Are we? What are your thoughts?
Are we living in a simulation?
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You by definition experience reality as a simulation via your brains interpretation of external stimuli. Your eyes don't see ... Your mind uses what they feel to paint a picture.
We are living in a simulation in a mind
Can you prove that anything in reality outside of your own mind exists? After all you can think, but you can't truly know that everyone else is actually thinking.
A simulation that ends in an eternal destiny. Heaven or Hell, and for some, a detour in purgation before entering the eternal presence of the Almighty, as nothing impure may enter heaven.
Yes, and I am just trying to figure out tge codes. Got a couple of them, but they are low level stuff like 10% increase in speed over rocks. Junk like that.
This man speaks truth. The truly scary part is when you fully understand that memories are not viewed like footage from a camera, but instead they are rendered from trillions of living algorithms.
You know what an orange looks like, right? Orange, round, with pitted surface? How many pits? If you could recall it like a picture you could take the time to count them. But you can't even do that can you? You only remember the concepts that create the orange, not the orange itself. The orange you "see" in your mind's eye isn't a fully formed visual depiction, but rather a loosely formed conceptual focal point of the various concepts that you ascribe to "an orange".
Our "reality" has been proven to be pixelated...sooo, what do you think?
P4: I experience actions of a certain type.
P5: Actions of this certain type have their cause in consciousness.
P6: These actions do not have their cause in my consciousness.
C2: Therefore, these actions have their cause in another consciousness.
C3: Therefore, consciousnesses other than mine exist.
Source: Henkel, Jeremy E. (2012). How to avoid solipsism while remaining an idealist: Lessons from Berkeley and dharmakīrti. Comparative Philosophy 3 (1).
dreams are a way to prepare your mind for the realty change upon death
Also, is it solipistic in here, or is it just me?
But how do you know all actions, and really everything in existence, isn't your own mind trying to create a sense of "reality" in the void of the universe?
see: Reality is fundamentally mental. All that exists are minds and ideas.
A better way to put it is that God created the universe in the form of a question.
It's possible, and many scientists believe it's probable. Don't lose sanity over it, user.
I knew I was going to say that.
got a link on that user?
You fail to understand me. I don't mean the meaning of objects, like what we prescribe to what we call a grain of sand. I mean literally everything, even matter itself, doesn't actually exist but we think it does.
Because if our mind could see the true reality that is beyond the lie we call "reality", the sheer horror would drive us mad. What if crazy people are just those that can see the truth?
Actually it is you who fails to understand me. You still believe in this dualism like pointed out.
You're still cucked by Descartes. There is no subject/object dichotomy. There is no dualism, or this other side like in Plato's cave. Idealism completely dissolves this skepticism you're trying to bring up. You should actually try addressing the arguments I've presented btw, you've failed to do so.
Reality is a collection of mathematical values, your brain is a unit which uses the values collected by our senses, and converts it into something that we can understand
This is a simulation
Plus think about that
mathematical values created a unit which can convert said values into other values, and act upon those in a context that makes sense, plus keeping the converting unit able to convert
Pretty Neat
You'd understand my point of view if you could hear the voices too.
No link needed. It is accepted that the smallest measurable size is a Planck length and nothing can be smaller.
Therefore the universe is made up of Planck length sized pixels
Yes. I'm hacking into our computer mainframe now to alter this reality to give myself doubles.
checkem kid
Your reality is so fragile to the void, user. So based on that which can be seen or felt.
Where we're going, we don't need eyes to see.
The Physical World as a Virtual Reality
Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence
t. freemason
False flag. I'm seriously hacking the node right now. Quads incoming!
I think therefore I am.
dreams nullify this argument
frequently, I do not know what is going to happen in a dream, even though I am the one creating the dream
The simulation is our reality, so therefore it doesn't matter.
Greetings, fellow traveler.
Put up or shut up. I'm already signed on for chaos, but you've none to bring.
>Because if our mind could see the true reality that is beyond the lie we call "reality", the sheer horror would drive us mad.
that is some nice speculation stated as fact
Shoutout to whoever created the simulation for inventing boipucci thanks bud
i think ur a fat faggot
Dreams actually strengthen the argument. In a lucid dream you can control the actions of these people you dream about. This implies they are just ideas in your head just like everything in the dream. But in waking life you can't do that, which suggests reality is inter-subjective rather than private (solipsism) or objective (e.g. materialism). Occam's razor does lean towards there being ultimately one mind, but it makes sense for this mind to be God instead of oneself seeing as how you don't have full control like God does.
>he hasn't carved out his own eyes so that he can see unclouded by their lies
>is reality real
go to GTFO
death is simply the transition from the converting unit to the values the unit converted
a context that makes sense, which i used in my post, means
the processing and converting unit must have got a meaning, because it converts those values exactly in that way, so it can understand them and act on them, and act diffrent for every set of values , which it does to be able to keep on converting and increasing the number of converting units
this scenario must have had intent, because someone wants those base values to be converted into our values
Which you can see as, someone or the universe, wants us to convert those values, which basicially means, the universe or god wants that we expierience the universe
Which is the meaning of life
This convertion has no objective difference or meaning, this must mean, it has intend
I've felt this way for a while, just seems to make sense that the two states might be related. More rigorous and even esoteric research ought to be done on dreaming. I've had some really remarkable experiences with lucid dreaming/hypnagogic states/sleep paralysis that defy any conventional explanation. If we could somehow solve the mystery of dreaming I think that it would allow us to understand reality and consciousness for what they actually are. So bizarre that we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping/dreaming yet not many people seem to question it much. It's almost as if we're being trained for death/an afterlife of some sort.
Here are some more interesting questions to ask.
1) Assume that we are living in a simulation. For what purpose?
2) Practically speaking, how does the simulation argument differ from asserting divine creation?
As to 1), I had an idea that might make sense. In our own world, we know that physical organisms are terrific biochemical computers. Evolution acts on the genetics of uncountable squillions of organisms simultaneously, leading them to produce many interesting and useful chemical substances (3D arrangements of atoms). In our own world, we know that our natural biodiversity is rapidly dwindling due to the unsustainable burden of human civilization on the environment, leading to the loss of many chemical recipes nature has figured out but are still undiscovered by us.
Suppose that as our computing capacity increases, we conduct a search for new molecules to synthesize, with applications in materials science, medicine, etc. We do this by emulating nature- or rather simulating it.
Basically, we might be 'simulated biodiversity' to an advanced civilization and the dead world they inhabit, for the purpose of discovering molecules with unique physical or biological properties through stochastic processes (evolution).
When they get what they are looking for, maybe they just shut the simulation off.
I've told you this before: Why would it matter? Ostensibly, you're stuck inside of it. So why would the revelation that it is a simulation be of any import?
Anyone else feel like they're a NPC in a MMORPG? Just noise in the background, so to speak.
Learn to lucid dream. Explore the dream world for yourself.
Look up the 2 slit theory.
it will blow your mind
As long as you have a sensation of what its like to experience something then you're conscious
You are correct. We are all NPCs and the only playable characters are rich people and satanists. This is why they freely do anything they want and are untouchable by the laws. Unfortunately, what they don't realize is God created this simulation game, and so when their player character dies he will get to play a new game God created: Hell.
Try motherlode
>all players are good players and have cheat codes
If we are created beings then yes, this is a "simulation". Our creator's simulation might be powered by something different than a microchip. All Christians believe we are part of a simulation
Sociopaths think they are the only living being and everything else. Is illusion.
What does that make me? Am I just a sociopath with low self esteem?
If this is a simulation, I want out.
I have a cystic fibrosis and I'm prob going to die before I'm 28.
I dont know you. I know, i am not you, and i exist
Stop doing acid and move on
The Bible correlates perfectly with simulation. Everything you do is written in the book of life. That's easy to do if all your actions are represented by code. When you die and you're judged to be bad, your character profile is simply deleted. The best profiles remain.
>System.out.println("I don't know you. I know, i am not you, and i exist");
Just another way for (((them))) to deny God. Then blatantly ordered and designed universe must never be attributed to God, so we will just call it a vague simulation! Perfect!
Almost certainly Yes, Buddhism was on the money on this concept centuries before the concept of computers.
Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence
Stay strong user. Stay strong.
Burn bright for a few years.....
U have tren in your areas?
Steroids are pointless for me desu.
Why aren't you learning everything you can as fast as you can about the diesese and fixing it?
Once you consider convergent evolution (i.e. the fact that similar environments breed similar traits - for example, if half the elephants in the world were sucked up by aliens and spit out onto another planet identical to earth, we wouldn't expect to find these alien elephants with six legs and brightly colored ears, it wouldn't make sense), and then you consider that the universe is billions of years old and impossibly large, the idea isn't so crazy.
>convergent evolution means we could expect sentient life elsewhere in the world
>similarly they would discover the importance and power of tools
>they would likely discover the practice of mining the land for metals
>they would likely also discover electricity
>they would then eventually discover semiconductors
>then transistors
>then simple logic processes
>then more complex microprocessors and computers
>then advanced computer programming
>then simulations of reality
>then that reality simulator might be replicated over and over again, billions of copies of this simulator might be bought and sold in this alien economy as a pastime like a video game
>then little alien susie gets home at 3pm from school and boots up her alien pc and starts playing her favorite videogame (irl this would be "the sims" which is relatively popular)
>and this happens over and over again in this one reality
>and then inside little alien susie's universe simulator, one civilization inside this simulator has discovered computers etc and has their own universe simulator 3000 that is flying off the shelves of computer stores
>within one simulated reality of thousands, there are thousands of simulated realities inside that simulated reality
It's either definitely not a simulation (as in no one across time and space has created a simulation) or it definitely is. we could definitely be living inside of a simulated reality. or maybe we aren't. who fucking cares. I can't posit that we are without evidence. and we probably will never find any.
Does it matter if we feel all the same? Who is the simulation administrator? A race of futuristic aliens? AI species? Other humans! A dream breaks down where reality doesn't, that's how you'llnknow the difference. You can collapse a dream, you need supernatural powers to collapse reality in the same way.
I'm on my way to med school to do just that
unironically believing that you're living in a simulation is the most degenerate thing anyone could ever do
You need FDA approval to regularly take medication unless it's experimental drugs, or underground shit.
Nice try kid
Just research is my goal for future people with cf.
You'd have to find a way to regulate mucus in the body, but it's a genetic disorder.
I know it effects mostly white people.
>pic related
If there is no proof living in a simulation, then it doesn't matter.
If there is proof living in a simulation, and there is nothing we can do to escape/alter it, then it also doesn't matter.
i.e. until there is proof we are, and there is an action we can take, then it's probably best to ignore it.
I remember the first time I was high when watching the Matrix
>using java
the face the result can be posed in binary being mere coincidence?
>when you are in a video game
>the computer only renders what you perceive bc/ it is not infinite and must conserve processing resources
>when you are in reality
>particles only assume definite positions when they are measured (ie. perceived)
There's also just the probability argument. There are infinite simulated iterations but only one prime reality. Chances are you are not prime.
bump this interesting thread
>it either definitely is or definitely isn't a simulation
Thanks for your insight user
But hold up. If this is a simulation, did I choose to have this terminal disease? Why the fuck would I do this?
We live in Judaeo-Masonic Disneyland. They own and run everything.
No. Stop with the Elon Musk techno-religion horse shit.
No one would fuck up as badly as they have done if we were living in a simulation.
01:53 - Meme music
Stopped listening right there.
I just painted a picture of your moms asshole
I don't like Kurzgesagt but that was a good video. You can still enjoy life without a higher being