Would you like to live in the Deep South?

Am I the only one who unironically would like to live in Dixie Land?

I dunno
It has something great about it. I'm from Europe. Serbia and Dixie are not that different 2bh. Great people.

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I live in Texas and it can be very based but only if you stay away from larger cities and their suburbs. Big cities completely lack that certain southern feeling that you're thinking of and are just generic cosmopolitan shitholes (Dallas, Austin, etc). There are some really nice people, but there are also some really shitty people and a TON of beaners and spooks if you stray too far from rural areas.

Too fucking hot. I can't wait for winter here I can't imagine how unbearable the fucking heat is in the south

Texas isn't the south , especially now. I've lived in Dixieland, in Mississippi and it fucking sucks. If you want to get that southern feel but not live in a shitty area, I'd say north Florida would be best, north Georgia, and eastern TN would be good too.

I forgot to mention this, a lot of people bitch about it being hot but try coming here during summer and you'll see why. Pretty much always over 90F, 100+ often, and nights might get down to 85 if you're lucky.

Texan from Houston

Mississippi, Alabama & Louisiana wouldn't be such shit-tier states if they got rid of all the niggers

Those gas prices are fucking sexy, shit a few months ago in Jacksonville I saw Diesel go below Unleaded briefly.

I do, and the people dont actually look like that

I'm also from serbia. lots of coal burning goes on in the south, fat people, and general niggery. apart from that its largely like serbia

>not shitty

Dixie is truly a gem in a postmodernist hellhole country. Move to a small town, have a big white family, stockpile ammo and defend your land and people when the shit hits the fan and the packs of feral niggers come.


Come to Amerikwa, bro
Its basically the new Balkans anyway, fuck it

I'd love it if the people there were like pic related. They look like fun, alright people. It's too bad that in reality the south is just full of niggers and other brown people.

t. Mississippian



Hot and dry sounds nice. It's been 80% humidity here in Alabama most of the summer.

Please expound upon this claim. How is the south like serbia?
t. southerner

To be fair it gets to -30 regularly here during winter and you'd probably crap your pants in the cold whereas I could go out in shorts if I really wanted

people are more friendly in the south, they love to eat BBQ and fried food, people like hunting and fishing, prices are cheaper than US average, jobs aren't crazy plentiful like on the coasts, similar culture, people are seen as stupid and backwards
all things like serbia

I plan to move to the deepest south I can

NW Arkansas is nice.


ttown here

last 48 hours have been tolerable
but a few days ago it was like 110 degrees "realfeel". I just cant work outside past 1 pm, its not worth it

The best thing about the American south is vehicles. You have all of these perfect condition classics that have never seen the snow and salt that go for cheap.

I'd love to live down there just to own cars.

any thoughts on College Station, TX?

I am thinking of applying for PhD at Texas A&M but concerned about cities being pozzed


this is whats nice about CA too. no snow , perfect condition cars. here a 10 year old car is like new


taxes in Alabama are relatively low, so infrastructure for roads is not great. This makes sports cars less popular because roads are not silky smooth.

Also, rich people are more likely to have a tricked out truck than a Corvette. Both are the same price. I'm not sure if you understand how expensive trucks can get. A new one with all the extra options can be $60k.

I've visited california and they were way more nice cars than alabama, even if our purchasing power is comparable. (less wages in alabama, but also less for mortgage/rent)

The white people are garbage too, user. I lived in Mississippi for a while and it was trash. Where are the redeeming factors?
They're conservatives also total degenerates.
They're christfags that rant about sin but cover their state in cheap malt liquor, seedy porn theatres, gross strip clubs and lead the nation in teen pregnancy.
Its so hot and humid people rationalize being lazy and not exercising. Their politicians misappropriate all of their disaster relief too so they never really recover from hurricanes or oil spills. I was there post Katrina and Deepwater Horizon and it was a fucking mess years later.
They took their shoreline recovery money and built a football stadium instead.
