CNN insider pt 2
Holy shit
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Yeah, wtf happened there? Was it locked?
Bump limit, dumbass.
No it was way over bump limit and died
376th post or some shit lmao
Thanks for baking, friends.
Let's get this going.
I believe cnnanon.
Too dorky to be LARP.
Intelligence was about right for a CNN journalist, not going to lie.
Reminder, that was what prompted him to wanting to leave, not him leaving.
I can never tell anymore if we're all retards or not.
Read the thread.
He said he knew those guys, not that he was those guys.
He didn't say that that story was about his resignation.
What's going on? I've been away for a little while.
whats with all the crossed out links?
I got a kick of him being posting in Sup Forums about how the_donald is a hate sub
That article was referenced because that is the article discussing when Lichtblau, Harris and Frank resigned. By referencing that article it does not in anyway mean that another person didn't resign.
>Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Harris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN.
He's not saying he was one of the people that resigned in that article. Pretty low reading comprehension you people have.
whats this all about?
What the fuck is up with that?
MFW can't tell if it's censoring or just a website bug.
Shut the fuck up. You're out of your element. I'm deleting your post now.
Alleged CNN user having freshly resigned posted some links saying that CNN falsified data to tell lies about healthcare.
That guy's comment was deleted, maybe twice?
The mods might be awake, guys.
You too, jackass.
They're visible to me though.
Seems like it. Or he realized that he derped it pretty hard.
>Digital health team
Jesus christ either quit or neck yourself lad
>sees screenshot from CNN website
>reacts like this
Is it the cunt derby in here today or what?
Bumping for more CNN insider
And it's CNN Digital's Health team, retard.
We dont like CNN
We like the leakers trying to expose the nefarious agenda and shit.
Is it Autumn yet?
September can't come fast enough.
Brother, its important to know where everyone stands
We really dont like CNN
If someone inside CNN has an epiphany and wants to repent for their sins and join the right side, they are welcome. If they don't, at least just get entirely out of the lying business and find more honorable work. This stuff has serious effect on people and CNN is largely responsible, we find out more and more
I thought you were telling me to quite, not Drash.
Amphiboly is a bitch on the internet.
>freshly resigned posted some links saying that CNN falsified data to tell lies about healthcare...
But. CNN. Fucking lies. About everything. Why do we came and get wet panties cause one *now unemployed -and presumably unemployable * ex CNN hack wants to tell us "CNN lies"... We've been calling out CNN NYT WaPo and the rest for their lies for *at least*'a year = 2016 presidential election - now...
We know they lie.... And they've come here to confess they lie? When is the liar not lying ?
If cnn user is still here, then tell me wtf is their end goal?
>We dont like CNN
We do however enjoy, and get moist, when someone uses understatement and irony. Have a kek.
Because he gave us specifics and healthcare directly effects everyone. At the very least, it's ammo we can use to take down the bloated whore.
Profits before cable tv dies and mobile browsers like Brave become commonplace.
I have a feeling is that this will fizzle out.
It's a shame.
It seemed legit.
Time for CNN meme dump.
Here's template. Do your worst.
Drumpfh is finished!
>implying LARP is not dorkiness of the highest caliber
Anyone who's worked for the MSM is a traitor regardless of whether they resigned or not.
Out of their element? That would imply you have a desire to control the narrative here. Sup Forums isn't compromised at all is it? It's a carefully guided propaganda tool.
Did he survive long enough to see her demise?
If not a LARP this is what CNNanon looks like.
You're just pushing to the bump limit aren't you?
It seems to be a new shill tactic.
I have over 200 CNN memes. I love posting them because I know how much they annoy ((them))
fuck cnn and fuck journalist people
What is that pic saying? Can't make any sense of it.
Shill accusing me as shill? Since when shills have dropped redpills about CNN?
It's crazy that this actually happened and nothing was done about it. Literally Stasi shit. You just know they're itching to kill anyone who wrongs them.
bump, i can sense an erection in my pants
None of it makes sense.
Someone explane.
A shill can't take out posts like all those above though?
Is this from the movie Philadelphia?
Why is a leftycuck mod censoring posts on pol? Screenshotted. Hope you get fired
Bump. This is really good.
i am fucking sick of this larp shit
everyone wanting to get in on the fucking larp game
fucking gullible ass niggers
Thanks for the memes finn autism bro
Cap all you can, something is fucky! Those two anons appear to have caught a b&. Posting 200 cnn pics is not peculiar at all. That is a shill calling people shills while he's shilling.
I'm doing this for lulz.