I have actually not seen that picture of Trump and Epstein before
Dominic Parker
Give a bump, even if you don't get it. Shit be important. Trump's true test. He blew it, crying gas and hitting Assad's dumpsters. Last chance for the cunt, IMO. Russian swanctions, for nothing, will make Trump my enemy. Russia dindo. Crimeans and E. Ukrainians WANT to be a part of Russia. SELF FUCKING DETERMINATION!
Easton Diaz
Is rareish. I think it was at a Florida disco. checked
Lastly, UP DONBAS, UP CRIMEA! Best from NW America. I, for one, support your decision. And I would give you a can of tuna to support your continued, futile, resistance. youtube.com/watch?v=HK2lNuiD7gM Russia has the best teens.
Joseph Sullivan
Yeah you suck! How dare you ruin it for everybody else! Get out! No! No, you go! I'm not going anywhere shithead, get the fuck out of my neighborhood! GET OUT! You're no artist, you suck! You're a mediocre piece of shit! You can't even play. You suck. I've been playing 41 years. You suck. I'm a left handed guitarist. You suck! NO! No! NO! You go! Get the fuck out. GET THE FUCK OUT! GET OUT! FUCK YOU. FUCKING ASSHOLE. GET OUT. Where are you from? Where are you from? GO TO A STUDIO AND REHEARSE. Maybe someday you'll learn! You SUCK. You're a no talent piece of shit! You impose your lack of talent on the neighborhood. GET OUT. HOW DARE YOU COME DOWN HERE AND DO THIS. I'M HERE FOURTEEN YEARS, I'VE LIVED IN THIS TOWN MY WHOLE LIFE. You're a disgrace! How dare you! I'm, uh, 3 blocks down. Who the hell do you think you are? Who the hell do you think you are? You any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe everybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in all of North America. Who are you? WHO ARE YOU? You miserable, presumptuous no-talent. You're no artist. An artist respects the silence. It serves as the foundation of creativity. You OBVIOUSLY don't have the talent. You don't have the respect for yourself or other people or what it is to respect yourself in music or any other form of creativity. And I'm an NYU Film School graduate, SUCKAH. And the School of Visual Arts and the Academy of Art University San Francisco. You SUCK. You're a no-talent. If you really had talent, go practice and then get yourself a gig! Instead of ruining the end of the day for everybody down here. You DISGRACE. You are everything that's gone wrong in this world. You're a self-consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of SHIT. And I've earned my right to say it. OKAY? I had 200,000 people with me in 1975. I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew The Grateful Dead from 1966! Who the fuck are you?
I want to make it clear to any future employer, or thinly built Antifa; My name is Thomas Paine Cox. ALL the artistically inclined racists and mentally deranged right wing youth, worship me. I'm gunna buttfuck ya mum, faggot nigger. youtube.com/watch?v=P9jGbowzKTk I'll cut you. Come at me.
Dude. I'm better than you, at drums. It's the one thing I have... and global politics: youtube.com/watch?v=npdofXM7m0o Relax. Some are just better than others. And we don't like it when the... 'lessor,' wander into our domain, faggot. I ate nothing but drums for 25 years, little bitch.
>I ate nothing but drums for 25 years Let's be hearing you, then...
Mason Gomez
>If Trump doesn't sign the Russian sanctions, I'm on board, 100%. If that guy has balls of that grandeur, I'll follow him anywhere, and clear his path. Self this. youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=WO0x9Uit4Vw
And if he signs it, I'll know what kind of man Trump is.
Lincoln Murphy
Bummer, your disability. I play like Keith after he pisses on a Crackenbussh reform school girl. You play like this: youtube.com/watch?v=LKuuHfMx3CQ but crippled, and with less leather. Pretty gay, and rudimentary
John Gomez
He will sign because he has to. If he signs sanctions happen. If he doesn't sanctions happen and he loses face.
I know who I didn't vote for. I voted Epstein, for the win. You know he purchased GREATER St. Jmaes, and supports Florida ballet, and life extending technology? youtube.com/watch?v=AyneR8scx44 AMA, because I can't tell you
Elijah Ward
There's something about that post
Jackson Sullivan
I wonder if was the video of that child soldier getting beheaded.
He met with anyone with power; he was the deep state dirt producer.
>let's have a party >bring in some teens that might look older enough > >I've got video of you banging a 16 year old; looks like you have to play our game now
Jace Bell
>gladio b
Mason Rivera
Owen Martinez
Is it wrong to raise your child and dog in a Spartan way? Knowing That Atlantis was likely Minos, and very gay, what with the bull jumping? youtube.com/watch?v=6NSB-wKYL4w
Zachary Thompson
ayy lmao, I ain't clicking on that shit.
Tyler Thompson
>39 posts by this ID Take your fucking meds.
Christopher Watson
>diggies >is that Me-again Kelly ? In pic
Oliver Hill
>Russians... because no one wants to start a war with them Eeergh. Some neocons actually *do* desperately wanna start a newk war with Russia. They've commissioned research and shit and reckon they can win. Fo figure. But yeah... They are hard and hot for a hot war..
>digits. Trump does not drink,alcohol. So he does not get drunk. So he does not get into a state where he does not know what he is doing. I doubt (((they))) have compromising stuff on hi. With underage girls. I think he likes womanly tits and ass. Not a skinny kid. That's why they fear him. He knows.
Luis Adams
green text faggot, with little to add. Stop. youtube.com/watch?v=LKR9pSs6i1g It's hotter than a fucking firecracker here tonight. STFU