Skeptic Justice Warriors

>Sargon reports someone on twitter to get them suspended
>The Andy Warski stream bullies a teenage girl off of social media for her comments on race realism
>Kraut and Tea after the stream tries to get the girl fired from her job, doubles down and refuses to apologize.
>(((Skeptics))) start working on a series of anti-'Alt-Right' videos a la Gamergate's 'Gamers don't have to be your audience'

Are the Rational Skeptics™ the new SJWs?

You realise being sceptical about far right views is just intellectual honesty as a sceptic, right?

Friendly reminder

I like how their new argument against race realism is "But what good are these facts? What are you going to do with the knowledge that blacks have the lowest IQ's on average?".

They're hypocrites for trying to censor people who have "incorrect" ideas rather than honestly addressing them. This is what they base their core "skeptic ideology" on, rational debate

u realize rational skeptics were always the sjws?

these are the same fags that shame 9/11 truthers, nwo conspiracy theorists, and everyone else who is cool as fuck and woke

snopes, rationalwiki, sam harris, can all suck my latinx nuts

Well, for one thing it means white people won't be blamed for all the inadequecies of other races.

I know they ask this question rhetorically to try to shut down discussion but still, there's good answers to their question, these are useful facts.

I used to follow these fags. No more.

what the fuck i barely know who the sargon guy is...this e-celeb shit m8

Yup, I totally agree. The rough quote was from 'some black guy'. He's in full damage control about the aftermath of the warski stream. We know why they want to bury this information.

actually, the best of the rational skeptics invented the computer you just shitposted on, as well as everything you slipped over the border for, Juan

it is a sad day when these retards represent the skeptics though. but nothing new

>warski stream
I don't watch skeptics and haven't since gamergate. What stream? I miss when try where just GGers having fun and weren't these pretentious faggots. I miss shoe on head and Internet Aristocrat streams.

>you will never listen to Jim fuck his gf on stream again while super drunk

>when attacking us we're ebul white supremacists
>when ridicululing us were pic related
He didn't even use Aaron for the Baeed black guy.

No they didn't. "Rational skeptics" = a specific brand of YouTube people, not everyone whose ever been rational or skeptic.

Also Kraut intentionally edited the pic from Alt-Light to Alt-Right for reasons beyond my comprehension.

This. Skeptics are only skeptical about 178362 Genders, BuzzFeed feminism, and religion. Be skeptical of the government or media and you're an insane conspiracy theorist.

This. They are popular science/mythbusters tier trash.

>intellectual honesty
Pick one

It's called warski live #55. It's the one where they had like 5-6 people ready to gang up on that Rageafterstorm girl.


Granted, the fact its much easier to deconstruct ideas than it is to create them makes some of the less creative sceptics dishonest, but this is a known issue in philosophy.

christ you pedantic fuck you know what i mean

All Sargoy did was use the libshits own tools against them,

(((Kraut))) on the other hand is a huge cuckold who probably takes 8 BBCs up the ass daily, but I'd expect nothing less from a citizen of the Caliphate of Gerministan.

Skeptics were always SJW's. Atheism was the start of SJWism with them crying over public religious monuments and prayer in schools. They have safe spaces too.

How did Sup Forums just realise this?

the only difference between them is skeptics/lolbergs are as greedy as jews with the same social agendas as leftist.


you are misinformed, rationalskeptics are the fags who are around to debunk EVERYTHING...they are turbomaterialist/leftists

they are liberals, atheists, people who trreat science as relgion...they are annoying as fuck, they are debunkers, not skeptics



If anyone has ever been to ATS then they will know this feeling. That shit is smug "skeptic" central and over time everything interesting was crushed and pushed out of the way so that only one materialist atheist view was acceptable. Now its just a site where people regurgitate news of the day because if you introduce anything else a brigade of hateful faggots will descend on you like a shit storm.

I'm not being pedantic, I'm just saying that these people aren't rational or skeptic they just call themselves that. These people and the people who are genuinely intelligent and invent new things aren't the same groups of people, they just pretend to be smart for the clout.

I went on there in 2004 during the bush years, it was mega comfy. I still have a lot of nostalgia for FEMA conspiracies, Bohemian grove, Blue Helmets, Denver airport, etc.

Sad to see that it has fallen victim to the snopesfags it hated so much.

Hi Kraut. I guess cleaning fag pig of Mossad's ass crack just wasn't good enough for you. Take what little respect you have for yourself and go.
Just go.

>i'm a classic liberal