War will get South korea and possibly japan nuked. Millions die, china dosent talk to you anymore and the media will probably spin this against you as mass murder.
Sactions do jack shit. They wont listen.
Good!..... You cant talk to them. south korea wants "diplomacy" (AKA more sactions and no THAAD.) japan....Weeb country, nuff said. China... they aint doing shit with them, they want "diplomacy" and no war, yet why arent they handling it?
D: We do nothing until they strike first. That way we won't be blamed for whatever goes wrong
Michael Smith
You're an idiot.
Jason Cox
it is my fervant wish the norks nukes texas/indiana/deepsouth and leave your pathetic nation in liberal hands forever.
Easton Turner
>hasn't heard of a false flag
Adrian Garcia
should have let macarthur have his way in the 50s
thanks (((truman))) and (((eisenhower)))
Henry Anderson
James Wright
Let them choose their destiny
Charles Sanchez
Then please, for the love of God. FALSE FLAG THIS SHIT.
Easton Hill
Right? Like maybe, "unground nuclear test gone wrong?"
Noah Gray
We'll still be blamed for our inaction.
Matthew Howard
A for fucks sake, just fucking do it you nork bastards.
Justin Sullivan
Samuel Nguyen
I've watched North Korean news for 5 years plus now, and from what I have learned, South Korea is fucked. Forget nukes, look at plain artillery. They have so many fucking artillery emplacements aimed at Seoul, there will be 100,000 dead in a matter of hours, if not more. They learned from the Korean war, dug in deep, the Norks have thousands of miles of tunnels that we can't see, filled with war material and artillery shells waiting to be fired. South Korea is fucked in any kind of war scenario.
On the other hand, if the Kim dynasty is ended prematurely, China is flooded with refugees. China values stability over all else, and if refugees are anything, they are not stable. So China is propping up Kim Jung Un for no other reason than to keep 10 million refugees flooding over their border. They have a very strong incentive to keep helping the Kim dynasty.
Long story short, There are no good options. and Seoul is fucked.
Jonathan Edwards
what are some good games that simulate world war 3 as global strategy games with relatively recent technology/geopolitical organization?
Joseph Allen
let's liberate the death camp at kaesong together Sup Forums
Noah Nelson
YouTube - ww3 simulator
This is gonna he horrific isn't it. Draft and everything, I'm gonna witness what my forefathers saw in ww2 and nam
Juan Brown
It's posturing, no country on earth is stupid enough to start a nuclear war
Joseph Perez
let's just give them whatever they want
honestly, what would it take for them to have no excuse to be pissed at us? stop military exercises in the region? send them free rice? whatever the cost it's probably cheaper then war.
i dunno, maybe beta male politics doesn't work in the long run. but it makes sense to me
Daniel Reed
Just delaying the inevitable. That's all beta male politics does.
Anthony Diaz
Anthony Mitchell
We still got blamed for Syria and the ensuing refugee crisis. Once we got involved in the region in 2003, we were automatically responsible for everything that will ever happen.
May as well stay involved and fucking burn some Norks.
Jayden Turner
Fuck these zipperheads. The United States should not live in fear of some underage moon child who is a commie godkin.
Bentley Thompson
is it? what do they even want? it's only delaying the inevitable if all they actually want is war.
which seems possible. and if that's all they want we should let them have it.
Xavier Bell
to be honest i'm not even sure if there is a north korea
maybe it's a fake country that only exists for this moment. as a trigger for the final war
Jayden Cox
North Korea has gotten away with shit because they have attacked the vassals.
Kidnapping Japanese citizens from Japanese soil. Shelling South Korean villages. Sinking South Korean ships.
The concern is that with nukes, North Korea will extend their belligerent shenanigans to America. Can you even comprehend the shitstorm that would occur if North Korean kidnapped AMERICAN fishermen, rather then Japanese?
The US would 100% go to the mat. North Korea would return our citizens, and Kim Jon Un would be made to personally bow to the US flag on North Korean State TV, or else "consequences".
The concern is the Norks will assume they have the Nuke shield and the US won't do anything. And so cause said provocation.
Jordan Young
What are they going to do though? Invade America? Let's just leave them there. If they do get uppity, let the gooks deal with it
Jackson Morgan
whatever, it's not like they can even launch their nukes without secret laser satellites or some shit taking them all out. the us has secret space weapons beyond our imagination. if the norks manage to nuke the us, it will be because the globalist establishment let them do it.
everything is fake, it's all a scenario, a storyline to keep us compliant and distracted
William Hughes
If they fuck with any country that has a pact with merica, what does america have to do?
Jeremiah Gutierrez
I don't really give a shit. It's time for Worst Korea, Japan and China to own their shit and stop getting us to do everything for them. Have some rockets and bombs and shit. Leave us the fuck alone.
Gavin Morales
Dude youre not american And everyone has give blood for the motherland, she can give some for us too.
Henry Price
Intervene or see the entire Pax Americana collapse.
A little known fact of US governance is that the power to declare war rests with Congress exclusively. It does not require the US Presidents approval. Traditionally, the President asks Congress to declare war. But it is still just as "Ask Congress".
The President does not have to Ask. Congress can just do. The President also cannot veto a Congressional war declaration as its not a law. Its a formal act of Congressional power. If the President refuses to prosecute the war, Congress can impeach him and empower his successor to carry out its will.
Long story short, even if there is an isolationist pansy ass afraid President, the US would probably still go to the mat for its allies because institutionally the the US knows how important its alliance network is to keeping major global war from erupting.
There is a reason Taiwan and Svalbard are still things it should be noted.
Isaac King
the danger is that in letting south korea get glassed it makes america look weak on the world stage since it can no longer protect its vassals.
Aiden Gomez
Oh don't give me that, I don't want to get dragged into any sort of "well, more gooks/arabs/niggers can't protect themselves, so we have to because morals". No thanks. On behalf of whitey, we aren't helping you anymore, so fuck off. We can give you some hardware maybe, but leave us the fuck out of it.
Adrian Garcia
ultimately this. If some shit country like NK can get away with it, what's it sway to middle eastern countries and Russia? U.S can't look weak.
Gavin Price
but there's no denying america can protect itself. maybe it should just stick to doing that. and canada of course (chuckles nervously). if america stopped being world police, the only country in the world with more then a dozen foreign military bases (hundreds actually) then it wouldn't matter if people thought america was too weak to defend vassals. cause america would no longer give a fuck about defending vassals.
i could easily be wrong about this. but i just don't see the point. unless the point is to create a one world government enforced by america i dunno. why does america do this? i must be missing something
Elijah Jackson
Send an army of Alex Jones clones to absolutely fucking destroy them with the force of 1000 flaming niggers
Joshua Martin
Which has been the only thing staying our hand for the last 60 years.
But there is a huge difference between threatening the Vassal with Annihilation, and threatening the Lord with Annihilation.
Threatening the Vassal means we tolerate your existence out of respect for the Vassal. Threatening the Lord means its no longer about the Vassal anymore. Its about the Lord, and the absolute arrogant temerity of the upstart idiot who would dare to challenge him.
Thomas Barnes
Jonathan Rogers
yes please :D
Julian Carter
Fuck that, just look at the US navy. All nuclear aircraft carriers in the world are US, aside from France has one. That's 10 supercarriers, even one of those is capable of basically wrecking most other countries in terms of conventional war. Not even getting into nuclear stuff, although ONE US nuclear submarine could wreck a continent with its nuclear armament. Plus they definitely have space lasers and shit that can shoot down other people's missiles and planes and so on. No one thinks the US is "weak"
Levi Martin
The US can solve the North Korea issue very easily. Step 1: Go home. Take all your soldiers and shit with you. Step 2: Stay home.
Ryan Cruz
NK already killed US citizen Otto, us is too pussy to retaliate kek.
Jacob Anderson
D. Give trillions in aid support and lift all sanctions under the condition that North Korea takes the displaced population of New York, Detroit, Mobile, St.Louis, Atlanta and all of southern California.
Witness as coons and fags shit up north Korea and they ultimately nuke themselves. Problem solved my man.
Noah Gomez
Hope you all like smallpox
Isaiah Powell
Kek, china Who the fuck do you think has given them the tech to advance their missile program this quickly? NK is China's attack dog.
Dominic Turner
we try something like that every so often and they promise to stop screwing around in exchange for material/financial support. North Korea is a permanent problem until the right coup happens. A bad coup would be better than what we have now, but it would be a but annoying for some years until things would normalize.
Adam Thomas
>all the kike shills in this thread
hope you are the first drafted and the first to have your testicles blown off for the kikes you fucking faggots
Liam Reed
they already have ICBMs you noob
Christian Jenkins
>gets close to ICBM That's fantastic! On the other hand, the US has probably misplaced more functional nukes than the Norkos will ever be able to possess. We discard more military hardware than Kim could ever hope to acquire. Pic related is a literal garbage pile that, if properly crewed and outfitted, could probably destroy Pyongyang in a few hours, albeit with massive southern casualties likely.
Easton James
Our protectorates are part of what protects us though. World War 2 taught US policymakers that they could no longer rely on Isolationism to defend US interests. Our interests are global and thus our strategic policy needs to be global as well.
In large part, this desire is expressed by the belief that free and democratic societies will not be a threat to us. Thus, we protect free and democratic societies in accordance with an extended vision of the Monroe doctrine.
Free peoples of the World shall have their independence guaranteed by the United States against the Monarchies and Dictatorships of the World.
Its why we find ourselves defending far flung places that seem to serve no real strategic interest. Like say..Svalbard Island. Which Russia and Norway both claim is there own.
The USA say's its Norways. Fuck Russia. But we reserve official judgement so Norway and Russia can work out the dispute among themselves. Provided Russia brings absolutely no military pressure to bear against Norway as part of that resolution. Because if Russia did, we would have to "do something".
Over a pile of frozen rocks in the Arctic Ocean.
Easton Wood
>Trump realizes congress, Mueller, Kushner, deep state, globalists have all cucked him >knows his time is limited and his legacy will inevitably one of failure and impeachment >decides one last "fuck you" is in order >#falseflags Silicon Valley >nukes the shit out of Nork instantly >resigns next day to avoid WW3 >Pence pardon part of deal >singlehandedly BTFOs globalists, MIC hoping for grand war and US defeat >cements America's place atop global hegemony
Andrew Evans
I choose G for please give me a gf before I die from a zipperhead nuke
Ayden Watson
Apparently Norks and Iran do
Blake Cooper
We just need to get the war over with already. It's inevitable and the longer we wait the worse it's going to be. Should have done it back when they detonated their first nuke.
Nicholas Perez
They just like dick waving. That's all that is. Look, we're not helping gooks/niggers/sandniggers fight other gooks/niggers/sandniggers anymore. Fix your own problems
Ryder Anderson
oh ok. kinda makes sense. seems like you're increasing your odds of winning a war at the cost of increasing the odds of starting one. sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.
of course that's assuming any of that is even real. i don't know what's real and what's fake anymore, so many lies. are all these countries run by the same people? are all these wars at the whim of a global elite?
credibility in all offficial stories has been completely shaken
Gabriel Ward
Do nothing. North Korea should be left alone. The problem could potentially solve itself.
Xavier Cook
You have a military of 68,000 and a budget of 18.5billion. What is this "we" shit?
Kayden Rodriguez
Like I can. If I were pres I'd had gotten rid of the problems of saudi arabia, Iran and norks a long time ago.
Jayden Miller
trumps not going THAT easy.
Noah Martin
And let a fat short, possibly borderline insane dictator that makes threats to other nations every day have dangerous weapons that destroy said nations? BTFO
Thomas Torres
US policy has not exactly been a big secret. Bushes infamous "New World Order" speech that sent every nativist and isolationist into an autistic shrieking rage.
All Bush was articulating was the post WW2 American foreign policy. Rules based international order, based on law.
Under ideal circumstance, the law itself would be sufficient to deter breakage. But the US has always believed that law is ultimately insufficient. Force, and the threat of overwhelming application of it, is necessary to maintain good behavior.
Thus the US has maintained its position as "World Police". This is the snarky term applied to America in position as the final guarantor of the post World War 2 peace. The believe that if any nation violates the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration and seeks to alter its national borders by force of Arms rather then Law, then that nation would face the full fury of the United Nations, and its largest champion. The USA.
Its why the USA sperged out over Crimea even though the USA has no interests in Crimea. Russia altered borders by force of Arms. It was written off, barely, because the US had no interests and no treaty obligations. We still punished Russia economically, and made those sanctions worse just last month.
The entire system is built upon the implied threat of US intervention. For 60 years, that threat has been sufficient to more or less keep the borders of the United Nations stable and unchallenged by member nations with a few exceptions and wars. Korean War and Persian Gulf War being the biggest examples.
If the US were to stay its hand, the implied threat would no longer be implied. It would be absent. The whole system that supports the global peace would collapse. Nobody would fear American intervention and everything that implies.
So the US will not stay its hand on North Korea. No matter the consequences.
Matthew Foster
>implying that Kim is actually competent Nothing ever happens.
Jason Allen
10/10 post.
South Korea is going to be completely fucked though. We will fail to protect an Allie when the dust has settled.
Xavier Cox
Fine, I'll check them myself.
Henry Carter
>implying any of best korea's weapons even work Best Korea doesn't want war, that's why they're rushing this ICBM talk. The truth is, they haven't had a successful launch yet that has hit anywhere except the Ocean. I don't know if you own an Atlas, but the Ocean is fucking huge and almost impossible to miss. Their nuclear capabilities are suspect at best, and there is no known data to suggest that they can successfully attach a nuke to a rocket and launch it somewhere and have it hit successfully. It's all sensationalist guesswork.
Here's what would happen if a war occurred: Some parts of Seoul would get shelled, sure. Not enough of it to kill every person there, but maybe kill/injure a thousand people or so. Then North Korea's wood-powered tanks would break down (Yes, their vehicles are powered off wood. They're so fucking poor and have so little oil that they use wood to fuel their war machine) blogs.scientificamerican.com/plugged-in/how-north-korea-fuels-its-military-trucks-with-trees/
If Korea's self-propelled artillery pieces even work anymore (They are WW2 era relics, hand-me-downs from China), then the chances of them hitting Seoul from their position is minor at best. These are artillery pieces that have to be manually sighted by hand, and don't take wind into account. Picture how many people in Korea get a math education consisting of derivatives and integrals needed to understand how self-propelled artillery shells work, and then kick yourself for thinking that these will be effective in the least.
Then comes their airforce, holy fuck is their airforce outdated. Last known estimate gives North Korea about 100 Mig-21s. That may sound scary up until you realize that they haven't been seen flying in over 20 years.
tl;dr: It's all media sensationalist horseshit. North Korea doesn't want war because even their most brainwashed general knows they would lose if they struck first. It's saber rattling, Trump needs to quit feeding the troll.
Robert Evans
is china willing to go to war with its biggest trader just cause of refugees? (Hint:there not isis) Mind you, we just got a trade deal with them recently. We're on good realtions with them. if they do intervene, it would be though regime change. whether us fights with them is their decision.
Nathaniel Miller
You can't say anyway mate, commonwealth pact. If we go to war you have no choice but to follow.
Mason Stewart
world peace through fear of us retaliation. a peace that can be broken the moment the world stops fearing the us. and so the us is constantly getting shit tested by all the bitch countries that are only going to stay peaceful for as long as america is powerful and willing to use that power.
fuck me that actually makes total sense.
>wtf now i love the american world military empire
Joshua Collins
Nice Hello god, how are you?
Connor Campbell
Based Shinzo Abe should get Japan its own nuclear ICBM program.
The libcucks in the Japanese parliament chimped-out when he mentioned it a few years ago. He should use the threat of North Korea as a way to bolster support for it.
Asher Turner
Luke Jenkins
The NK ICBM is 100% viable. Its a Chinese DF-31 Mobile ICBM.
Nobody in the US Government is saying it publicly because of the massive shitstorm this would entail, but anyone with access to google images and wikipedia can see it for what it is.
This is not a native production. North Korea has somehow either reproduced, or has been given the Chinese last gen truck mounted, 3 stage, single payload ICBM.
Either the Norks stole the design from the Chinese, or else the Chinese gave it to them. Either outcome is deeply troubling, and calls into question China's ability to peacefully resolve this situation.
If North Korea stole the design for the DF-31, then they have no respect for China and thus China has no leverage. If China gave the design to North Korea, then they are bad actors and are no partner for peace.
Either way, China is no longer a valid partner in securing a solution that does not involve war.
Gavin Anderson
There's no real targets in Indianna. Texas has Houston and maybe some of Texas' nuclear silos, but that's about all.
Remember, the Norks will probably only have 10 or so of these ICBMs at most, if they get them into production. They're more likely to target LA, San Fran, Seattle, etc. because they're closer and would cripple the US's economic ties on the Pacific.
Aiden Rogers
>North Korean artillery pointed at seoul >kill/injure 1000 people or so You clearly have no idea the amount of artillery North Korea has or how densely populated Seoul, S.K. is. Over 9000 south Koreans will be kill in the first hours.
This isn't some group of sand niggers you're talking about. They might have antiques for military equipment but the still have a massive amount of soldiers, an air force, submarines, and chemical weapons they are more than willing to use.
William Morales
>The NK ICBM is 100% viable. >Its a Chinese DF-31 Mobile ICBM. Great, still no evidence has been presented that it's not a complete piece of shit or that NK is even capable of using it.
>Either the Norks stole the design from the Chinese, or else the Chinese gave it to them. Either outcome is deeply troubling, and calls into question China's ability to peacefully resolve this situation. China giving it to them would be the worst move imaginable because China are the people who ultimately lose if they have a NATO state right next door. More likely it was smuggled across the border. In the event of a North Korean launch, it's more likely China will attempt to oust the NK government in an attempt to save their little barrier state.
Henry Myers
>You clearly have no idea the amount of artillery North Korea has or how densely populated Seoul, S.K. is. Over 9000 south Koreans will be kill in the first hours. t. armchair general. Go on, tell us how that rusty WW2 era artillery is big mean and everyone should fear it.
> They might have antiques for military equipment but the still have a massive amount of soldiers, an air force, submarines, and chemical weapons they are more than willing to use. Best Korea new empire. Please ignore that most of these soldiers are starving, to the point where they're a foot shorter than their South Korean cousins; and that it's suspect if they even have enough fuel to power all of these things at one time instead of some of them some of the time.
Bentley Harris
>ww2 era If they had an equal amount of CIVIL WAR era cannons as they do artillery they could still kill way over 1000 people in Seoul. You're shit talking WW2 era tech as if it will bounce off of people but the fact is it's effective.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Do you even think the people will actually try to fight South Koreans after they see what the hell the world is really like outside of their bubble? Most defectors constantly state the North Koreans aren't idiots and know a bit about the outside world and that it's just downplayed by the North's regime. Let's not forget all the poverty stricken members of their society, the farmers, the people wandering around looking for food, and so on. Do you really 100% think even half the assault force is either going to survive or want to fight? I sure as hell don't think so.
Ethan Adams
It works. It is a Chinese DF-31.
There is really no debate at this point. Neither is there debate on the utility of China in resolving the situation. You will note nobody in the US Government is talking about how useful China is in solving the North Korea problem. The narrative has shifted entirely to how it is now a problem solely between the US and North Korea.
China is no longer relevant as far as the US Government is concerned. Their desires and opinions no longer matter. What matters now is what to do about North Korea before they figure out how to put their viable domestically made nuclear bomb onto their Chinese made ICBM.
The universal consensus, on both the Right AND the Left in America this week is that only a miracle will provide a solution that is not war.
Grayson Sanders
The North Koreans have to know, at this point, that Trump won't fuck around. They don't dare actually try to hit the US because Trump WILL nuke them. I believe in my bones that Trump would override everyone who advised him otherwise and nuke North Korea back to the stone age if they tried to hit us. They have to know that, right?
Julian Perez
They should know by now what nuclear deterance is considering that that is what they are trying to achieve with their own nuclear program although there are other reasons for their nuclear program, no doubt
Brayden Roberts
I'm just going to point out we now have three 777 posts in this thread.
Christian Morris
Yeah, but the North Koreans can't threaten MAD. They simply don't have the arsenal, and never will. It's different with Russia or China because they have enough nukes to wipe us out. Now, most presidents wouldn't shrug off the potential loss of an American city. But Trump? I wonder.
Parker Sanchez
North Korea has already stated in no uncertain terms that any provocation will be met with nuclear retaliation. That's a double edged sword for them because while it has made the world hesitate to attack them it also justifies a nuclear first strike by us.
I don't think Trump would use nukes right away but I really, really want to see it.
Brandon Mitchell
and would bring upon themselves 100% total destruction. so why would they? 2 SLBM's from a Ohio-Class sub is enough to reduce NK to a radioactive waste. We have 18 of these subs in service and each equipped with 24 of these missiles. Basically enough firepower to end life on earth. Why would kim risk everything for this? I just don't see the endgame. Unless he is some pawn of China and Russia who are exacting some long term plan to degrade and demoralize America/the west over the last 30 years as part of some grand communist conspiracy and now we have come to the end game state where they make their move. Totally talking out my ass on that but I know China is going to do just as it did last time and back NK its Communist child. Russia and Iran band in with China and NK and we would have a real fight on the horizon and im not sure the US is up to the sight of that much potential blood. Just talking out my ass here tho the state to which we are divided as a country right now I don't know if we could pull together long enough to fight that in a conventional sense and nobody is going to be willing to fight thermo global nuclear war when it comes down to it. So long as nobody launches a nuclear strike on us, i doubt we would launch a strike on them.
Robert Fisher
They also have weaponized smallpox. A little gift to give since you are going down anyway.
Ryder Rivera
Fine, nuke some more gooks and let china whine about having to handle the refugee crisis of radiated gook midgets. They didn't do enough to reel this guy in, so let them handle it. Just don't have a god damn war about it and get American lives involved and all that. I stand by just leave this guy alone, and if the worst koreans and japs have a problem with it, they can attack them.
Sebastian Moore
One might argue that our leaving him alone is what's gotten us into this quagmire.
Asher White
Think about the worlds reaction if a US city was just wiped off the face of the earth. Imagine how the media would constantly blame Trump or any other US president for the failure to stop it earlier or even stop the ICBM from even impacting, I'm not sure how many people live, on average, in a US city but millions of deaths would be terrible because it would be known as one of the most destructive moments in human history. All that the US needs to do is start a buildup on the North Korean border and with a show of force try and force them to disarm their nation entirely of nuclear weapons, if the norks don't comply then there are 3 possibilities:
1. The combined forces of the US, South Korea and maybe some other countries would invade Korea and most likely unite the nation. Nukes may be launched but probably won't be affective because of missile defense systems
2. The USAF just goes all rolling thunder on the norks with no target restrictions basically killing the entire country
3. North korea gets turned into fallout 5
Ryan Johnson
Why does everybody say that NK refugees will cross to China after Kim is dead? Can't China just close their damn borders? Like every other country (except mine) Can't they just install new Chinese leaders and govern NK with sk USA and Japan. Just like what happened with Germany, only better planned with secure unification plans between North and South
Joseph White
Nobody wants to do a little time travel and remember that China is a fucking Communist country. NK is and only ever was a Communist country because of China. Not long ago the whole world understood its the Communist vs the Capitalist and there could be only one. That never changed. We just had greedy politicians who saw dollar signs and a very smart China who allowed them to play right into it. Now look what we got.
Asher Collins
Only white males will get drafted right?
Luis Gray
Because they will be frowned upon globally and they can't stop millions of refugees with a few thousand men, they will be desperate to get out of North Korea so expect them to never give up
Cameron Lewis
>Can't China just close their damn borders?
It's really really REALLY hard to close a direct land border. Sea borders is one thing, but a land border is a bitch to totally close. I live in Texas, I've experienced this firsthand. Why do you think Trump wants to build a huge wall made of concrete?
Now, China could go "fuck it all" and set up machine guns and razorwire and exterminate all attempted crossers. But that's still no guarantee of ultimate success.
Lucas Davis
God is here.
God, make war with north korea happen.
Lincoln Bell
>implying the power vacuum caused by Saddam Hussein's death didn't directly lead to the rise of ISIS >implying there was any reason to go to Iraq in the first place
Adam Wilson
North Koreans are desperate to escape already. Once the government collapses the population is going to scatter like cockroaches and they can't head south through the DMZ because minefields.
Jonathan Robinson
Its precisely this threat that has the US worried.
Not worried because of the damage it would be caused. North Korea has at best a half dozen deliverable nuclear weapons. Of which its questionable even ANY could actually hit their targets with a semblance of accuracy.
The worry is that North Korea believes the US would not be willing to take the hit. That we would not be willing to sacrifice a couple cities to see their regime wiped off the face of the planet.
The simple truth is that North Korea believes they can deter us with this level of threat. And that is terrifying. Because it is not true. For 20 years now the US has been quietly developing its strategic warfare capability with the specific view that a low grade nuclear war with a rogue nation is inevitable.
We did not develop these space based platforms and ICBM interceptors for shits and giggles. And we have certainly not put the fear of god back into the USAF nuclear weapons personnel because we think they will need to turn the key against Russia or China.
While the diplomats have been self fellating since the 90's, the US Military has been preparing for a nuclear war with either Iran or North Korea. Iran wisely backed out. North Korea has not.
This is going to happen. We have not built this capacity up for show. North Korea developing nukes is a help to us if anything, because it provides the pretext for the initiation of a First Strike scenario on all that artillery aimed at Seoul.
Skyking threads will be interesting this year. They already are. Anyone following Sky Kangs General can tell you the US STRATCOM is unusually active this year. There is a reason for that.