What is your opinion on pornography?
What is your opinion on pornography?
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Face isn't that good, nice panty shot though.
2D porn is better anyway.
Pretty much worn my cock out fapping to porn
had a blister and have developed a dark area on my shaft where my finger rests
Depends on the person. If you're a dipshit who can't be objective it may skew your view of realty and sex. If you're just using it to cum I see no harm.
Very helpful for those without a gf
Show me more and I'll give you my opinion.
must be drawn chinese
worse thing to ever happen to my life. became addicted to it at a young age which caused development of degenerate fetishes.
Fuck that shit. SYS.
>Face isn't that good
Degenerate Detected
>became addicted to it at a young age which caused development of degenerate fetishes.
You're in company with like 75% of men, but it is degenerate, unhealthy and a waste of effort/time.
Helps me sleep
Same as drugs. Awful for you, should be massively shamed and discouraged, should be reduced as much as possible, but we also have to realize that people will get it even if it's illegal and provide a safe market so that porn actors and buyers aren't hurt by industry kingpins.
A Jewish tool to weaken the moral fabric of Christian society.
kill yourself
It's efficient.
Slide thread here I suspect, but I'll tell you - it's evil and very destructive. It ruins a young mans understanding of what a female is for and it destroys sexual relations for normally healthy couples in the future. It creates unrealistic expectations, it destroys self esteem and it profits from human slavery. There is nothing good that comes from it.
Dude its un healthy as fuck
twyla star is the best
very relaxed and receptive, yet confident
best milf
I know it's bad, but I look at it anyway. Maybe one day I'll stop, but not in the foreseeable future.
degenerate and sage. sage goes in all fields.
You're supposed to get a cabbage patch doll, cut a hole in its ass big enough for your cock, shove a quart size zip lock baggie in there, fill the bag with warm lotion dyed with red food coloring, jam your snausage in, and enjoy.
Fuck Off with this shit, sage fag
It's like alcohol, fine in moderation but to much and it will fuck you over relationship wise.
For example: Wife goes on trip and you have to get your rocks off
2. You have to beat down a stubborn piece of morning wood.
3. you learning new techniques
4. Some couples get themselves off by watching porn while they get each other off. I used to have a friend who's parents used to do that. Sounds fucked up but whatever floats someone's boat I guess.
>There is nothing good that comes from it.
It saves me some time when I've gotta fap?
With your imagination it usually takes longer.
well god damn. kek confirms
Is there anyone who can link a study that can show your body knows the difference between masturbation and actual sex?
Waste of time and energy.
Deleted my entire porn folder a long while ago. Kinda regretted it at first though that's mostly because of the loss of one particular set of pictures and video I liked more than the rest was hi-rez stuff that was very difficult to track down in the first place. Oh well.
It may save time, but at the expense of some neural connections. Young man, I understand where you're coming from. Been there, done that. But every time you masturbate to porn, you build and strengthen neural connections that can only become excited by that kind of porn. It turns into your fetish. Later, when you get a wife, you're going to come to the wedding bed with that shit in your head. If you're lucky enough to find a gal that digs that same stuff, then good for you, but that's unlikely and it will hurt your sexual relations. That stuff you see in porn isn't normal, happily married sex.
I like it. Just wish I could find a successful niche producing my own. Any ideas, Sup Forums?
Addicting and corruption.
VR porn is awesome . keeps my sexual urges down , i dont have to waste time trying to get laid with a woman cause i m not CHAD , with VR PORN , i just turn on that shit and it s done . and VR is overall less expensive than women anyway .
Lets play spot the shill easy mode edition....
Gross, exploiting, degenerate, yet I can't look away
>tfw too blackpilled to even give sexual release a thought anymore
Wide selection, Good quality
It's probably not good but I wouldn't slam it as hard as the No fap guys. Masturbation using your mind is generally better (works your brain) I think if you use in moderation it's ok. If you are going to watch it, watch the Jap 2D so jews don't get clicks.
It's the best, i work my job, save money, work out, and crank one once a week. enjoy being slaves to pussy, enjoy paying for those meals cucks.
just blew my load to a muslim girl getting railed
If I had free regular sex i wouldn't watch it.
is good
Degenerate, unhealthy, sinful, and I struggle every day to completely stop masturbating because of that.
>But every time you masturbate to porn, you build and strengthen neural connections that can only become excited by that kind of porn. It turns into your fetish.
I don't think I have any "fetish" though. I just like to see people having fun. I don't even watch much of it.
>when you get a wife
>it will hurt your sexual relations
I don't think I'd want to have sex with a real woman desu. I'm pretty damn used to porn and my imagination at this point and I'd rather stick to it.
I'd like to have a gf anyway though, but it would be weird.
kek this must sound pathetic as fuck but I'm being honest.
I don't think it's just porn that did this to me, I'm just weird anyway. And with porn I can stay weird.
Its no different than prostitution
Sex for cash
Either both should be legal or both should be illegal
I prefer the latter
Stop watching porn anyway
I regret taking on the habit of watching porn. Never should have ventured near the construction sites around my house as a little kid, the workers would often leave their hardcore porn mags around and i'd look at them as a little kid. Ruined my vitality and it's such a hard habit to crush.
VR porn is neat but also kind of meh. You can look around and it's impressive. But it doesn't make it all that better.
There's going to be interactive, computer-generated VR porn eventually though. That is going to be awesome. There already is but it's at its early stage. It looks anime-ish and the interactions are fairly limited. It'll get better though. A lot better.
It serves a purpose, but is nothing to be celebrated.
Extremely boring.
Girls are not even that pretty if you closely look into it, which makes it even more degenerate.
There are things you must express
moralisers and repressed types just fall harder.
Do not be fooled that these types know more about emotional expression, they are afraid of self-knowledge.
who is she
my opinion is that there's not enough in this thread
Honestly one of the worst inventions in human history and I can't stop myself from watching it
literally ruined men
(((OP))) kys
Well, may God bless you young man. I hope you find happiness. And the woman of your dreams will come when you least expect it. Mine did (at work, completely unexpected). Sex with a real woman is wayyyy better. Two people receive joy from giving. Good luck.
> saves time
why are you training your dick to prematurely ejaculate?
>omg i get all sad when i crank my weener im such a failure waaaah
Ban it & put those involved with it in camps.
It's just more degenerate Jewish culture. It tries to promote Black males with White women.
The bane of my existence one of the best ways to absolutely fuck up your will power
1/10 constantly trying to quit watching
not enough pressure on my schlong
very good
Alright, thanks dude. Good for you.
To save time.
It's only degenerate for people who have zero willpower and fap 40 times a day because they're so unmotivated to get out of their house and do something productive.
It's bad
Can become addictive and is etremely damaging psychologically. As with drugs though, in moderation its mostly harmless.
ooowwwy so edgy. keep it up, you're sure going places kid
fucking amateur, what you need is a pringles tube, some sponges and a latex glove.
The industry is probably not good, but amateurs are fine imo. The increasingly "hardcore" stuff (like in every banner ad for porn now) is concerning, but it should die down as more customizable VR stuff booms.
It's hard for some guys to quit, but understanding sex vs intimacy is crucial.
Also, don't get demoralized if your dick isn't as big as the guys you see in porn.
All bantz aside, you've got no idea how many anons (and various others I talked about this with) say that it's their chief qualm with porn.
porn is cool I watch it all the time. god bless the Jews for producing so much of it!
Screw this thread: more hotties in pantyhose please!
Always been my favorite fetish!
greg lansky is my hero
wow! Greg Lansky has a very impressive collection of awards for his groundbreaking work in the niggerdick industry
>Nathan Abrams on Jews in the Porn Industry
Decent article
Degenerate brainwashing kikery. I only fap to hentai.
>Lizzy Velasquez
>You're welcome
Are Jews attacking our oxytocin? This in-depth analysis of history and culture attempts to answer the question.
Before Sup Forums i was a normal Christian guy. Now im a drug addict transsexual prostitute
Yeah... porn is damaging
bucha cool dudes
I don't have to pay for meals my dick is so big cuck
>not fucking a watermelon
>being so fucking miserable with yourself that you even hate porn now
This is all starting to get embarrassing.