There hasn't been any good happenings because you fell for the shill meme and believed that kek is a r/the_donald meme. It's not. This thread is now a kek appreciation thread, and digits add power to the happenings.
You fags abandoned kek
Other urls found in this thread:
t. plebbit shill. Go back to your shitty normie board you fucking nigger.
not that i'm a christian, but most of Sup Forums is, and it's clearly blasphemy to worship a false god. just saying
t_d > Sup Forums
Go back
He's a weapon, not a deity.
First old meme little rebbitor? lurk moar maybe you'll understand the cycle eventually.
Where is the guy that wrote a book? He has a jewtube channel with a Buddhist name.
Answer this. whats pic relateds name?
I want you men to see what the Chinese did to American POW's in Korea to demoralize them. Compare it to what shills do here and see if they aren't similar.
go to 6:13
Kek predicted that Le Pen would win and yet she was defeated. His power was clearly expended in the Trump election and he must sleep until the next election.
But since the eclipse is coming in a few weeks, there's still time to worship a moon goddess and doom the world.
Those times were infest with shills which corrupted our power, but if we overcome their shilliness, all the happenings will be in our favor
And still no digits of note.
major natural disaster, 200+ fatalities, East Asia
Gotta use the faith
How about a small scale natural disaster, US, approximately 10 deaths
Almighty Kek, bless this Post with your righteous digits and harness their energy for your deeds. SHADILAY.
Last go, mid scale terror attack, US, 15 casualties
Donald Trump is Impeached
All Right-Wingers Die
Feminists Win
Praise Klek
digits says kek wants us to get off our lazy asses
Praise it be!
But what should we do?
Reminder that this is your average kekistani faggot
Manlets Go To Guillotine
Donald Trump Eaten By Crocodile
Blacked is The Real God
Praise Krek
i appreciate you oh kek my kek
He lives!
The classic newfag litmus test
fuck off Sup Forumstard faggot. literally the biggest happening in history happening every day this week.
Keep it alive Landon. Praise KEK!
Aliens Eat White Man
Your Mom Blows A Horse
Donald Trump Screws Oprah
Praize Czech
Holy Kek. He hath rewarded your faith.
It has been done.
Praise chaos praise victory.
Lose Yr Penis in Chainsaw Incident
Donald Trump Eaten By Alien
prrsesagh klegbjbjok
Keep up the good work, let's get more energy!!!!
KEK broke my heart in France user, why hath KEK forsaken us?
Because Le Pen would've brought in more refuges. This leader will make France great again!
>Under the false flag of KEKistan
Why do you normies insist to come here and disturb our safe space?
Stop bitching and praise!!!!
fuck off faggot, kekistan is reddit tier shit
time for comfy
we love our muslims oh they so good oh they so sweet
say that to my face you fucking nigger
>One our Sup Forums
Why Lord KEK?
Reminder kek is /x/ not pol fuck off shill
nobody said anything about kekistan you stupid bitch.
Use these digits
Look at those fucking digits.
id fuck both of em
the flag that user has dipshit
I promise you happening of unproportionable measures Soon™.
It is the happening of the all happenings and it will end the large scale happenings forever.
>tfw Redditors destroyed our manifest destiny tool
If ending in 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0 then Norks nuke Kekistan first and there are no survivors.
>Best Korea nukes their best and only friend.
These new trolls must be some kind of Kosher Troll school dropouts.