Why is he so obsessed with trump?

Why is he so obsessed with trump?

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Because he got two scoops.

He's not, Trump is just unpopular and bashing him gets you good ratings. Same reason the MSM does it

His show will die otherwise.


Two scoops etc.

Poor David Letterman is probably spinning in his grave over this clown



I honestly think he is under some sort of orders to do this shit.

I mean, it isn't very funny. Even Colbert would have to understand that at some point.

I'm disappointed with him, I didn't think he was as retarded as he seems now days.

It's his current job as an actor.

He must have something at stake. Maybe he's compromised somehow.

The International Jew will cut his funding if he doesn't

His show was failing before Trump came along now he does well enough to keep his job.

Why are you?


Because he loves that adrenochrome

You know our memes are powerful when multi billion dollar media companies use every trick they have to try to compete. It's a war for minds. And we are winning.

Colbert is the ultimate cuck.

Without Trump he would be nothing. Trump keeps him relevant.

Because he's a peed

Because there is a large group of Trump haters that watch his show for talking points. If you're smart, you'd at least learn about the latest talking point so you can debunk or counter it.

His sister ran for Congress in some eastern state, the whole family are literally hyperpartisan leftists.

he's a closet homosexual. its why he's so infatuated with putins and trump cock. colberts cockholster comment wasn't even the first time he talked about penis. he also brought it up back in july 2016 when asked off camera during a commercial break by an audience member that:
>if you could ask trump a question, what would it be?
and colbert replied back "how does putins cock taste like?" its on colberts official show page on youtube.

This; its more of a desperation out of fear for his career than if i had to wager, he grabbed what was the closest and easiest thing for him to make money on and that was trump. Honestly if he could make better profits off making shit jokes he'd probably do that. Other than that i just laugh every time this fuckwad gets pissed about muh two scoops shit :D

ANy male that shows dominance will make this queers dick get hard and his sphincter quiver.

He's forced to by his masters.

Wasn't Colbert paid off by the Clinton Foundation? John Oliver too...what are both of them doing? Join the dots.

It gives him really good ratings, that's literally it.


Tghat fukcing BLAMALD BLOMPF is so fucking LUCKY I am not American because if I was I would WALK UP TO THE WHITE HOUSE and show him what I think of his TWO SCOOPS the fucking racist sexist PIG two scoops two many SCUMPF!

There's not much to talk about. Burgers don't care about geopolitics.

(((Comedy Central)))

He is a dirty Pedophile cunt mixed in with Pizzagate. FUCK COLBERT.

Look at the weird cunts beeedy eyes.



He's a total gay wad from the south, like Lindsey and honey boo boo

Two scoops are real deal

Why are you so obsessed with Colbert, user?
At least Colbert get paid a ton of money to complain about Donald Trump, you're doing this for free.

He was about to get fired over his shit ratings. Sucks too because I used to watch his new show every night until his jimmies were rustled.

But he isn't complaining about him, Dilbert.

His livelihood depends on staying relevant to the MSM's propaganda.
As long as he keep banging the Trump drum the MSM will keep him relevant.
He is an actor. All actors are liars

Southern homos like Lindsey and Colbert prey on young college boys... it's the southern homosexual way of keeping it legal at the edge of pedo


Goes home, looks in mirror, can't handle reality.

you said it.
>Colbert is a fag

Literally Jewish producers own his ass.

pedo empire going down he wants more boy ass

He's under cognitive dissonance. He literally believes Trump is like Hitler.

It is the worst part of confirmation bias. Contradicting information shits down your thinking and you become adamant.

What does that say about the nigger dick posters?

>talking point
It's called logical fallacy.

He wouldn't have a show without him.

RIP Dev Letham

Because it is easy pickings. You rail on Trump and liberals will eat it right out of your hand. They seriously don't get tired of it. The same jokes over and over again by multiple shows every single night.

>mfw he's right

It's a gay thing. I'm not even joking. He's gay for Trump.

Have to agree. Liked the Colbert Report even when I didn't agree half the time. He's complete trash now, and I can't bare to watch him anymore.

Because there is dirt on him, and he is doing what he is told to do.

he's just a comedian who's paid to by his producers to be pretend obsessed with blumpf, he's lowkey /ourguy/

he's not even real
it doesn't matter what he thinks or feels, he is a puppet. he is told what to say

Not good ratings before Trump. Good ratings after Trump

Probably true. He's really crushing the ratings by insulting Trump. How does that fit with your "polls showing Trump's approval ratings are in the low 30s are lying" narrative?
Face it, everyone thinks Trump is a jackass.




URK! Drumpp! Arahrahabbah! HUEHUEHUE Drumpft! *clap* *drool*

By the way, the 49th most powerful man in Washington bakes pizza for a living.

Podesta gave him some adrenochrome.

>pizzagate garbage again

he is owned by jews.

He's a late night talk show host.

They have always made fun of Presidents/People in charge of the country.

I dunno, probably a conspiracy you guys.

Liberals hate Trump. They always did.

>le Trump is unpopular meme

There is lots of evidence to suggest that he is unpopular, and, as far as I'm aware, none to suggest that he's popular.

>during bush presidency, colbert makes a few jabs at him but plays it off as liking him
>during Obama presidency, colbert almost never mentions him and instead mocks the republican party
>Trump is president, colbert is nonstop making jokes about him

Yep I am sure there is no ulterior motives here.

reverse psychology, Trump is actually very popular... is too obvious that MSM hates Trump, this obsession gets ridiculous with time, people see this and ignore News and anti Trump tv shows.

Trump crushes the ratings by speaking user.

>Why is he so obsessed with trump?
hes a member of the Clinton's owns Bohemian grove sect

Remember that poll that had Hillary at 99% chance of Victory?

more people watched his inauguration than any other
he has been mentioned more times in the past 6 months than all previous presidents combined
go ahead and believe its all negative, see where that gets you in 4 years

Why are you so obsessed with him?

He's big into politics and Trump is the president.

I'll admit, I thought someone was going to produce a real piece of evidence suggesting that the populace actually likes Trump. I feel more at ease knowing this is literally all you have.

trump curse on colbert NOW


Cont articles.chicagotribune.com/1997-01-02/news/9701020171_1_president-and-first-lady-president-clinton-virgin-islands

> Oh, sure, there's golf. In fact, when Clinton arrived Monday afternoon, he headed straight for the links without stopping at the beachfront home he is borrowing here. He also got in more golf New Year's Day before he and his family left to continue their vacation in St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

It brings in easy views. Trump's success was in part to idiots like him that give him billions of dollars worth of air time.

It takes actual effort to make a show covering a variety of topics with witty humor and insight.

Because he wants to be Trump and he knows it.

That's like saying everyone who watched the GOP debates was a republican.
It's absolutely not true because people like to watch things that are entertaining.

Trump can be entertaining and still be disliked.

He is PROMINENT but he is not POPULAR.

That's like saying that the kid who shits his pants is popular because everyone was talking about him the next day.

For the same reason Jeff Zucker is, it's for their material

You're putting the cart before the horse you doppelneger

But he is liked because he is entertaining.

"Few jabs at Bush, but..."

Do you understand satire, sir?

Failing that: youtube.com/watch?v=2X93u3anTco

Yeah, he TOTALLY likes the dude.

"During Obama..."

Right. Did you read the "People in charge" part? See, there were two parts to the point I made.

"Trump is president, Colbert is nonstop making jokes about him."

I know, right? It's almost, and this is really funny, we elected a idiot to the highest office in the land and, (God, here comes the punchline, get ready) he's kind of a moron? He kind of doesn't understand basic shit about shit? HILARIOUS! The jokes almost write themselves, and this guy who is in charge of coming up with jokes 5 nights a week... MAKES FUN OF THE MORON IN THE WHITE HOUSE. That's simply crazy.

(Please note - and complete seriousness here. I hate the Clintons. Nothing but contempt for them. Honestly.)

So, let's tally this up. Guy plays a satirical conservative, and ends every bit "liking" Bush. Including that Correspondents' Dinner. Man, Ol' Bushie must have ended the night thinking they were best buds.

Then, he makes fun of the GOP when they were the party of "NO BECAUSE NO HE'S JUST NOT US AND SO NO".

And now he rips on the child who sits in the Oval Office.

I dunno, probably a conspiracy you guys.

because his job depends on it. Without Trump, Colbert's ratings would be awful, and I do mean awful.

Colbert was funnier because he was so subtle. Now we have a real man instead of a liberal pussy or a cuckservative.

I completely agree with you.

he wants trump to grab his pussy and is trying to flirt

[spoiler]need more of these colbert gifs[/spoiler]

well i fucked that up

Ratings, and (((they))) tell him to be

he's still alive dude

Fucking fag made me check

Pic related is why. You can envision jewish conspiracies about undermining society all day long but in the end its all about the shekels.