How do Christcucks respond to this?
The white muslim
She is muslim so I will beat her into Christendom
I can't beat the tar off the nigger
I choose Varg
The black girl easy? The only two issues with blacks is obesity and that they're the main demographic targeted by feminism, even worse than white girls.
Whoever they are, they really don't want white women and black women seeming attractive. Asians for all my friends.
Not a Christcuck, but... My prediction is they don't.
genetics > religion
same post every day has to stop. SAGE
Obviously the white one
Same race + Christian = good things
>Making your wife follow a pussified religion
I mean if I had to follow a major religion it would probably be Islam.
The human.
With a firm resounding "no".
The muslim, no one will give a shit if I beat her ass for getting out of line, it's just tradition
But neither one of them is human
You retarded underages are obsessed with Christians like the good atheists LARPers you are, your idiotic imbecile minds revolve around Christians.
You cannot stop projecting your insecurities and inferiority complexes and stereotypes.
Let me tell you retarded baiter. People naturally look for those who those who resemble them, people naturally date within their race, no amount of religion or propaganda will change that.
Now fuck off, go project your insecurities somewhere else, take your cringe e-celeb shit and autistic LARPing back to youtube.
I've been wondering Sup Forums if a white man and black woman make a generally more violent, dumber mulatto, a white man and Latino woman make an ugly, stupider mix and a white man and Asian woman make a socially inept supreme gentleman, what does a white man and an Arab or Persian woman make?
same as asian woman. crazy fucker who can't socialize. i know one
Would take the black even if she was the Muslim. Banged a black chick when I was 23 and the site of her ass sliding up and down on my BWC is still the most amazing sexual experience of my life
Depends, how is the black girl's personality?
Arabs and Persians are technically Asians.
Someone's upset today. Did mommy-wommy forget big boy's chicken tendies?
A terrorist
Do you find this attractive?
>>I can't beat the tar off the nigger
yeah because you've been brainwashed to think that is a good thing
by choosing neither and becoming a monk
Brainwashed by who, the liberal narrative teaches that a white man with a black woman is master-slave rape.
mental breakdown of a brainwashed child
time to make some mullato children
Marry the Muslim and convert her to Christianity. An Anglo ancestor of mine did that to a Mughal princess
wrong. they want any race mix. sure white male black female isnt preferred but since it's a mix it's fine with them
meant for
This, plus the media does everything they possibly can to desexualize black women, see casting gorillas like that thing from the new Ghostbusters. There are a shit ton of hot af black women and they never get any roles.
The Muslim, no women is actually faithful, they just do as society dictates.
The white of course. She's wearing that costume because she's visiting Saudi Arabia.
Pornstars like Jezebel Vessir are a thousand times hotter than any black actresses getting roles. They almost never portray black women as sexy in Hollywood, they are almost always Whoopi Goldberg types or "don't need no man" bitches.
Easy, I'd crusade the Muslim.
it's because it's hard as fuck to find hot black girls much less hot black girls that can act
The Muslim girl.
Not sure why but I think I'm in a Persian girl thing right now
She's white.
At least the spawn would have an acceptable I.Q.
I would choose varg.
Sorry about the gonorrhea
sheeit I joined the army looking for bitches but they all had that carpet shit all over them and the only thing you could see was their eyes and that shit wasn't enough for me cuz their eyes might be pretty but you pull the carpet off them and it's a tragedy.
>actual Sup Forums responses
Which one is trap?
the one on the right, having a white muslim wife means that she will be much more obedient than the average christian