>be mestizo American >have citizenship status >have never visited Mexico >don't know how to speak spanish and don't identify with any part of Mexican culture >consider myself proudly American >have right wing libertarian views,supported trump from day one, own guns,and live in a very red part of Texas >have been called a "Mexican Uncle Tom" numerous times by people of my own "race" >Sup Forums thinks I'm not American because I'm not white
I'm white and from Texas. You guy are either just like red necks or just like niggers, I don't see much in between.
Alexander Roberts
My wife is Mexican and extremely conservative. Most of her family is.
Dylan Morris
Just don't breed and we'll be fine
Charles Thompson
Conservative in social views most likely. Many mestizos believe in socialism because they are heavy catholics. Many mestizos think of socialism as the manifistation of the economic system the church intended.
Don't listen to Sup Forums. Find a white girl, hopefully as white as you can, and have at least two kids with her. There you go, your race was improved.
Thomas Taylor
Not a manlet but not "tall" either (6'0). My skin color is fair. Nice try though.
Jaxon Lopez
Same here, never been called a... Mexican Uncle Tom though Then again I hide my power level
Isaiah Baker
I get you... You need to understand something about White "Conservative" Americans. They hate seeing other races thrive, especially the ones they deem inferior. To them it has always been a whites first country and thet don't like the paradigm shift.
You also need to understand something about Mexican Americans. Most of them don't want to work hard and thrive and that's what they call you an "Uncle Tom". To them, your success is a betrayal of sorts and they see in you the person they want to be, so they're jealous of you.
Listen, nod while you laugh on the inside, say fuck them and go live your life. You'll annoy a lot of people, especially here on Sup Forums, but the people that matter, the ones that aren't shisposting racist bullshit here 24/7 will respect you, because you'll be a respectable person.
Levi Clark
in the process he going to ruin her race and gonna make more mestizos.
Lincoln Gray
>mestizo >Sup Forums thinks I'm not American because I'm not white Correct, you're not American. Doesn't matter your beliefs or whether you live in Texas.
Camden Hall
>mestizo >American gtfo 14/88
Parker Price
Nah, not really. Eventually they will start looking white enough to pass, and that's what matters.
Benjamin Edwards
Literally no reason to leave. How am I not American?
Adam Anderson
america was founded by whites for whites
Oliver Thomas
>right wing libertarian I'm a married bachelor. I'm a round square. Libertarianism is a leftwing idealogy propogated by Jews.
Liam Morgan
Well it's changed. And no it didn't change in 1965 because of muh joos. The immigration act of 1924 had no discrimination in regards to people from south america.
Anthony Cox
The libertarian party has been infiltrated by kikes. I'm more of a Hoppean libertarian.
Christopher Murphy
Non whites get out. Heaven help them if whites have to chimp out.
Ayden Powell
Hoppe is a libertarian in name only. He's pretty cool though.
Eli Watson
Keep role playing. Literally 0 reason to leave. I find it funny that stormfags thought Trump was going to be America's Fuhrer even though he's a textbook civic nationalist.
Brandon Wood
You have to go back paco.
Julian Rodriguez
people like us will be the norm in a few decades, amigo.
Isaac Sullivan
Back to a country I've never been to? K.
Thomas Wright
OP, how far does your family go back in america, was your father a citizen? What about your grandfather? I swear to god if you are a anchor baby you need to fuck off. If you're descended from a reagan amnesty, you also need to fuck off.
Leo Cooper
OP you are a Texan. Calm tf down. We allow mexis so long as legal and not impregnating everything. Where the hell would we get our chorizo and potato fast tacos?
Dominic Gonzalez
Texans are such cucks, worse than californians in my experience.
Grayson Cox
>Hoppe is a libertarian in name only top kek you are fucking retarded
Camden Carter
It had a merit system until they realized it was still mainly white immigration. You are literally a tool used to destroy this country by who you claim to be redpilled on. Fuck off and die, you will never be an American. Subconsciously ALL whites do not view you as an American and most will call it out to fellow Americans.
Connor Morgan
Genuinely ask yourself- if a Somalian is born in Sweden, only speaks Swedish, and has never been to Somalia, is he a Swede?
Logan Fisher
>being this asshurt just because nonwhite people exist in your country
wew. Also, you do know that more white liberals exist in this country then white nationalists righr?
Jaxon Thomas
White nationalism is growing fast, exponentially in fact. Also >22 trillion When my country inevitably falls the white farmer's will not feed you Pedro.
Andrew Clark
Reading posts like this, it starts to make. imported sense why Houston is becoming the greatest abomination in the western hemisphere
Hunter Fisher
Stormfags don't post here anymore. We are nowhere near the collapse yet. If a hypothetical racewar occurs though we win. We always win. He's a conservative tribalist.
Ryder Bennett
In the same boat as you brother, though I have been to Mexico and i speak decent Spanish. Its fucking bullshit, if the world were a better place we could be in our own country with our own people, but shit sucks and we are the children of economic migrants, rootedless, identityless ghosts here. I went to Mexico recently, and man, everything the identitarian movement talks about is right. Homogeneous communities are the best, its the best feeling in the world being around your own people, where everyone else looks like the people you grew up with and love and have the same culture, traditions, and history. I guess we just have to try to work politically towards nationalism for all people and maybe if Mexico gets better, try to repatriate back to our homeland. We're gonna make it man.
Joseph Bennett
Oh stfu you tucking faggot, welcome aboard! More the merrier!
Levi Russell
White liberals are still our people. We can argue, we can disagree, we can even fight, but at the end of the day we are still members of the same tribe, part of the same genetic in-group. Even if I hate them, this is their home, this is their nation. It is not the home of central american mestizoids any more than it is the home of algerians or cambodians.
Jonathan Hernandez
Get off the jew made internet you white little faggot
Connor Watson
If you faggots do turn this country into ANOTHER latin American shithole I could care less. The caste system will be the same, your shit people will live in favelas while my White family live segregated in a higher quality area. You lose either way.
Jaxson Jenkins
There are 2x as many white conservatives as liberals.
Ethan Russell
Hi the_reddit.
Nicholas Watson
Asher Baker
>Well it's changed
What you mean is, "it progressed". We are not progressives. We tend to be conersvatives, who want to conserve what this nation was before the progressives imported brown invaders into our homeland.
Jaxon Edwards
Fuck you.
Jacob White
You have to go back
Kayden Powell
If you guys insult my kind and call us goblins expect us to retaliate back..
Robert Collins
I posted 2 times now 3
Jonathan Smith
>le based fucking mexican xddddd Fuck you. Kill yourself, you fucking race traitor.
Alexander Hughes
Idiots like him piss me off it doesn't matter if they don't like fag marriage they historically vote 60% - 70% democrat.
Wyatt Foster
In the end we all die and rot What does it matter to you that someone is enjoying passionate sex with another?
Nolan Robinson
Conservatives=/=white nationalists
Ryder Sanchez
I honestly have nothing against you guys, it's the people who come over here (along with the shitstains who currently live here) who want to destroy america and get rid of whites that I have a problem with.I want america to be white again, and I want mexicans to have pride in mexico again, much less fix it.I hope you understand.But we also have a much bigger problem that affects both of us, and I think you know what I mean.
Bentley Gonzalez
I wonder who posted this
Ryder Young
kys spic
Jason Reyes
Life is too short to be angry user
Jacob Hughes
Dating anyone who isn't white and is proud to be white is akin to having sex with filthy fucking monkeys. As such, everyone who does fuck animals and subhumans needs to kill themselves.
Brandon Green
That will soon change
While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration
Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.
Related Links: Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act archive.is/HBNJh
Also I could honestly care less if you pieces of shit didn't multiply like rats. Yall are 36% of the population in just 50 years. You ALL need to go back.
Kayden Hill
>In the end we all die and rot. What does it matter to you that "x" Cool idealogy.
Nathan Perez
Never said the 2 were synonymous just saying might as well be in Weimerica. Also if you break it up by white conservative / white liberal you'll see a huge gap in birth rates.
Gavin Richardson
Not a tribalist. He supports the existence of ethnostates via property rights but he wants a merit based immigration system which makes the individual show good English skills,have an above average intelligence,be sure to assimilate, and be a person of good character.
Jordan Evans
But America never really had ethnic group that defined it, from the start there were English, Dutch, Germans, etc... even blacks. So your logic doesnt apply here
Chase Gonzalez
kys kike
Carson Gray
The reason mexico is shit is because it's full of Mexicans, even Karl Marx thanked God when you spicniggers got half of your country annexed by decent humans beings, we can only tolerate some, the rest have to go back
Juan Thompson
I agree user
Alexander Sanders
so you're an anchor baby
Sebastian Fisher
18% and they've been coming here since 1900. They'll peak at 20% white republicans and Hispanics have the same birth rate at 2.0.
Camden Reed
There is an entire continent and a half that mostly consist of spanish-speaking mestizos.
If not a single one of those dozens of countries in a massive geographic area seem like a decent place where you would want to live, if not one single mestizo country in 200 years has managed to become a place nice enough for you to want to call home, can you maybe understand why we don't think it's a great idea to fill our country with 100 million of them?
I'm sure you're fine, but you're not an isolated occurnce, you are one small part of a massive wave that is singlehandedly responsible for making whites a minority in their own homeland- the black population percentage hasn't grown in 100 years and the Asian population is still pretty tiny. Mestizos vote 75%+ for leftists, have significantly lower average IQs than whites, and have exponentially higher crime rates. It's been a long time since this country has 0 mestizos and I don't think there'd be any problem with a small number of people like you staying, but all ideally all mestizo immigration would be ended today and 95% of them would be deported.
Brandon Perez
I used to dislike spics and still think you're inferior to whites intellectually. But you may be our only hope against mentally ill libs and muslims. Sometimes situations demand comprimise.
Noah Nguyen
Jeremiah Jones
Nonwhite Immigration will basically turn America into a third world country. It will be no different from Latin America in terms of crime and socialist bullshit.
America was meant to be a white majority country, even if it had blacks in it. That's not really an excuse to keep the 1965 immigration act in place. If anything white immigration benefited America and made us the superpower we are today.
Ryan Gonzalez
Thats how most tribes work.
Luis Martinez
I'm in favor in departing all illegals and bulding the wall (which means 2 of my uncles will be departed as well). I'm also in favor of white immigration. What I'm not in favor is deporting nonwhite citizens just because they're nonwhite.
Luis Carter
You gonna throw the word around kike while using a Jewish invention? I like how Jews are only white when it's convenient.
Asher Ross
>caste system >current year
lmao. whites wont exist. we will all be mestizo.
Justin Rivera
They aren't on our side and OP basically proves that, At the end of the day they still want mass nonwhite immigration in place over European immigration. Texas will become a blue giant in 12 years if this isn't solved.
Our best bet to keep America white majority is to repeal the 1965 immigration act and end birthright citizenship.
David Carter
You're alright by me fellow Texbro
Connor Gomez
you are an american citizen, but you aren't truly american
Asher Ross
As with everything their exist outliers such as yourself. However the 99 percent of the rest of people just like you are actively destroying our nation. We can't afford to waver because of outliers. The quickest and indeed only way is mass removal. It's not you, it's everyone else like you.
Logan Hall
Unlikely see my previous post. Not even Mexico can boast that and it's the most mestizo nation on earth at 90%. An entirely white government.
Justin Lee
I agree with you about white immigration being the reason we are a superpower, im just pointing out any ethnic can claim to be American because we dont have an original ethnic group
Dominic Johnson
The group that defines it is White, specifically northern european, which prior to mass immigration always made up the overwhelming amount of the population other than the farm equipment. These different groups you're taking about came from a geographic area the size of Nebraska, the genetic differences between them are minuscule. It's the same race, the same lager tribe. 1 billion chinese identify as the "Han" ethnic group, but you will find lager differences between Han in the far northern and southern points of China than you would between, for example, English and Dutch.
Josiah Thompson
America was founded by Europeans, settled by Europeans and built by Europeans. Manifest Destiny saw to it that our country stretched from sea to shining sea, all with the different people and cultures of Europe. We also had slaves who we segregated from and, after the annexation of the Southwest, some hispanics/mestizos. There may not be a single ethnic group, but the majority of the country is (was) English and German. America is European.
Evan Reyes
He never replied to so yes he is likely an anchor baby. If you dig down into "legal" spics they are like 70% anchor babies or anchor baby descedents, 20% reagan amnesty spawn, and 10% real citizens or descendents of tejanos/californios
Jason Bennett
Exactly the same brother...can't even get a Latino chick only white girls that's how white I am on the inside
Noah Murphy
>mestizo >American Pick one.
Jack Parker
Deporting* deported* fuck
Matthew Adams
Glad we can agree user.
Angel Cook
European immigrants? No their kids who fought in World War Two and then came back worked in the factories and then retired before civil rights even came to be.
Carter Rodriguez
Made America a superpower between 1946 - 1963.
Ryan Jenkins
what passes for white in latin america isnt white anywhere else. most "whites" in LatAm are still mestizo.
Andrew Myers
The problem though is that the majority of the white intellectual and upper middle class is incurably mentally ill b/c post modernism, especially "upper tier" whites like anglos and Scandinavians. At least spics still reject feminism and retain Christianity and other traditional values. They are probably the most similar race to whites (b/c they are 75% or so white genetically, not counting indios from shitholes like El Salvador). We may not be able to salvage pure whiteness but we can damn sure stop muzzies and asians from killing us off completely.
Jayden Murphy
Blacks were not citizens. That's what "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." is about.
Jacob Miller
Yea that executive branch of Mexico is definitely mestizo just like Jorge Ramos,Sam Hyde,and Charlie sheen.
Ethan Sullivan
You'll peak at 20%. White republicans have just as many kids as you about 2.0.
Jayden Fisher
>A group that votes 75% liberal is our only hope against liberals
Mestizos are the best weapon that liberals have, without them Republicans would have a permanent hold on congress and the Presidency for generarions. They are literally the only reason the Democratic party is still able to win elections.
One of the biggest flaws in "conservative" thinking over the last 30 years is being completely unable to understand how someone can hate abortion and fags while still being passionately and extremely socialist. I don't understand how you can be proven wrong every day for 30 years and still stick to this retarded idea from the 80s that is completely seperated from observable reality.
Zachary Ramirez
America was meant to be kept as a white majority nation. You'll have people claiming that we deserve this because of the colonials. When really they don't know basic history about this nation.
America was founded as a multi-ethnic European majority nation until 1965 when Emmanuel Celler flooded us with third worlders and denied most Europeans entry. If It isn't repealed during the Trump presidency, Then states will start turning blue one by one overtime. Texas will become blue by 2028 if this crisis isn't fixed. And no White Hispanics are a mere meme, Most of the people who call themselves that are browner then Southern Italians. There is an agenda to flood the most whitest areas of America with third world filth such as Africans and Mestizos. The Midwest used to be almost entirely white until 2008 when Obama used the immigration act to it's advantage and flooded us with Africans.
>At least spics still reject feminism and retain Christianity and other traditional values
They will never vote Republican in the majority, Face it we need to focus on fixing our demographics. If the GOP can't get it's former voters (Blacks) back then what makes you think that it will get Hispanics as well? The majority of people who vote in Texas are white and will soon die out. I rather lift immigration restrictions on Europe and the Anglo nations and Bar third world areas like Latin America and Africa entry.
Isaiah Ward
I'm a national socialist so your point means nothing to me. Removing degeneracy and salvaging the white race as much as feasibly possible is the only thing that matters. I couldn't give less of a shit about "muh socializm"