What does Sup Forums thik of Ben Shapiro right now?

What does Sup Forums thik of Ben Shapiro right now?
Can we trust him at all

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I think he's still pretty ok. Not my favorite, but hes definitely not the worst.

He's going to be on Joe Rogan's podcast tomorrow.

He fucking ass-raped Cenk

He believes in a Jewish ethnostate for his people and rails against an ethnostate for your people.

He's a Jewish supremacist that only cares for Jews. You can trust him to serve Jewish interests above all others.

I've never stopped liking him, but that's because I'm not an alt-right faggot playing the left's own identity politics game.

Nah, he needs to get gassed like the rest of them.

He's for ideological the vetting of immigrants, which means if you think other peoples' things belong to you, you don't get to be American.

Only a shill could be so naive.
Ben's writings & audio/video clips require no trust on anyone's part.
Judge his arguments and points based on their merits.

Hilarious considering he thinks all of palestine belongs to Israel.

After he stops serving our purpose, he'll be the first to the ovens.

Who does Palestine belong to?

What if we could just keep all the jews in israel and palestine and out of the west

Politicon was like watching a hungry rat munch away at a roach.

I don't know why cenk would agree to that and bring the Medicare argument to the table. It is the worst system when you look at numbers, and the concept of giving it to everyone is the death of medical care.

The truth is that certain diseases and medical disabilities aren't worth treating due to financial requirements.

If a kid is born with Hemophilia, yes its possible to keep the kid alive. The kid will cost tax payers over 600k a year for the rest of his life. It's also hereditary. Why would you want that shit? The truth is that medicare shouldn't cover cancer, hiv, or any .01% illness that costs millions to cure and work through.

Cenk is a fucking idiot.

I would assume the people that are already living on that land. And Ben's argument was something like "if Poland had the right to take historic German land and no one raised a fuss, why can't Israel?"

He's a good balance for me against Sup Forums
When Sup Forums puts me in a bad mood, Shapiro makes me feel more like a person that can fit into society somewhat

Depends. If you believe that, no matter what side of the political spectrum they align themselves with, Jewish people will always put their own interests first and the interests of their own people first at the expense of others, and that they look after their own intensely whether they're communists or bankers, then no, you can't trust him because his success is always your loss.

If you believe that everyone and every group are all playing that same game and their success can also benefit you, then yes, you can trust him.

He's more Red pilled then the average White guy I know
Pic related

If your argument is that Palestine belongs to Palestinians, then it didn't belong to the Ottoman Empire, or the Byzantine Empire, or the Roman Empire, of the Selucids, or the Israelites, or the Assyrians, or the Egyptians, or the Macedonians, then your argument would also have to be that America belongs to the Indians...also you would have to argue that it belongs to the first tribe of Indians to set foot on uninhabited land 8000 years ago, not the other tribes taht took it by warfare.

I don't know if that's the case for EVERY Jew, but it's certainly the case for Ben because he's shown that time and again.

He's a Neocon

He dresses his Zionist, globalist views with a shiny (((conservative))) clothing

He is one of our greatest enemies and summerfags are oblivious to it

Want to see his true face? Look at the Ben Shapiro-Michelle Fields matter. It's easy to find info on it.

Shapiro routinely calls out liberal Jews for their hypocrisy. There is a big difference between non-religious Jews, who vote for socialism and multiculturalism, and religious Jews, who vote conservative.

neocon faggot

Not that most people care about that sort of thing, but literally all of those incidents happened before wars of conquest and being able to just jack someone else's territory because you were stronger became against international law.

The Michele Fields thing wasn't about Fields, it was about the fact that Trump and then Breitbart lied about the sequence of events.

The people that kill enough other people to hold it. And since the Jews have infiltrated the American government you spend 40 billion dollars of taxpayer money to fund the Israeli military.

The only answer.

>International law

The Ottoman Empire was the internationally recognize owner of Palestine prior to WWI and its dissolution. There is no piece of land on earth that is now inhabited by the original people who set foot on it. Setting an arbitrary date where "from here on, this is the official time of ownership" is ridiculous, because ownership claims after 1917 are no more or less valid than prior to 1917.

He is? Where has that been stated?

There are no good jews.

The issue is more that if we let any one country do it, then there's no reason any country shouldn't be allowed to just sweep through and conquer any nation they want if they are powerful enough to. And that might have been fine in the past, but the killing power we have now is too great to allow constant war to happen.

1- It was a 100% about Fields
2- The lies were claimed by Fields and Shapiro only, he scapegoated Breitbart to promote DailyWire, his mongrel creation of a zionist-cuckservative site. At the moment he realized they were going to become fierce rivals for the same audience, he Jewed them.

I do not like anyone who insists that America be Israel's wardog. Enough with these fucking foreign parasites. If you place another country's interests ahead of the United States, you are a traitor to the nation.

I can't find any mention on either of their social media profiles. Did Joe state this in a podcast?

You still aren't making a logically coherent argument, because you are drawing an arbitrary line in time where conquest was ok before, but not after. You are conveniently relenting that it is ok for the US to conquer North America, but not for the Jews to claim territory in Palestine. If your argument had no logical footing, it isn't an argument at all. Applying one set of standards to yourself and a different set on the Jews just makes you as bad as the progressives you supposedly hate so much.

It was just like Penn Jilette. They wanted someone that wasn't the standard crooked poltician for years, but once one actually comes along that isn't Ron Paul they change their mind because they find his personality distasteful.

>Can we trust him at all
You can never trust him

I don't know user you tell me if (((Ben Shapiro))) is /ourguy/?

1- arbitrarily attributing motive
2- arbitrarily attributing motive


What makes a white person who demands other people pay for his healthcare better than a black guy who makes his own way and demands no special treatment?

>black guy who makes his own way and demands no special treatment?

Name five.

He is unironically the right wing voice of sanity on any issues that isn't related to Judaism or Israel and BTFOs establicucks, libtards, and Drumpflets unimaginably hard and has this aura of intelligence which is refreshing after having people suggest people like Crowder.

I thought Cenk was holding up fairly well for the first half of the debate, I was shocked, but then he just started falling apart.

Used to like him, but now that I've read some of his books I realize how much he expects his audience for his podcast not to remember what he's written. Especially with regards to his shilling for Bob Mueller. Pisses me right the fuck off as I was reading "The Case against Barack Obama" at the time. Major condemnation of Mueller in there, but what does he say on his podcast? Some shit about "If you don't hire any Democrats for your investigation you probably don't have a very full team." Bob Mueller is the piece of shit who fired Robert Spencer and instituting insane PC silencing policies at the FBI, crippling investigation into Islamic terrorism, and his investigation team isn't just Democrats, they're big-time Clinton donors. You can get an investigative team together without big-time donors for the opposing candidate, even if they are Democrats.

Remember, with guys like Ben, it's not what they're saying; it's what they're not saying and what they want you to not know. Don't trust him. If we're talking about the best Jew on the Right, Mark Levin >>>>Ben Shapiro. Even if Levin was a big shill for Cruz during the campaign. When he focuses on JUST the issues, he's one of the best conservatives out there. (As a NatSoc, I'd hope for better, but that's for another topic)


1-You have no idea of anything you talked about this whole thread
2-you sound like you're being paid to push his shit around here

A shekel for a good goy

>so he debates stank uyglier
>that doesnt diminish his jewness or civic nationalism
>it is fun when he pisses off people though

I will qualify though, that Ben Sharpio IS a known liar and any claims he makes have to be taken with a grain of salt.


He's listed on the guest schedule here

Because these people are still alive at the time it's taken. The indians tried to take back their land and guess what, they lost. But it took them 2 centuries to give up trying. It's one thing to want back land you never personally lived on, it's another to want back land that you yourself were living on only a decade ago. It's far easier for me to empathise with the latter because the former is some sins of the father shit.

No, he is an israe_firster masquerading as a 'conservative'. Slightly useful but not much

I think he's the doogie houser of Jewish lawyers and isn't on board with the cultural marxist agenda which is great.
I also think these leftist shill threads trying to subvert right wing youtubers are a waste of time.

James Earl Jones
Samuel L. Jackson
Dr. Ben 'Sleepy' Carson
Steve Harvey
Morgan Freeman


Larry Elder
Thomas Sowell
Herman Cain
Chris Rock
JC Watts

1- ad hominem
2- arbitrarily attributing motive


This doesn't even make sense. So you are now saying that conquest is ok so long as the conquered people give up, but if they don't then it's not ok? There are native americans today who claim the US still belongs to them. You aren't even coming close to making sense.

The fact is that land belongs to who takes it, and we get decide whether or not we recognize the claims inaccordance to our own self interest. As it stands, I'd prefer the Jews own palestine than sandniggers who routinely blow up pedestrians. I wouldn't want to pay to keep them there, but if I got to pick one I'd pick the people who respect property rights, engage in voluntary trade, and condemn religious killings.

Oh what a timeline that would b-
Oh wait

Fallacy fallacy

>Not engaging in discussion because does not have any point to make
>textbook shilling for a jewish zionist

another Shekel 4 u

>Can we trust him at all
Never trust the Jew, not even the anti-Zionist ones

He's a shameless zionist, so...

You're trying to put logic into what I'm saying but quite frankly I don't care about the logic to it. I just don't think the world should operate on might makes right ANYMORE. Yes it worked that way in the past but we don't live in that time period.


E celeb threads need to be permabanned. I'm sick of seeing this smug kike fuck posted everywhere in his stupid small hat.

>I don't care about logic

Well, that's the end of that discussion. Turn in your penis and get your free vagina.

I already have one

Don't be so problematic and anti-semetic leftypol

Darling, you are a libertarian. You are just as retarded as he is.

Makes perfect sense, then. Your feelings don't alter the state of reality, no matter how much you want them to. Rules, law, and consistent application of both are how you determine what is right and wrong, good and bad in this world. Your estrogen-infused feelings are not the barometer by which good and evil are determined, honey.

Read this nigger archive.fo/ZM3sc
If this doesn't get your blood boiling of how much money niggers and spics take away from working whites I don't know what will

His debate skills are very good, but he showed plenty of vulnerabilites agains the Jenkroach

He strawmanned

He unironically defended the Koch Brothers

His points on healthcare were weak

Any 120+ white man would call him out on his shit on the spot

But a roach manlet obviously couldn't


I don't like the vast majority of black and hispanic people because I don't like freelaoders and statistically most of the mare. But it's not their skin color that determines that, it's their ideology and individual decisions.

This is why I can never get on board with you alt-right types. You are drawing a line along racial boundaries and declaring all whites good and all blacks.hispanics bad, when I know more than a few shitty white people and several black people better than you will ever be. You sit there on your ass and say that because we share a skin color you deserve a portion of my labor and property. This makes you just as much a nigger as the black people you hate so much.

Ben shapiro is a disingenuous kike that reverts to strawman arguments against the left

He also got BTFO @ politicon by Based Cenk

Never understood people's infatuation with this guy.
He's a shill for the gop establishment, Never been anything else.

>calls a Sup Forumsack (((alt right)))

Read these please
Blacks and whites are two separate species
Also since your posting under a gadsen flag maybe you look into what the founding fathers thought about race because otherwise you're not truly adhering for what the founding fathers wanted

Also have you ever lived around actual black people? Just ask southerners or people who live in inner cities like Baltimore, la, Compton, El Paso, Harlem, Detroit, Chicago. I live in SoCal and beaners are almost as savage as niggers just have a look at people getting literally chopped up by the cartels or research into the brutality of black violence

None of the racial characteristics of whites blacks or anyone else matters to me. All I care about is your behavior. That means that, because most black people behave poorly, I don't like most of them. It also means that I like a good number of white people, since they tend to behave better. Race might be a correlate, but it's not the determinant on which I or anyone else should judge.

More than anything, I hate white people who think that their shared racial ancestry with me entitles them to take what's mine for the amorphous and ill-defined "greater good" of our race. Seriously, fuck you. I don't owe you anything, and if you come to me demanding my life or labor I should be able to just shoot you.

Buying CNN'S "alt-right" scapegoating

A 100% working meritocracy, independence from the (financial)) jewish lies,a society without any kind of social benefits, and a iron fisted police/immigration force with a judicial system that works 100% based on reason would give any country a economic boom that would turn it into 1950s America all over again. And segregate subhumans in the process.

Take your CNN/MSNBC/reddit googles off and you might learn something

Your reading comprehension is fucking awful. I know most black and hispanic people behave poorly, and I don;t like any of them who do. That doesn't mean I'm going to make the retarded short-cut of thought and assign default virtue to all white people and default vice to all brown people. It's like you don't even know how to think.

>the stats don't matter to me
>my cherry picked sheltered life experiences matter more than scientific research and statistics
>completely go against what the founding fathers wanted for America in the first place

Palestine is currently illegitimately occupied by Jews from Europe.

There is no state of Israel.

>A 100% working meritocracy, independence from the (financial)) jewish lies,a society without any kind of social benefits, and a iron fisted police/immigration force with a judicial system that works 100% based on reason would give any country a economic boom that would turn it into 1950s America all over again. And segregate subhumans in the process.

I actually agree with all of this, and this is not what alt-right ideology is about as defined by not CNN, but the original figures who established the alt-right. The alt-right has always been an ideological movement for an ethnostate like Japan for white people, not a meritocracy.

Faggot, do you think you know anything about niggers?

Do you want to talk about niggers? Look at my fucking flag.

I was born and raised a white high IQ male in niggerkingdom, I live in the blackest region of the an actual 3rd world country.

You and your faggotry wouldn't last a day here.


South Africa? If so show flag please

Oh nvm that's still just as bad as South Africa

You people really can't read, can you?

If 99% of black people are criminals, then 99% of them should go to jail and be removed from society. It doesn't mean that being black then becomes a crime. You can justly apply law without resorting to racial identity politics.

So if virtually all of blacks are criminals then they shouldn't be accepted into society thank you for agreeing with me. Also cucking this hard for based niggers or spics makes me your one of those civ cuck faggots from the_Donald if so please learn to fuck off

They're not all criminals, but the ones that buy into Marxist/Black supremacist ideology all become the most savage of criminals

Come and see how it is around here, jewish class wars rethoric, along with thug culture artificially implanted in our TV and music turned our niggers in psychopatic savages

The very few ones that don't buy into it are either low paid workers or policemen dying in the cartel wars everyday

Or actual bums/drug dealers living off gibs from our 14 years of a Marxist regime by a communist ANALPHABET that niggers elected president

Let it sink in, our president could not read

>agreeing with me
Except I didn't, because the whole point of the discussion was what the criteria for judging people is - you say it's skin color, and I say it's behavior.

>blahblah cuck blahblah reddit blahblah
these are you magic non-thought words, just like progressives who say blahblah diversity blahblah mutliculturalism blahblah

Mate blacks were always savages every civilization that has ever come in contact with them has they're from the Egyptians to the Persians to the ottomans and to Europeans. I'm sad that the Portuguese and Spanish were too lazy to truly colonize Latin America. We could've had a Iberian and a anglosphere.

I don't dispute how barbaric people can be, especially black people who are raised in defunct, failed countercultures. That's not the point. The point is I think the determinant for judging people is what they do, not what they look like. I don't understand why this is a hard thing for you people to comprehend.

Gee I wonder if their young life environment has anything to do with it? Here in Canada our blacks are generally respectable and do well for themselves, hold jobs and contribute to the economy. The American or other third world country descriptions of blacks apply not to our blacks, but to our abbos.

As I said

Arm the population, give everyone guns

Make a true meritocracy

The niggers will sort themselves out

We have the Strictest gun laws in south america (implanted by Lula, the marxist sindicalist that can't read) and it's impossible to resist criminality here, that's why our niggers are specially savage

I have a gun because I'm rich and hold a government official job

American slave stock came from West Africa, which were typically the least-civilized of the African tribes. That's why they were so willing to enslave each other and sell them to the white slave traders.

Modern black immigrants to North America undergo some selection bias, because only those intelligent and wealthy enough to afford the trip make it to the US and Canada. That's the wonder of an ocean between you and the prehistoric world. Europe isn't so lucky, since their proximity to Africa means that even poor, uncivilized barbarians can float their way to the continent.

I have no quarrel with any of this. A meritocracy plays no favorites and has no diversity quotas. If 90% of black people are barbarians, then 90% of them will fail at life and disappear. Along the way, so will all the collectivist white niggers who think their skin color affords them some kind of inherent moral virtue and a claim upon my life.

If those jews still align with us, then I'll rethink my attitude to them.

Never trust anybody. Use the noggin.
I think that's why they're now moving against the immigrant tide... they saw "live with a potential lion or be torn to shreds by hyenas"
They're between a rock and a hard place and their last bet is our mercy. That is only obtainable by healing our working relationship and actually listening to us.

>What does Sup Forums thik of Ben Shapiro right now? Can we trust him at all

>Can we trust him at all


The choice of the migrant to choose either Canada or the US when migrating to North America speaks to their psychology and decision making as well.

>African cultures
So which one is more savage please do tell us. Because at the end of the day blacks have virtually achieved fucking nothing at all with all their time on earth. Wheras whites have practically civilized the whole world by spreading their culture, ideas, religion, and technology to the barbarian hordes. And what's fucking even more interesting even after they were raised by whites in imperialism look at what happened to their countries after whites left Africa. Look at the Congo, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Liberia, Haiti, South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Somalia. Do you see any of them taking after their previous rulers? Do you see their economies being robust? Do you see their crime rates. Their STD rates? Life expectancy? Human development? If you haven't watched empire of dust on YouTube you need to because it shows clearly just how Africans let all the infrastructure built by whites rot away and go to waste. I don't give a shit about your magical 1% niggers that don't do the thing the average nigger does, because at the end of the day it's the average that shapes the actions of the group not a few quiet and unique individuals.

Before Lula, my city had the most famous right wing death squad on the region, and it was the safest city in the whole state

I miss being able to walk with my feet on the street at night, like when I was a child, I drive an armored car now and carry a gun

Not even 0,1% of the people here have it "good" here like I do

He seriously used "google it" in a formal debate. He got BTFO by a kike.

>colour doesn't matter
Can't tell if he's ignorant or stupid.
Colours affect every facet of our behavior. He's a fool if he really did ignore it.

>though I think he's a good liar too

He's no Milo, but he is alright.