
Trans people are mentally ill. Ignore the faggot trying to convince us we're all faggots like him.
Transitioned to Majin Buu?
Art imitating life again I see
Even with total anonymity. I will never admit to liking traps.
It's more like a fascination. This is the fall of rome in action in the western world.
That's worse than the one with the chick getting filled up with cockroaches and other crawlies. Fookin' body horror m8
Argument for: It renders Marxists infertile.
it looks like a fucking pink taco
Just show them vids like these. They're all about "fag pride day/week/month" but only share as much as they like. It's like a real estate salesman showing you only the living room of a house, not the flooded basement/caved in roof.