What drugs are non-degenerate?

bro i really feel like its bud. some of the smartest guys i know chief. what do u guys think?

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all drugs are degenerate

None of them. Only reason to do drugs is if you are ill or if they help with physical pain.

which thread are they trying to slide with this ridiculous bullshit?

even the nazis popped addies my nigga, some shit actually improves performance. my nigga arnie was the ultimate alpha and this nigga was off all the gas he could get his hands on.


Drugs are for degenerate faggots get out reddit poster

Quit talking like a nigger. You're not black, you nigger wannabe.

Marijuana for the end of your days better than beer or whisky though far better and less impairing (that I have found). Mushrooms a few times in your life though no more than a few, they give you an avenue to clean yourself of old grievances and figure out who you really are and not what life made you into. No more than few times will you need, and you'll know when you're done. In general if it comes from the soils and is used for a proper purpose then it won't be degenerate, synthetic and for your pleasure alone it won't be anything but...

His name was Seth Rich.


Light usage of alchohol
>Some positive effects
>Light usage gives very few negative effects
>Few negative effects
>Most strains just make you happy

Although being a full on stoner is degenerate


This is pretty accurate. I hit an oil pen once every 3-4 months, no big deal.

The only drug that's useful is Adderall. EVERY Asian uses it to get high scores, and some white kids as well. Makes your memory sharp af and should mostly be used before a test or big assignment.


Not the methylated form.


only psychadelics are non-degenerate. using drugs for spiritual purposes is fine. drug usage becomes degenerate when its done for pleasure.


cyanide pills

Its natural so I say everything in moderation.

Degenerate is not working 45+ hrs a week

the nazis did that because they were at war and needed to fight for days on end

Alcohol if it's in moderation and in a social situation.

That's literally it.

Marijuana is the epitome of degeneracy. Hope Trump enforces the federal ban on the cuck states that legalized it and throws the users in federal prison.

>he's never jerked off on a psych
You're missing out my friend

I quit weed in college because I started resenting progressive faggots and sort of associated weed with them.

5 years out of college, I'm starting to sour on alcohol because it seems like I feel suoer tired or hung over the day after drinking even if it's only 2 or 3 beers.

Bought some weed and a vape pen about 2 weeks ago and have been loving it. The tech seems like it's progressed an order of magnitude and the weed itself only costs like half as much as it did when I was in school. Don't know if its red pilled, but I feel like there's way worse vices out there than taking a single puff of vaporized thc in the evenings

I know right. My uncle is a millionaire real estate agent in DC, he smokes and grows loads of pot. I think most people even very successful people in DC blaze. My homo uncles husband worked in the White House for Obama and he said everyone in there smoked. Weed isn't degenerate

>alcohol is okay
>marijuana isn't
alcohol makes me feel sick and like i'm poisoning my body (i am). drinking "only in social situations" is so fucking pathetic and degenerate.

smoking weed helps me focus and quiets my brain. it's a very effective way to help me cope with the "loudness" of my thoughts.

this, i had a similar trajectory. anyone who says weed is degenerate, but alcohol isn't has never smoked weed before


i would never smoke weed with obama

LSD will make you into a better person.

The ones that dont damage your brains. But they all do so dont you even think about doing them you stupid fuck.

LSD is a great thing to do. Cleansed my mind. It is great to meditate on.

A little dab will do you.

Amphetamines and other assorted stimulants are the patrician choice.
You get shit done, son.

>Cannabis damages brain

Amphetamines and occasional marijuana use. Social drinking of homemade beer, wine or spirits.

LSD is pretty fucking great when used responsibly. Most people who'll tell you different either haven't tried it or were irresponsible.

LSD always just made me want to make children's art while listening to wub dub bassy music

Mushrooms always seemed more meditative to me. Did it a few times in college and it was like having a friendly Jordan Peterson style figure tell me what my shortcomings were, which always preceded a positive change in my life. Calling distant family members more, studying instead of partying so much, that kind of thing.

Black tea. Helps you focus and there aren't many bad side effects.

I think I'm using LSD too much, I'm not addicted but I just know that I would enjoy it more if I took longer breaks than I'm taking. I was tripping like once a week when I had a lot of it. I don't have any more currently but I'm gonna re-up on another vial before the end of the month. It's just such a great feeling and I really want to share it with other people.

>take lsd
>overwhelmed at first
>sit in corner
>realize I spend a lot of time in the corner on Sup Forums
>I'm dying a dog's death
>overcome the trip
>start working out on lsd
>no limits
>on top of the world
>keep at it
>get in shape
>turning life around
makes me smile thinking about it


>I'm not addicted but I just know that I would enjoy it more if I took longer breaks than I'm taking. I was tripping like once a week...

Yeah, I'm not sure you can get addicted to psychedelics. Another great thing about them. Try spacing it out to two weeks.

>LSD always just made me want to make children's art while listening to wub dub bassy music

If you think you can handle it, try taking some and going to a museum. It's fun and educational.

Why waste the enhanced benefits on war?
If everyone took addies, the world would be a much better place where people are way more productive.

The fun is addictive I agree

I'm almost 30 and have a family, my acid days are way behind me user.

>45+ hrs a week

Yeah I can manage spacing my trips out I just had a bad habit of wanting to rock and roll as often as possible.

I'm thinking of starting to work out at my house while I trip - get some weights and maybe do some cardio in the neighborhood when I'm coming down or something. This poster seems happy enough with his results.

Smoking weed is comfy desu.

No everyone would end up tweaked out methheads you dip

>If everyone took addies, the world would be a much better place where people are way more productive

Do we have studies on what long term use of amphetamines does to people? I feel like taking it all the time might not be wise.

Oh. Nevermind then.

This. All drugs contribute to short-lived pleasure rather than long-term happiness.

I'm a film dude and I just can't get over how much fun it is to get really high on lsd and watch like 4 movies in a row. The first one is usually the best one but still I just love that feeling.

Paul Erdos my dude
We'd all be mathematicians

Medication if you actually need it for an illness.

There are no non-degenerate 'recreational' drugs.

I love weed, fuck the haters

Yeah, it really helps you appreciate art.

I like weed occasionally, end of the day when it's time to relax. And the most unhealthy part of it is smoke, and I use a dry herb vaporizer so the smoke problem is virtually eliminated.

Generally drugs that do little harm.
I think there was another psychedelic that wasn't too harmful to you. All in moderation of course

also LSD if used infrequently

>Still on Sup Forums
Add delusion to the list of effects

>I think there was another psychedelic that wasn't too harmful to you.

LSD when used properly and in the right environment is fantastic.

cigarettes and whiskey

Alcohol is just poison. Once you drink enough to get a good buzz going you've fucked yourself for days to come. Anyone who regularly works out and infrequently drinks knows how terrible that shit is.
And funny enough a lot of my best workouts are the day after getting blasted on weed.

Oh and cigarettes?
Dude, they relax you because you got addicted to them in the first place. Jesus.

>my nigga
>this nigga

Kratom. Top-tier pain relief (next to opioids) with no known side-effects save vomiting if you take too much worth noting.

And it doesn't fuck you up while "high".

fucking manchild

Meth and every other Drug the Nazis took.


You're just weak and can't quit your pathetic "drug".
At least when someone smokes meth they're getting something out of it, they're killing themselves but damn at least they are getting blasted.
But you? "It relaxes me I can't stop". Gtfo.

Nope. Get on the thiel train faggot

if you are not a manchild you can smoke without getting addicted, nobody forces you to smoke a pack per day, fucking peat-gavel.


Marijuana is perfectly fine as long as you are not a cuck who succumbs to addiction. I am an engineer who makes six figures, and I smoke marijuana every night to help me deal with chronic insomnia that I've dealt with since my teens. It's very relaxing, but absolutely should not be abused. Degenerates who have no willpower will obviously abuse it, but those stoners should not be the representatives of every person who consumes marijuana.

I've also done LSD and magic mushrooms in my younger years, and I consider those to be fine if done rarely for spiritual/personal exploration.


>effective way to help me cope with the "loudness" of my thoughts.

I enjoy it for the exact opposite reason. I love getting drowned in my thoughts. Have enough and I may even trip on my own thoughts. Good times.


>what fags are non-gay
>what niggers are non-retarded
>what jews are non-subversive
Should I post more oxymorons or do you get the point?

>hiding behind a flag
You're not fooling anyone...

Total degenerate here. Weed is the least degenerate. By miles.

I have smoked it, obviously never got addicted. It does nothing, that's it, nothing. Smoking green tea gives you more than nicotine. It starts relaxing people and motivating them to smoke them when they realize it's relaxing, not understanding they are getting relaxed because they are addicted. Put it this way, if it wasn't addictive, barely anyone would do it. Look at chamomile, smoking that will actually relax you, but barely anyone does it. Why? It have no addictive qualities. And the effects are too weak to justify regular smoke inhalation. You can always vape it though.

Alcohol is the white man's drug, weed is for niggers and nigger sympathizers

Propensity toward degeneration depends entirely on the individual, no drugs are inherently degenerate.

You can be a full blown drug addict but still lead a high productive life, in some cases the drugs allows you to contribute more to society than what you ordinarily would have.

Both JFK and Hitler were daily users of opiates and meth. Hillary is a full blown alcoholic and benzo addict, along with god knows what else.

The best artists, writers and musicians were addicts. High performers on wall street get loaded every single day. Silicon valley programmers and startup ceo's use all sorts of shit to increase their productivity.

Being sober is blue pilled. If you're unable to take drugs without being a useless degenerate the problem is you, and you should remove yourself from the genepool.

Marijuana can also help with anxiety, PTSD, depression, Parkinson's, or Chemo, would you consider people with those to be "ill" or do you not think they should have it?

I'm the smartest guy you don't know. And I've been smoking the devil weed for 35 years now, pretty much 6 times a day - with my morning coffee, on my way to work, at lunch, on my way home, after dinner, and before bed.

I have thus far experienced no adverse or long-term effects, but then, perhaps I'd be the last to know.

by the way you are talking you are either a nigger or you are a faggot trying to talk like one. either way you need to kys badly

Everything in proportion. I smoke weed every day, but I hold down a job and am fit as a fiddle as well. I eat healthy and only before I smoke.

the way you talk is degenerate.