Why is he put forward so much on here? What's so special about him? Does he make any new or unique points or insights about reality or anything? Is he extremely charismatic or something?
Why is he put forward so much on here? What's so special about him...
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He explains things at the level that a 5 year old could understand it.
He believes this is where his audience hangs out. He thinks because we have neomodernists here we'll forget he spent the last decade redefining reality for female psychology students.
He's controlled opposition, that's why.
I've never even watched him but do feel this weird urge to clean my room
He's just a morally consistent dude who also happens to be decent at explaining his shit at a basic level. It's easy to see why he became popular.
Plus he's got that whole father figure vibe going for a generation of fatherless millennial manboys.
So is he just an opportunist looking for the most easily conned audience to squeeze shekels out of?
Or is there actual merit to anything he says?
He's rehashing old philosophy. Which is pretty much what every philosopher did/does.
Top bloke mate. He's a great precursor into mythology and the mind.
He's one of a few people who will openly say things that need to be said about important topics, such as religion and socialism/capitalism things + trannys, without being a religious nutjob about it, while recognizing the continued importance of religion as a metaphorical "guide" that would be wise to follow, since a good portion of the population (read:everyone below 50th percentile IQ line) doesn't understand being good for the sake of goodness.
He packages philosophy and meta-religion/the study of religious stories in such a way that the modern liberal or indoctrinated person could get behind and understand. I'm still staunchly atheist, but after watching/listening to well over 300 hours of his videos, I have to admit I was a bit careless in the "it's all worthless" type of way. Religion has its uses, not just as a "control the sheeple xD" kind of thing, but REAL uses in our lives.
But you are right in your, what i assume is, thinly veiled annoyance at his fanboys. I predict he will have the same following of 17 year olds that think they're enlightened as Dawkins did, give it a few years. This type attracts those retards all the time, and they're all you'll hear about from the Peterson crowd, since most people just watch the videos and maybe go to a talk of his if it's close enough, but a subset are arrogant retards that think they've just cracked the code of the universe by listening to Peterson talk about slaying their chaos dragon.
>google shuts his shit down
>reinstates his accounts
maximum victim bucks
I just want him to use the word "memes" and not be afraid of its connotations.
Unfortunately there's a lot of merit in what he says but it's sort of designed to demoralize, modernism had a weakness in that it was easy to have the opposite effect, instead of revitalizing your will to live it could make you nihilistic and disenchanted.
Jordan Peterson doesn't correct this, so its very telling when his message to men is "take responsibility and clean your room" and his message to women is "be whoever you want and ignore reality."
If you can filter his work, it's very positive, but it is designed to demoralise men.
Yeah, he's so deep under cover (((they))) don't understand his tactics and even Stefan Molyneux placates him.
Jordan Peterson rolled us, he took MY philosophy which I designed to light a fire in the hearts of Sup Forums, then used it to send feel good messages that assigns all blame for how society is on the millennial man's unwillingness to act and diversion with seemingly simple things, like getting a job after finishing their STEM degrees.
Jordan Peterson will tell you affirmative action is okay because as a man you just need to rise to the challenge.
Well put. i came to a lot of he same conclusions he did when i was like 18 . If you're raised religious and follow a logical path you'll go atheist/agnostic -> existential dread -> suicide -> possible reinvention of the ethos/ morality
He's important cause he's bringing the really important stuff to the focus of attention. Being against post-modernist relativism, trying to bring back true morality, drawing on the true greats like Carl Jung, bringing back his thinking, also Dostojevski, Nietzsche, but now he's even looking at Christianity and the Bible stories in a positive light, with respect, which is extremely good and exactly where the human consciousness needs to go, to rediscover the true spiritual meaning of Christianity. When I listen to him I'm always thinking to myself that these are exactly the conclusions that I've come to on my own, and he's articulating them. He's great, but lacks of course in many areas.
>If you're raised religious and follow a logical path you'll go atheist/agnostic -> existential dread -> suicide -> possible reinvention of the ethos/ morality
This. But for some people there's a final step.
>->Realization that """god""" is simply an anthropomorphic idealization of the unattainably perfect morality, free of subjectivity or relativism, literally the one unknowable objective reality, The Logos -> Realization that """christ""" is the """god""" in human form, in the sense that it is the conceptualization of the closest a human being can ever come to personifying the Logos. -> Return to religion.
It's hard to call him an opportunist when he risked his job for months before his story caught on.
We need somebody who can make it clear to a *4* or better yet *3* year old.
There is a lot of stuff just sitting around on Youtube or a library that a stock Norm is never ever going to see or understand. You need to spoon feed information to people or it isn't ever going to penetrate.
he makes dumb people feel smart
>I haven't watched easily accessible and free thing
>please explain this easily accessible and free thing to me
>I'm too lazy to watch easily accessible and free thing
Jews promote him as he will blame societies problems on anything but jews. He's kosher so he gets pushed as some fresh controlled opposition.
If he was honest , as smart as he is, he would be able to notice the majority jewish control of every aspect of western civilization, but he deflects and confuses the issue to protect his jewish friends.
He is the new alex jones, another kosher talking head.
What is this disgusting drivel. I'm sure you did very well in English lit. Philosophy, logic, C+ and that's generous. Thanks fag
Sup Forums doesn't like him because hes making money doing what they wish they could do
Would love to hear you to refutate just one of his ideas, genius.
In regards to women, maybe he's waiting for culture to change. He probably knows he'll be silenced if he dares to tell women they're living wrong. It's plain as day, so if any of them are reading in between the lines the message is for them too.
Then he's a coward and thus a poor philosopher, unless he's actually a postmodernist where cowardice is even encouraged.
Sort yourself out
I don't know man. He is fairly honest about women in this clip. m.youtube.com
He's just a generic defanged cuckservative who appeals to the beta male demographic. He would never invoke the questions of race, Jews and white genocide. Most importantly, he's a purely low-energy beta male. A withered goy.