>Only drove Toyota and Lexus my whole life >Feelin' MAGA since last year >"Buy American" they said >Go on factory tour >Nigs everywhere WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT EXPLAIN YOURSELVES - IM NOT BUYING A CAR THAT A KANG HAS SAT IN BEFORE I HAVE
Cucks like you shouldn't be driving anything with more than 6 cylinders anyways. V8s were made for corn fed 10in dick slinging Americans
Wyatt Martin
Toyota and Lexus are hard to control,the steering wheel is loose and the suspension and quietness is not great either. American cars have better suspension and control at the expense of reliability which Lexus and Toyota has.
Thomas Ramirez
>"it's a bad thing when blacks have jobs" You're a weird guy user.
Charles Hill
But user, there's nothing more american than african-americans working for american jews and selling poor quality and overpriced products to white americans
Jason Foster
I giggled
Nicholas Harris
It is no coincidence that since they allowed more dindus and cunts on the assembly lines...recalls of automobiles became the new norm.
Leo Kelly
You do realize that german cars also have 8 cylinders and their cars aren't made by niggers. For the most part, they aren't made of entirely plastic fabrication either. But that's an American thing. Be real, american cars are over. We can't compete and we know it. Our best city to produce such vehicles is a literal third world shit hole and we act like it's something to take pride in. America hasn't any pride in their automobiles and it has been that way since the late sixties. Hell, you could say that about American people too. We've lost our culture and drive with the replacement of our trades and craft. Now robots and gibsmedats do our work and we say it's the best. We are Rome and soon we too will be divided up and sold.
Brody Thomas
Toyota Lexus is utter trash, 90s tech and vile looking "quirky" cars aimed at 30 something divorced women.
Most American is trash too but the Camaro, vette and meme350 will stomp a hole in your gay cuck car.
And I drive a 55k BMW so I'm not biased
Michael Martinez
I drive a mid 90's geo, pretty happy with it.
Nicholas Cox
90% of all "American Muscle" from the the 60's and 70s was assembled by niggers, most were illiterate so Chrysler devised a method of different color paint blotches to mark different parts so niggers could tell the difference between a Hemi and a 383 engine crossmember an other parts and to mark that the mart was inspected as it went down the line. the "Assembly line manager" and "Quality control manager" were exclusively White jobs
Carson Hughes
For the record, when you were buying Toyota, you were technically buying more MAGA since their cars are more built here for us with our parts than the others although obviously they're nips.
Brayden Turner
Well that, and them and Honda actually make good cars.
Isaiah Davis
>Niggers assembled the Charger that would become the General Lee
Nolan Clark
Well, THAT'S retarded.
Julian Gray
As you see here Niggers were usually working the difficult parts of the assembly line where you work under the car in cramped quarters. Also, in case some normie doesn't understand, this is not some factory in GA, this is Dodge Main in Hamtramck MI One of the two Detroit factories where the Charger was built. The other Dodge factory in Detroit as Lynch Rd literally a block away from 8 Mile Rd where Eminem grew up.
Jason Stewart
You done fucked up. Toyota and Honda are the most "American made" cars in the USA. The others are mosty outsourced.
Jeremiah Butler
It is when they get them via affirmative action.....
Grayson Wilson
Tbh no luxury brand can beat Lexus for the sheer plushness of their interiors. Nobody. But other luxury brands drive better. Acura has the shittiest interior but they're usually such a joy to actually drive.
Aaron King
>german car
syrians are sitting in your krautmobile, hans
Matthew Sullivan
>OP is stupid enough to actually believe the cars from the big three are actually made in america The japs are making more american cars than anything GM, Ford, or FCA are making. Theyre making better cars, too.
Xavier Miller
daily reminder
Adrian Barnes
>German cars aren't made by niggers You know most German cars sold in the US are manufactured in the US, right? And Mercedes and Volkswagen don't import a bunch of Germans to put them together.
Forbes ranks the Toyota Camry as the most "made in America" automobile.
Kayden Carter
>A8 Audi vs Some shitty suv.
Nice cherry picking you stupid faggot.
Kayden Davis
literally just bought a corolla
Michael Robinson
My Aunt Drives a new Lexus and her Sister (my other Aunt) drives a new Camry both cars have idendtical build quality and refinement, but the Lexus costs 3 times more because it has a bunch of fancy extra "luxury" features that are wear off in appeal in 3 months and break after 5 months and now Lexus Aunt has a shit load of dealer recalls and complaints for the fancy gizmos that malfunction.
Nathan Martinez
Why do you hate yourself? Last time I was in a corolla I almost quit driving entirely.
Parker Brooks
its true american cars are made by kangz and i dont give a shit if detroit or chicago turn into ghost towns
if you buy a american car your promoting the northern states being blacked.
Logan Cox
>wear imported clothing my whole life >feeling MAG since 1776 >"Buy American" they said >go on plantation tour >nigs everywhere WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT EXPLAIN YOURSELVES - IM NOT BUYING COTTON THAT A KANG HAS TOUCHED BEFORE I HAVE
Daniel Watson
The sad drips of druth..
Parker Rogers
Hey dumbass, you're not sending money out the country when you buy a used 20 year old camry.
Charles Scott
Well yeah, that's Lexus for you. They are absolutely the nicest to actually sit in, but otherwise can't hang with Acura or Infiniti. Acura especially is really obviously just a top trim Honda with a very rowdy engine.
The corolla is absolute trash. Toyota can do trucks good, but their cars just suck.
Leo Nelson
>Illiterate factory assemblymen have contributed more to society and the workforce than half of Sup Forums Feels bad
Jackson Murphy
The only GMs made by wypipo cost over $65k.
Chase Wood
>implying whites do anything besides jack off and post about hentai
Xavier Martinez
fuck off cunt
Ian Flores
YES AMERICANS have so good suspensions that it can t even turn
Camden Powell
>He doesn't drive Honda exclusively
Benjamin Edwards
>>Go on factory tour >>Nigs everywhere This is probably why american cars have built-in fallapart.
Whatever, I'm calling it now, Honda / Acura is currently the best auto maker by a long shot.
Just do not buy a Fit or HR-V if you want your paint to look good. They're assembled in Mexico and you can tell their paint is cheap and shitty.
Aiden Martinez
You'd be right if this were 2008. New Fords match the German cars for comfort and destroy them in reliability and price. New Cadillacs look and perform as good if not better at a lower cost. The Corvette z06 is a 650 supercar that costs 100k. The era of European supremacy in the car market is over. They've shifted from making good, quality products to living of brand image and cutting corners, like the US manufacturers did in the 70s and 80s.
Add the fact that those companies are being strangled by car-killing regulations and that's just more for the American companies to advance on.
But I drive a '15 Mazda3, because Japs are cool too.
Jacob Turner
And now you know how "made in America" became synonymous with unreliable garbage after niggers migrated north to the industrial cities.
Zachary Davis
>migrated shipped by jews to the section 8 places they own you mean
Evan Morgan
I will give you that with the caveat that you have to spring for higher end Ford models. The base anything Ford makes sucks.
Lucas Thompson
Yup. Or imported by Jewish slumlords in places like South Bronx until they had to burn it all down and collect insurance.
Aiden Clark
Welcome to Detroit retard. That place is boon fucking capital of the US.
Brandon Myers
>buying any car new >buying any car built after 1999
It's like you want to get jewed....
Cooper Cruz
What are the demographics of Detroit for $400 Alex?
Evan Morgan
I too love constant maintenance and already lesser components being worn out to lower standards. I have a 94 f250 and a 2017 Civic right now and I know which one doesn't constantly piss me off with its cascading maintenance problems and greatly diminished performance.
Ryan White
There aren't that many important components on old cars mate and with the money you save you could afford to replace them all, have a car that lasts another 30+ years and still have plenty of change left over.
Anything less than high end performance cars haven't advanced fuck all in the last 30 years, most small hatchbacks have actually gotten worse with things like solid rear axles instead of multilink IRS like Corollas had 30 years ago.
Dominic Adams
>corn fed 10in dick slinging Americans Black beaners?
Hudson Perez
nigger thats a r8
Camden Williams
Our ancestors didn't complain about niggers touching the cotton in their shirts. Suck it up buttercup.