White men race mixing with asian females is okay
White men race mixing with asian females is okay
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Race mixing is never okay
Only if they are naturally attractive.
Plastic bitches gotta go.
Outbreeding depression
Did you actually think that only applied to European/African mixing? Indians are Caucasian though.
No it's not you filthy degenerate fuck, just because your pecker is too small to satisfy your own kind doesn't mean you have anywhere near the intellectual solidarity to have any kind of meaningful relationship with a gook.
Are you that same aussy that used to post the blacked memes?
What will sleeping naked do for me?
This should be the front gate of Sup Forums, if you aren't already doing almost all of these things you might as well just leave
Rolling to see if this helps my life.
get you closer to me user
haven't you ever wanted to snuggle with a leaf?
>sleep naked
good goy!
No it isn't. They may be equal or even superior to Europeans but that doesn't justify miscegenation and the creation of a class of rootless mongrels. The Jew can be master of no people, but a bastardized people.
Breeds more useless kids then abbos. So no.
What will I get?
No. It is just your dick that wants it to be okay.
Perfect for an Amerifat.
i will roll before sleeping naked anway
self improvement is the ultimate redpill
Sort of. The kid will have trouble establishing an identity for himself. In a way it's not quite fair to do to a child.
Nocturnal erections, for circulation
So this is why feminism rules the west. Guys like you too busy with muh eugenics
Agreed. My wife is Vietnamese and she's honestly perfect.
>church grup
Jesus christ, you guys are up for some fun. Only women that visit those are either insane or really, really damaged. You won't find as many dick-hopping druggies at a brothel.
Feminism is mainly driven by a bunch of do-gooders who are thirsty as hell and want women to think that they're "one of the good ones". Ironically women for the most part don't give a shit about it, which is why they spend so much on beauty magazines and celebrity gossip. But these "men" fight very hard for it and a few (usually privileged)women (Ivanka, Hermione) push for it and get the vaguely sympathetic on board. It has nothing to do with the desire to prevent mongrelization.
sounds like you'd take whatever pussy you can get mate
Colombian girls are better, most beautiful and intelligent.
My wife is also Vietnamese. She's literally the perfect wife. I'll be honest, it's a shame that there aren't many good white women willing to date an average (not neckbeard, but 7/10) guy. Especially not when I was younger (early 20s) 5 years ago. I have an outgoing personality, am not a degenerate, or numale and am tall as well. Asians fall for me super hard, but not most white girls. And the white girls that DID want to date me were awful awful girlfriends.
Hopefully my kids will come out looking like pic related.
uber only
>Wasting quints on lies.
what does sleeping naked have to do with kikes?
The amount of white guys with an Asian waifu has got to be approaching at least one in five couples these days, at least in the upper middle class.
In a way it is kind of funny because it is usually their best with our most average looking and unconfident.
There is a fucking surge in Eurasian thots and supreme gentlemen coming down the pipeline too because Asian women know how to work and make babbies simultaneously.
Just the facts lads.
White women are becoming lazier, more entitled, fatter, and stupider all the time.
I intend to land a 10/10 white woman just so my kids will be tall and so forth but after we get divorced I will probably go Asian.
I really don't have a problem, even though I honestly should. I look Spanish and white girls constantly are trying to get on my dick because they want something exotic. They've been conditioned by years of propaganda to screw something novel, and it's actually pretty sad because you can tell they're sort of empty inside, chasing the next high, bereft of any real emotional connections. Sometimes I see women in their mid thirties who are looking for dick and they're the saddest. I know that's where the younger ones are heading which makes it even worse. Meanwhile my race mixer parents hate each other, they both just got married for the sake of exoticism and now they're miserable. When I was growing up I never saw them as parents, I realized very young that I didn't look like either of them and always sort of saw them the same way most kids see aunts and uncles.
Only if she gives you the S U C C
Im happy you approve
Kindly refer to the responses the LAST 200 TIMES this was posted!
oh look another asian woman fetish thread by weeb losers
you're an absolute disgrace to the white nationalism movements.
>mfw I can only think about myself and renounce my principles for easy pussy
Literally niggers.
childhood and reality are two different things
>everyone is here for white nationalism
I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
It's not ok for your NOWAG son
would you senpai?
>White men race mixing with asian females is okay
only if they are japanese. literally every other asian i know of is beyond subhuman. worst japs do is eat sushi and shark. japs are also most best looking asians.
>inb4 south korean k-poop star with 100 surgeries
You shouldn't let what you saw during your childhood decide on the reality of the world.
>wanting to make Elliot Rodger babies
>wanting half-breeds
It's like you want to fuck over your children.
Congrats on sanding out the whites. Enjoy getting BLACKED and BEANED, muhammad.
damn that was a waste of quints. she is ugly af
literally have a buzzcut, lets try this again
good, guy I'm busying doing that right now.
pic very related.
>sleep naked
Re-roll, I got a buzzcut atm
>hides own flag
It doesn't, the fact that women are constantly trying to sleep with me for the same reason my parents slept with each other does. The fact that I never had a connection with my own parents, the fact that my parents never really genuinely had a connection to each other, these things are secondary to the fact that I see the same damn thing happening every day, the fact that kids all over the world are growing up crazy from the lack of any kind of real heritage. I got lucky, I didn't turn out ugly so I'm exotic. The one's that turn out ugly? They're just weirdos without parents, without real friends, without history, and without pride. And why? So some fucker can brag about having an exotic wife and how cultured that makes him? Some fucker that probably couldn't attract a real woman who wasn't enticed by the prospect of marrying a real white man like she saw in hollywood?
The Jews killed Seth rich BC he was attempting to compromise their nwo
Pic related is your average Asian fetishist.
>Not wanting to make the next Hiding in my room.
You need to go back to Asia, We don't need more nonwhites in America.
It's that simple.
Asian Females? Like Kazakhi Muslims? okay
This! This! This!
Why do you shills keep peddling this garbage.No self respecting white man is interested in mixing with non humans
>le 56%... 54%... 52% face
>oh look another asian woman fetish thread by weeb losers
you mean by marxist jew supporters?
>wanting a white whore
Top kek
The irony is, though, that whilst decent white women are becoming increasingly rare, by eloping with orientals white men essentially turn them into their race's equivalent of coalburners. White weeb betas as basically rejecting race traitors of their own race in favour of race traitors of another.
It's fucking asinine but not surprising when you look at the average male these days.