Black Guy Gets Publicly Lynched by 11 Year Old
>get called a nigger by an 11 year old
>acts like a nigger for 25 minutes
>audio cuts out on literally everything important
Yeah, but 15 pieces of candy for a dollar? That's bretty good deal.
>they called me a nigger!
>i feel threatened!
>call security!
Why are niggers so easily triggered? How do you let some dumbass kid get under your skin so badly?
>Starts yelling at store's employees after getting called a nigger
Apparently that little shit was right
>niggers get trained/emboldened to believe that it's illegal to use the word nigger if it's not uttered by the usual 80% African American and needs an adult to stop an 11 year old from calling him a name
ghetto lottery
Top fucking kek
>yeah exactly
>Oy vey! That little boy just called me a nigger
>Call the security this is another shoah
Is jewishness contagious?
pussy ass nigger.
The Jews are fucked when these kids grow up
lmao. i hope he said it again when he walked back out. little madman.
This video is fucking gold holy shit
What do you think?
Why must niggers always say "finna"?
Also don't niggers think snitching is bad? Why is he snitching on little kids and trying to get the cops called.
>Also don't niggers think snitching is bad? Why is he snitching on little kids and trying to get the cops called.
Because niggers are hypocrites.
>nigger: did you just call me a nigger!!?
>kid: Yup.
The next generation is going to be hilarious.
>I didn't call you a nigger, please stop screaming at me!
holy shit
Lol Based Boyscout
wtf I love Gen Z
Sup Forums I'm actually terrorified of gen z. Did we create a monster with our memes?
No boomer spawn would ever be this fucking based and bold. Guarantee his parents are barely 30.
It's not memes, nigger. Niggers are objectively shit.
I actually blame the left for gen Z. Kids always rebel against the mainstream and in the past 15 years the left went hard on whining about racism. It's only natural that kids would become extremely racist as a way to rebel.
He feels threatened by an 11 year old
Live or work with nigs for any period of time, you will end up hating them too
based nigger's opinion on the matter. The kikes already shut down his video on the Jewish control of the media.
Gosh I love gen Z
I take it all back Sup Forums next generation is making the future look bright.
Fuckin saved
>Proceed into unrelated store an start "willin' out"
I think black people actively enjoy this. Like if a black woman's order is wrong in a restaurant, she will make sure the entire restaurant knows. Or if the order is entirely correct, but she doesn't want to pay for all of it.
I think they just expect someone to come out with a tray of free shit. Probably because it often works.
Until they start throwing us in death camps (which we rightfully deserve) I love the gen z meme
We need the power of Sup Forums autism to track down this kid, report him to the FBI for hate crime, and let people know that rasicm is a crime in America!
>those kids called me a nigger.. somebody call security!
Because white kids are smarter than adult niggers. Look at the mind games this kid has used with just a few words.
Man the definition of lynching is pretty loose these days.
Quite a find. To be fair...he is a nigger.
This brings a tear to me eye. This nigger is screaming at the top of his lungs because he thinks it's a crime to be called one. This shows you the mental state of the modern negro.
Top kek
Kids are actually pretty much savage motherfuckers. They know they can get away with almost anything and know adults will side with them because they think they're still innocent and immature so some purposely do these things.
Amazing how much shit you did and can get away with as a child.
kids these days
Generation Zyklon ftw
damn that video is great.
>i feel threatened!
haha wew
Lmao what a beta. Why didn't he beat the shit out of this little fattie?
Generation zyklone at its best
>vid about batshit insane gen z
What have we done
Another decade or so, we'll be seeing race riots that'll put the 60's to shame
> be cute girl
> completely ruin your looks by having tattoos
This guy kind of seems like a baby to me. I grew up in a black neighborhood and I definitely dealt with worse shit than this. Aside from frequent verbal abuse for being white there's also the fact that I got mugged too.
The next generation is going to be fucking hilarious. Actually one of the few things that's keeping me from offing myself is seeing whether gen Z becomes our saviors.
I have a feeling more of incidents like this are going to happened and the worst part is, the soccer moms would start wanting to have Sup Forums off the net.
>the negroid is so stupid he goes into the store to tell the manager as if the store manager has any control or responsibility over
Can confirm the savagery of kids. I have a 12 year old son that makes grown men scream and cuss him out over video games. I've been stunned to hear some of the things come out of mouth. And also proud and impressed that his rhetoric is so advanced.
and it will be glorious
I was half expecting the nigger to punch the kid. But then I realized he's beta so he just randomly shouted the word at random women.
They'll probably blame it on whatever shit Video games they play and Youtube before they jump to the conclusion that some obscure chinese basket weaving forum is to blame.
My fucking sides holy shit this is great
>Get called nigger
>Proceed to act like nigger
Well if the smoke matches the fire...
how when a dimensional
collapse is an inevitablity
You learn how to make people look stupid for your own entertainment at a young age. You then advance to master of whit.
This. When I was 13 my jewish english teacher tried to turn an entire semester into holocaust history month. She went on and on and on about it and acted like it was specifically targeted against her. One day I told her "mrs. Shekelburgh, the holocaust isnt all about you okay."
She called me parents, who then asked her why shes not doing her job and just teaching english. Best part? Shes wasnt even REALLY jewish. She just converted to judaism literally just so she could join in on the "muh 6 gorillion, muh anti-semitism, muh oppression" virtue signalling.
Also one day she made us write an essay titled "Why al Gore is the best choice for president." She actually got reprimanded by the school for that one cuz a bunch of us kids refused to write it and she gave us all failing grades. She had to apologize and retract the assignment.
they already blame racism on us anyway, they have yet to shut us down.
Gen Z is going to throw us in the ovens too, for not being strong enough to do the job ourselves. That's okay, though, as long as we go in last so we get to watch the commies and merchants go first.
>video restricted. sign in using Jewgle
No thanks nigga
wtf i love autism now
jesus fuck, is this what school is like for american millenials? i laughed for a whole damn day when i heard about this nigger history month (AN ENTIRE MONTH) that they shove down your children's throats
>a grown adult can't handle being called a name by a little kid
>They just called me a bad word! Can you call security?!
What other race would do this? Black """men""" are fucking pathetic.
>lurk moar newfag, and it's spelt nigger you fucking cunt
This is amazing. True?
Why aren't shills in this thread?
Generation Zyklon is looking FABULOUS so far.
They're going to right all the wrongs...soon.
I was expecting the white kid to strangle the nog with his bike chain or something, not just another chimpout.
The best
Holy shit unbelievable. A literal grown man saying he felt threatened because some ALPHA AS FUCK 11 year old called him a nigger
Make this kid the klan leader
I think I'm technically Gen Z (born early 80's) but it was this bad in middle school high school for me too. We talked about muh holocaust in History, in English, in Government/Civics class, basically everywhere but math/science/gym. Jewish groups push this stuff on schools. The schools where I live now take the kids to a fucking holocaust museum, I think they would have done that too if there had been one where I grew up. There is one in every major U.S. city now.
Shit, supposed to say Gen X.
Maybe there's hope for the future after all.
>dat's what y'all do?
>Yep, that's what we do
>on the bus about 5-6 years old
>like sitting in the back
>black girl in high school wants to sit in back
>she goes to bus driver with piece of paper points at me
>get called to front of bus and told I can no >longer sit at back cause of paper
>paper said nigger
>my young mind now thinks all dark skin people are called niggers
>next week at mcdonalds with mom
>see blacks at table walk up to them could hardly see over it
>so how are you niggers doing ?
>they freak out start screaming I get in trouble
>find out blacks don't like being called nigger
>I was vary confused
Unironically based nigger
Honorary aryan right here
11 year old be like, "nigger"
grown ass man be like, "I NEED AN ADULT!"