Cenks performance at politicon in a nutshell
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Reminder that Cenk is a manlet.
He did actually pretty well IMO. He btfoed that kike several times.
What a dumb fucking video, way to try and boost your shitty youtube channel
hahahahaha holy shit
His main strategy is personal insults which only works when a majority of the audience is on his side. Cenk never tries to debate facts he just tries to game the crowd. This is exactly what he did with Dinesh and he couldn't do it with Shapiro because most of the audience was with based heeb. That's why he let out that angry tweet saying TYT army let him down. He lost directly because his audience didn't show up.
kill yourself op
Whatever happened to Anne Coulter vs. Anal Aspirant?
Horse Face got owned
>watching Steven crowder vids
Spotted the plebbitor, please go back
/ourhorseface/ or /theirhorseface/?
My first video to be fair, using shotcut to edit, so might be a tad scruffy.
>horse face
Which one?
98% chance he is a freemason sell out
I will hold you down and shit down your throat.
The video was not supposed to be taken seriously as some sort of assessment of how he did. Alot of turks here getting triggered
Ana debunked herself.
Whoever posted "what a manlet" , kek praise you
yeah okay backtrack now faggot, i don't like cenk but i defintely don't like the smarmy ultra neocon ben shapiro
>muh we clapped louder so our team won xDDD
that's probably what u really believe
Oh christ please kill yourself reddit
That little jew raped the shit out of him
the difference in iq was pretty hilarious to watch
He did alright for him
No, i feel debates should not be conducted in front of an audience for that sole reason. Audiences are generally stupid and easily swayed by virtue signalling or one-liners. take the dinesh vs cenk debate as an example.
Mfw im taller than the jew i have wet dreams for
It's so sad to see how much libs need approval from others because their entire ideology is based on emotion, conformity, and complete suppression of their opponents rather than anything to do with facts or reality.
It's like a woman debating a man...
He completely failed you shitter. I can't believe the person the right has touted as an unstoppable debating genius met his match with Cenk when nobody even thinks he's particularly intelligent at all.
Defend money in politics more. Lol. Keep telling yourself you won with these 100 view 9 subscribers videos.
he is the worst
ok yeah but when you r donald faggots get negative responses with your "maga trump god emperor" post you call them shareblue shills. why is leddit still lurking here? i had hope pol would of at least kept le donald faggots contained in ptg
Was that manlet really wearing a kippa or are my eyes fucked up ?
holy shit haha, i never even saw this. I need another picture of him and ben together to verify this is real
Whats worse is that liberals tend to be self hating, and have little to no pride in their own country, notice when cenk starts chanting "usa usa usa" nobody chants with him. I'm this whole white guilt thing is ridiculous; i myself am by no means white, but white people essentially created most of the worlds great inventions, yet liberals see being white as something to be ashamed of
>met his match with Cenk
i applaud these edit skills. keep the autism up
>speaking fast makes you smart and right
put on your kekistani flag we all know where you really come from
Holy shit Ben Shapiro is so fucking annoying
Obviously Cenk is a complete weirdo and Ana seems like the craziest angriest bitch alive, but Ben Shapiro is absolutely insufferable.
>nazily jew voice
>fucking jew hat
>literally hunched over
>just shills out neo-con talking points
>gets a hard-on talking about taxes
>thinks he's cool for deflating socialism
Dude we're past arguing with socialists. We just want to throw them out of helicopters now, debating them is beta as fuck
Fuck off faggot
Cenk owned those beta manlets several times over. Literally the difference between boys and men.
Oh I don't think so
>Literally the difference between boys and men.
*ehem* *ehem*
i know the distance between the 2 isn't great, but its not negligible
>Shorter than a manlet
Why hasn't this guy offed himself yet?
how tall is aj then?
Cenk tried to say that higher taxes are better for the economy because it takes money from the people who earned it most (the rich) and gives it to the people who earned it the least (the poor). Then he called the audience uneducated when they didn't buy it. What economist taught him that removing all incentive to work helps economies?
and he married an asian. It all makes sense now....
Post snuff footage tough guy.
Fuck off D&C shill. You're fooling no one.
I don't know both of them, but that little sandnigger delivered the worst discussion I've ever seen.
>just google it lol
Ew imagine how ugly his kids will be. Asian/Brown potato head Turkroach.
Yeah Crowder is way too extreme for my tastes. I know they say never punch right but that guy...
that had to be the most embarrassing debate performance I've ever seen.
I'm pretty sure it's real. I was shocked during the entire debate because it looked like Chink was shorter than Ben.
Ben always uses the line "they don't let 5'9" Jews into the NBA."
A) Ben won the debate.
B) The debate structure was fucked to begin with.
3) If you just lay waste to your opponent then you'll never get another chance to debate them (or others) again.
Cmon man... it's the abstract game of all other games. I mean geez, ya-know?
Cenk isn't as good of a talker, but the other guy was pretty much just going on talking points, while Cenk was actually using reason and logic. Still, people are only going to hear what they want to hear.
Example for the uneducated?
Are there any Bernie or Trump supporters who aren't 100% subhuman?
"This world's smartest Turk means no more to me than does its smartest Roach"
>Edgy comment.
>Flag is a literal edge...
What did this nigger aids jockey mean by this?
Only 40 likes.
That point at which he said something like, "it's logic" (yes, and then accused the people booing of being uneducated). He was actually trying to elucidate his argument, and how the other guy missed the basic logic of his point.
I mean, he didn't miss the point; he's smart. He was just reframing it in a way that anyone who understands basic logic would slap their head over - which is basically his entire MO - but the people he's talking to don't understand basic logic, and just want to hear the same talking points they've had drilled into their heads over the years.
even at the beginning of shapiro v. cenk, cenk was trying to say as many bernie one-liners to get the audience on his side i noticed.
That's what they all do when I was a retard I thought it was awesome
I am disappoint in young self
Let's have as a moderator between these two people that despise each other a weak ass betafag ... Same shit with Coulter and hates-her-nose
I only watched the first twenty minutes or so where they debated healthcare laws and reform. Cenk seems to have done his homework and had some decent although canned responses ready. The way the questions were asked was all retarded and really hampered any kind of logical flow or understanding. So instead it was the usual polemic semanticsfagging trying to "win" in the eyes of the audience.
I was disappointed, but when you set up an event called Politicon of course you are just going to get a shitload of millennial mental midgets and their drivel pushers
I like how Cenk brought a fucking book worth of notes and Ben came empty-handed and proceeded to BHTFO off the top
He did well on healthcare and bad on freedom of speech.
I think healthcare is maybe Shapiro's weakest point.
>saying "of cooooourse" and "google it" makes you smart and right
put on the commie flag so everyone knows your iq faggot
that was the cringiest part
he was getting desperate
>nazily jew voice