Are the Canadian and Australian armed forces plagued by a epidemic of PTSD and suicides like the US Military from the Middle Eastern wars?
PTSD is a fad
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Throughout my sheltered middler upper class life in the suburbs I've never met, seen, or heard of any victims of PTSD personally
PTSD is a by-product of society shunning regular violence and a lack of exposure to traumatic replicating training when preparing to fight in combat.
I'd go further and say that PTSD occurs because the natural spirit of man recoils at having to fight in wars for our Zionist Jewish masters and kill our honorable human compatriots just so the evil blood-sucking Jews can make another dollar.
Warfare should be left to warriors, not to soldiers who are paid to fight.
They fuck dogs in Canada, legally! Ptsd is fake anyways.
Well said. Soldiers =/= warriors. I like that. I guess the next step is defining the difference between them.
Soldier's are paid to do a job while warriors fight on principle?
>Warfare should be left to warriors, not to soldiers who are paid to fight.
You don't seem to be familiar with the military pay scale.
not disagreeing with you
I'm undiagnosed but I'm pretty sure I have it.
>dealt with asshole leprechauns my entire life
>killed a guy in self defense by ripping his heart & lungs out with my bare hands
>kidnapped and thrown into the ocean
>legally dead when I hit the water but woke up because water is cold
>killed 3 sharks and dolphins saved my life by floating me to a buoy that had a call button
>killed a guy and shot his friend 10 times while pretending to be buying drugs
>countless other things which are too fucking insane to list
In the Military here you're treated like a poofter if you claim PTSD, just keep your mouth shut and do your job.
Its our emergency services that has the highest reported rates. In this order Police, Ambulance, Fire, which also correlates to the highest number of women employed, coincidence? I think not.
A family friend I know has PTSD from serving in Iraq, he can't celebrate July 4th anymore because the explosions causes him to start panicking.
He has a scar from when he almost had his arm blown off and he also has sleeping problems.
tell him lexapro
PTSD is a real thing that people have had for recorded human history. The fucking ancient Greeks recorded men coming back from war with an unshakable melancholy and hard drinking. Most humans need a lot of conditioning to just get along with the horrors of war. It's easy enough to dehumanize the enemy, but when it's your own friends guts laying all over the ground (or in the modern day, all over everything) it's pretty shitty.
I hate sanctimonious veterans. I see them at McDonalds all the time wearing their fucking combat fatigues like they think they're in fuckin Kabul... bud you're in Canada... do you want me to buy you breakfast LOL... all those welfare queens deserve is a bullet to the head
You have no power here copy pasta fag.
>Warfare should be left to warriors, not to soldiers who are paid to fight.
people didn't get PTSD fighting over africa in the 19th century for rothschild bankers
Where in leaf land are you located? If you're close to a base or detachment it could be guys just grabbing food during the work day.
Mon-Fri a good chunk of those on base are in cammie jammies during the work day unless doing PT or some other task that requires something different.
If you're not within driving distance to one of the above mentioned then it could be some weekend warrior trying to look hard or some guy who found a surplus store.
Id go even further and say %95 of people who claim PTSD are virtue signaling faggots
>be me
>be marin
>see some shit
>get stabbed multiple times outside of military life
>still no PTSD
Yeah k.
Its just a giant social club of faggots who want to act like they are tougher/have it tougher than everyone else.
Anyone who is not permanently maimed from combat and claims PTSD deserves to be executed by firing squad.
>grandpappy killed fuckton of chinks with karbar in Korea
>never claimed PTSD
Literally this.
No, but honestly your commanders did some crazy shit that ours wouldn't. So many American outposts that came under daily harassing fire for MONTHS on end, marines getting shot at while sitting in the chow tent. It's that long-term exposure to stress that really messes you up.
Which war was the last war we didn't fight for the bankers?
>grandpappy killed fuckton of chinks with karbar in Korea
>never claimed PTSD
Mine didn't, but he watched the war movies whenever they were on, called rice maggots and wouldn't eat it, and killed any snake he ever saw. Pretty sure he remembered it well.
for once a leaf is right.
Thats good though, at least he stayed true to the cause user.