I'm starting to feel slightly liberal again. Will someone please fucking give me a good dose of that red pill?
I'm starting to feel slightly liberal again. Will someone please fucking give me a good dose of that red pill?
Sup Forums is dead.
Literally find any redpill threads. These things hit the image limits.
Or check the archive you mong.
Jews did everything bad ever.
Logic is for pussies.
Traps are gay.
Women are all evil.
He's got the feelies. Kek
there is no way world peace can be achieved, life is not fair, injustice will always be the norm
Long live Sup Forums
Here you go
CNN is Jews.
>feeling liberal
Why do you think other peoples' shit belongs to you? Are you a nigger?
Git wat you can
Jews: imgur.com/a/ER090
The Holohoax: imgur.com/a/UNhwa
Economics: imgur.com/a/3IEtU
Women: imgur.com/a/UWtj2
Racial Realism: imgur.com/a/ByCnG
Ethno-nationalism: imgur.com/a/u3ykb
Cultural Marxism/Liberalism: imgur.com/a/cS5CR
Media: imgur.com/a/adKzw
Guns: imgur.com/a/EcFxy
Climate change: imgur.com/a/HbKvL
Homosexuals: imgur.com/a/FkHqh
Transsexuals (be warned, painful to look at): imgur.com/a/yj0Nu
Oh no, he is reaching maturity! Quick, someone retardpill him again!
Fuck, that was too much
This man and others like him deserve a newer deeper layer of hell.
It gets even better..
>Peter Biehl, who along with his wife channeled the pain of their daughter Amy's murder by a mob in South Africa into a passion for alleviating poverty and violence there, has died. He was 59.
>Biehl, of La Quinta, died Sunday at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage of complications from colon cancer, which was recently diagnosed.
>The Biehls supported the killers' amnesty as South Africa moved from bloody unrest to a post-apartheid government. Then they hired two of the men to work for the Amy Biehl Foundation Trust, which since 1997 has given $5 million to a variety of social programs and business projects in and around Cape Town.
>"He was a mentor to these two young men," Linda Biehl, 58, said of her husband's forgiveness. "And they loved him."
> colon cancer
> they loved him
No, please stop, I want a happy day today
these people are brain damaged. there is no doubt about it. they have no sense of danger or self preservation. Like lemmings.
Neolib economics don't exist. Social security is going to default. The aca is a corporation friendly, anti consumer piece of legislation that created a Medicare bubble financed by China, which fucks over normal taxpayers.
We have way too many civilians and it's an objective fact that immigration would fuck our GDP per capita. Neolibs try to avoid talking about this by mentioning reverse diminishing returns, such as how the rich would benefit from cheaper labor.
look up obamas debt to GDP ratio, and you get a good idea of how leftist "economics function.
or cunts like these...
(is there anything worse than a fucking race traitor , doubled by a heavy dose of pathological egocentricity+ smug moral superiority ? ) One can always point the finger at jews. But never forget the enablers...The traitors...The ones who stab their own people behind their back in the name of human rights & antiracism and equality...Just because it boosts their fucking egos...
People who'll never admit they're wrong even as they're being raped or beheaded...)
>Get some fresh air.
>Cut some trees down or dig a pit or something
>Feel testosterone surge through your body
>Gain power level
Know thy enemy and keep it together faggot
>mentioning reverse diminishing returns, such as how the rich would benefit from cheaper labor.
Oh "trickle up economics"...we've really come full circle.
The left is an entirely artificial creation by a power mad Jew
See all those Open Society Foundation groups, those don't include NGOs and other lobby groups which are the base of the "democratic left".
Also women don't deserve the vote, they are 1/3.33 of a man's combat power and they're massly inferior economic producers who need a feminized school system and quotas into post-secondary to compete. Also because of woman's hypergamy, they never trade down in what they perceive to be social economic status, Feminism creates a tiny pool of reproductive partners for them, while at the same time displacing men as Patriarchs. Basically Feminism is a thot machine meant to depopulate the White race...
Btw this means that it's more likely that people will get away with murder.
Stopping racism > stopping murders.
It's OK to be slightly liberal as long as you don't loose sight of the reasons why you gravitated to the right to begin with, extremism doesn't represent a purity of ideology. It's simpler to give yourself over to hate and totally dismiss those who stand against your ideals than it is to feel empathy for the opposition while still holding firm to your convictions as to why their way is wrong but it doesn't mean it's how you should be. That turmoil is a good thing, it keeps you human and allows for introspection when your beliefs and motives are challenged by new information or circimstances and might need to be reavaluated.
>The king is dead. Long live the king!
Fuck off with that fashwave cringe. Redditcuck virgin.