ITT: Post your favourite Fascist/Extreme right-wing America flags
Greater Nazi Reich (American) Flag from Man in the High Castle was aesthetic.
3 stars, why?
God, Government and Guns.
It seems a bit generic. In all truth, I'm trying to create an alternate history where US becomes a Euro democracy (20+ parties in congress), so a right wing Nazi party sweeps the elections for a super majority and forms a modern day Nazi America, nothing to do with Hitler or WW2.
>That disgusting commie star
This flag is based off of old Prussia
American Union State flag from Kaiserreich.
i want to live in that world
What's Kaiserreich? A game?
It's not perfect. Half of America is owned by Japan.
Yeah, it's an ultra popular mod for a game called Darkest Hour. Probably the most popular grand strategy mod ever (grand strategy being Europa Universalis, Victoria 2, etc type games)
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
This is probably the best one so far. Only thing that would have made it better if the Laurel and eagle was in gold. Shouldn't be too hard to fill that in, however.
I like these
These are decent too but not as good
What do the words say? Also the flag reminds me of the fascist party in V for Vendetta.
They were based, V is just a cuck
>It seems a bit generic
It is in itself. But if you take it context, Nazi Germany was trying to assimilate the United States into its empire, so retaining a large portion of the country's original flag was a clever tactic. "You know who you were, and you know who you are now." is the vibe I get form it.
>Half of America is owned by Japan.
It's more like 1/4. Germany has a solid grip on the entire eastern seaboard and most of the Midwest. The Rocky Mountain region is the Neutral Zone and Japan basically just gets California, Nevada, Orgon, Washington and Utah.
p-pls rate muh flag
Ancap Dixie shall rise again
I like these
Needs more color. Not sure what tho
Hahaha, I can dig it
I think the one I posted in OP would be perfect if it was actually the same design as the original American flag. As in, the blue field is in the corner, not half and half.
I'm familiar with the backstory with that show, but I'm yet to actually watch it.
Do the American Nazis promote American nationalism? Without spoilers pls
I'll post another less 'Muricanized NAP one in a minute. Here's a request I did for some ''''''national capitalist''''''... I figure it works for America.
This one seems kind of degenerate. However what it is for is fitting
Agreed, but it was a request. Besides, it communicates the message better than a yellow flag with a black dollar sign in a white medallion.
>tfw living the pozzed multicultural jewish america timeline
This should be like an elite military units flag or a large government entity
>ripping off a defunct neo-Nazi party's flag
>that fuckawful flag texture
>no connection to the American flag
It's shit.
I actually had no idea this flag existed when I made mine, but someone has told me about the resemblance before (maybe it was you). I chose a seven-pointed star fort to demonstrate the defensive nature of negative rights, then I put "NAP" in a Fiat-style typeface because it looked more modern. Personally, I think the rattlesnake saltire looks absolutely badass, and I used a diamond on the simple flag to represent the diamondback.
Just replace our flag with the lgbt version already man. We're already there in some places. Just fuck my shit up.
>tfw Canada will be forever known as an immigrant dumping zone and a degenerate safe space
But at least I got my Tim Hortons haha yes
I really like this flag
Everything in that show seemed fucking amazing. Assuming this is High Castle of course
>the horrific alternate reality of Nazi occupied, white only America will shock you!
Every day I wonder how whites became this brainwashed
Looks like Cuba...What's they symbolism behind it?
Is that a commercial space jet taking over?
Why couldn't this happen...
personally, I think pic related has a lot of potential, though it has Arabic characters on it.
(ع ا ع (عدم الاعتداء
ع)دم)- lack of, non-
ال(اع)تداء- agression, transgression
but nazis
I'll take Nazis over the slow boil that is ((postnational)) Canada. At least Nazis would have a semblance of respect for our history and heritage.
>Do the American Nazis promote American nationalism?
Yes. One of the main characters has a son in the Boys Souts (which is renamed and basically become the Hitler Youth.) They show them doing the pledge of allegiance in Middle School which is now a pledge of loyalty of Hitler and the nation. It's very clear, especially among the youth, how highly they view the State. It's subtle at first, but you come to realize how many average Americans have taken to Nationalism via Nazi Germany's influence. Many of the youth strive to become productive members of society because the highest form of self worth is being a productive member of society to benefit the nation. Granted the show takes place in the 1960s, so this is 20 years after the war ended.
Honestly, the only thing that I might disagree with in living in that society was the hypothetical take on extreme Eugenics.
>if you have a physical or genetic disability you are exterminated
Though that was present in Nazi Germany in our timeline, I don't think it would have become a true focal point of the future. That said I would still choose to live there if I could.
I don't know the symbolism but that is the British Union of Fascists flag. "The British Union of Fascists was strongly anti-communist and argued for a programme of economic revival based on government spending and protectionism."
>Why couldn't this happen...
Because the US and Russia captured or killed most of the brightest German scientists and had them build weapons instead of using their genius to build a better world.
Fuck off leaf get your own Fascist flag. America and the Constitution forever.
>all the fringe authoritarian left wig NEETsocs posting their larping flags
Pic related, an actual right wing flag
>Gadsden Flag
That is neither fascist nor extremist.
What about black people? America is now a white ethnostate? No gibs for Mtumbo and Tyrone?
While probably not fascist, i still like it. It ain't mine though.
I'm a big fan of American Vanguard's flag
>What about black people?
There was mention of the Native Americans, Jews, mentally ill and those with genetic defects being sent to concentration camps but I don't recall if blacks were sent there as well. There were no blacks in the Greater American Reich, though they lived in the Neutral Zone (which has no real law and order) and in the Japanese controlled parts of former America.
>it was mentioned that the Japanese were less stringent in their removal of "undesirable people" as Germany
But to answer your question, no there wasn't a "gimme dat" welfare system. The Government did provide stipends for clothing and other things considered essential for keeping a proper society. But the notion was, "you earn your keep". Leeches on society were not tolerated and considered to be the worst possible scum of the earth in the mind of the average citizen.
Haha, this is weird. It's a show about Nazi's controlling America, but other than the fact that there is tension with Japan and Germany, what's really so bad about it? It's fucking heaven on Earth.
No, for real, is there anything wrong with it?
>other than the fact that there is tension with Japan and Germany, what's really so bad about it?
That's basically it. Take away that plot device and it doesn't seem so bad. You can even apply for visas to move from wherever you are in the world to the Greater American Reich if you can pass an ethnicity/IQ test. Ironically there was a family from Argentina in line to take the test with one of the main characters, but we never found out if they passed.
>we STILL don't know if Argentina is white lol
I would honestly be very surprised if Americans accepted a political platform called, "Fascism". You'd have to call it something nice and sweet like, "Patriotism", or "The NFL (National Fascist League but never call it that)". Still would be nice.
Its not as far fetched as you may think. This picture was taken in Chicago in 1932.
It's dumb because the Japanese never intended on annexing North America after an Axis Victory. They did, however, want total dominance of the Pacific Ocean. Germany never would have set foot on North America either. An German victory would have likely meant the German annexation of most of Eastern Europe, and subsequent small wars of conquest all the way to the urals and beyond thereafter.
Western-Europe would be united in some kind of alliance like NATO, but not Zionist and ardently pro-Aryan/Celto-Germanic. The USA's government would be toppled after the military defeat by fascist klanner types, uniting America with Europe/Germany's politics.
If fascist A.I. robots had a flag for the mechanized master race.
Who ever made this took a few awesome flags and somehow combined them to make them look gay as fuck.
>Lincoln Rockwell Airport
I love how this show got the little details so right in ways that a lot of normies won't recognize.
But Lincoln Rockwell was actually fighting for the Americans in WW2...He wouldn't have founded the Nazi party after the war because...well...they were already in America.
blacks were barely even persecuted in the real nazi germany
Because that'd be like finding a unicorn...Europe was literally 99.9% white back then. No niggers.
I'm fairly certain Hitler described hatred and disgust with blacks, but he was more focused on Slavs, Roma and Jews at the time.
Marine Corp flag
Airforce flag
He was a smart dude, he would switch sides as soon as the jews and commies were exposed or even before that.
>God, Government and Guns.
God, welfare programs, and Guns.
there were something like 50000 blacks living in nazi germany
In 1939, Germany had a population of almost 70 million.
>You've got mail