trending gay propaganda, "in a heartbeat", created by beth david and esteban bravo.
isn't beth david a jewish name though?
trending gay propaganda, "in a heartbeat", created by beth david and esteban bravo.
isn't beth david a jewish name though?
You realize that kids have crushes on other kids and sometimes those kids are gay, right?
Ye but iz grosss
It shouldn't be encouraged
As a young man who is attracted to other young men, and who is not ignorant of the superiority of the masculine form compared to the feminine, I am against gay propaganda. People shouldn't choose to be the way I am. They either are or they aren't and we must promote the propagation of our own kind first and foremost.
What the fuck is it encouraging? Kids who aren't gay aren't going to have crushes on the same sex just because of a video
Kids will play Ariel after watching the little mermaid. So, yes, they will.
I guess we have to ban the little mermaid so that kids don't try to have sex with fish
>What the fuck is it encouraging? Kids who aren't gay aren't going to have crushes on the same sex just because of a video
if the left gets their way, yes
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
If that was a girl dressed as the joker you wouldn't give a shit
I watched that movie probably 50 times when I was a kid
Never once did I pretend I was ariel
Jesus fuck...
No we have to ban parents turning their boys into girls because they identify with a female lead.
because the joker doesnt dress like a whore
>a girl in a suit vs. A guy in a dress
Great argument faggot.
Well who the fuck did you identify with if not the protagonist? Fag.
Gayness isn't genetic, at least not entirely. In ancient times there were very few gay people. Modern societies encouragement, combine with estrogens in the water, have caused so many men to turn gay. We should try to prevent more me from becoming gay by discouraging the sexuality.
>girl in masculine clothing no problem
>guy in feminine clothing CHILD ABUSE
Don't ever become parents
>If that was a girl dressed as the joker you wouldn't give a shit
>If it's okay for a little girl to wear a purple pinstriped suit, then its okay for a little boy to dress like a teenage prostitute
wew lad, nice comparison
In ancient times gay identity didn't exist. It's a modern invention.
Too late. Looks like the cuck gene ends with you.
The girl dressed as the joker wouldn't be told she is a man though...
I Love gay propaganda, but let's honest we all get hungry when clicking on corporate media ads.
Trace Adkins sausage, because there is nothing better with gay propaganda fed to you by corporate establishments.
Put some big old corporate sausage in your mouth today!
nice try goldberg. now get out.
thank you for not being a fucking faggot
As a kid I watched Guyver and Bubblegum Crisis because stuff like The Little Mermaid was pretty gay.
Oh look another gay thread from the crowd who can't stand it shoved down their throats. Your insecurity is showing.
Rome had some gay men, but it wasn't considered a sexuality someone could be. It was just seen as sexual deviancy, many roman emperors allegedly fucked men in their lavish orgies.
i thought it was cute no homo
That's because ancient men weren't obsessed over their identity. Brojobs and boy slaves were pretty common.
Encouraging mental illness is not ok
Not seeing the problem here pedro, whats the haps?
Right. Now I sure did pretend to be flounder... if ya know what im saying.
Flag it as hate speech
>not identifying with the protagonist
What a fucking manlet beta bitch
>Rome had some gay men
>but it wasn't considered a sexuality someone could be
Choose one. Protip: it's the second.
you miss the big pictures of what they are trying to do there... they are a reason the next generation are almost all bisexual... and the next one will be probably even worst...
when you grow up watching these stuft it change your mind... a young kids need find alot of stuft... you show him that the new normal ?? it wrong...
my generation are mostly straight, the guys who are gay are gay because they are gay and they dicover it later on in their life...
stop brainwash kids with these gay shit omg...
Two queers. Haha faggots
we know you like it shoved down your throats but accept some are not gay and not into your shit.. kids neither
why the fuck does it have so many more votes than other popular youtube videos?
Reddit, tumblr, twitter, youtube-trending
>It's a modern invention.
Yeah, thats why it's mentioned in the bible. Because it's a modern phenomenon.
Notice that niggers aren't being encouraged to engage in sodomy.
If we can't find half a million people to dislike this motherfucker, we are equally faggotty.
is this before or after gay adults molest them or their mothers emasculate the shit out of their sons or their father rape their daughters?
This is before Rachel Maddow shows them her vagina, but after Chris Hayes teaches them how to suck dick.
As a self hating faggot I thought that short was [spoiler]cute[/spoiler].
Just recently watched Guyver, that was a kickass show.
Every disney movie and almost all animated movies are faggot or antiwhite propaganda.
Even the new cars was about how the lane ass old white guy car needed to move over and realize that the wise latina car was the future.
My kids are reading kids versions of beowulf and when they play pretend it's about being a honorable hero and king who fucking rips monsters in pieces with his bare hands and protects his land and people
Not some pig voiced by beonce who is learning to believe in herself and that everyone is special and whatever
This culture stuff determines what sort of people your kids are likely to be... do you want them to be atheist trannys with mulatto sprogs on welfare?
Just because you are attracted to guys doesn't make you gay. Go back then and ask where the gays hang out and they'll look at you like you're retarded.
Find me the word gay in the bible.
People are born gay and can't help it!
Except when gender is only a social construct and we need to actively change it through concerted social effort
Honosexuality in antiquity was synonymous with pederasty. It actually still is, but this is one of the things you are not allowed to say.
Faggots will make do with fucking young looking men until they succesfully normalize pedophelia and can start anally raping innocent little boys like they always have
you deserve a medal.
yess, mold the little faggots to be gay! Overpopulation is a problem
Wait... that's a BOY?!?
Fuck. I was disturbed enough that a father would dress his daughter up as a literally psychotic murdering whore
Come on NK, ICBMs can reach california now!
Fernando gets it.
One of us should create a fake Arab facebook profile, join some Koran group, and post this shit on there to get a mob of sand-niggers to thumbs down this faggot shit.
True. While I believe there is good pederasty and bad pederasty, it may all very well be pedernasty. My question is how do you explain people like me who have never been attracted to older men but have always preferred males in the "bloom of youth", being a young man myself?
wow, as some one with a gay sibling, this brought a tear to my eye
I don't endorse promoting gay shit, far from it, but there is a certain sincerity here
Gay IDENTITY is a modern invention. Learn how to read
Fucking moron
Found the homo. What the fuck is it not encouraging? Just because it's not encouraging those who are not gay, doesn't mean that isn't encouraging those who are to be more open about their gayness.
sure thing leaf.
ummm dolphin pussy.
Sure it is. We all know Jewtube manipulates that shit.
I am not giving it a view, do correct me if I am wrong. The ginger fag is hesitant about asking out that other fag. Am I right?
i didn't watch it, but it's something like that.
This. Greeks bummed little boys yet they didn't hold pride parades and base their whole identities around it. Kinda explains how fucking gay Greeks are these days
No need to explain, you won't hear it when you are hanging from the end of a rope you fucking degenerate scum
This film was made for straight white women, and nobody else
We claim that only more or less 1% of the general population is gay and yet they are overrepresented in media. In a cast of say, 6 characters, there's always at least one who's a faggot. That's not very fair.
And yet they bitch and moan about yhe fact they are not enough depicted.
Good luck identifying me when you're the one with the accent faggot fasc wannabe.
10/10 logic. The fact that you are actually allowed to vote scares the shit out of me
THIS so much
Men have been fucking eachother in the ass for thousands of years same with women
it only became a problem when Flamboyant faggotry became a thing and people started to shove their birth defect/mental disablility into other peoples business.