I'm sort of in love with an English boy at the moment. He's so good looking. So ya, how likely is it? I'm Chinese-American. Lived in the states for practically all my life.
How likely is marriage between Englishmen and Chinese women?
t. white worshipping neo-nazi insect chink
reminder you are soulless and completely lack awareness. you will never be considered a person, only a soulless insect
If you actually are a girl you are most likely a 3 or 4 at absolute best, which would cause him to reject you.
Feel free to post a pic to prove me wrong but I'm 99% sure you are a fat 30 year old american who has nothing better to do than act like a girl online.
I assume you aren''t white.
FYI, almost every nonwhite person in the states is attracted to whites. When you grew up in the culture, ya, you are gonna be attracted. I don't worship them. I'm just attracted.
You want a pic so you can fap to it, you freak.
Is it really that hard to believe a fit pretty girl posts online? I'm considered a 9 by most. Among both Asians and whites.
No to the pics. Sure if it was done in email, but not on a message board and particularly no at a board like Sup Forums.
I guarantee you my gf is hotter than this girl.
You're a soulless thieving magpie. It's in your blood, you can't help it. You're incapable of love, this boy is basically a masturbation tool and a shiny bauble to display to your equally soul-dead peer group. There is a chance he's every bit as vapid and lifeless as you, in which case the two of you could produce children and maintain your financial alliance until he dies. Love though? You will never know love.
no pics no response dog breath
insectoid women are disgusting
I guarantee you I'm hotter than your girlfriend. Movie star good looks here. Had I wanted to be one, I would be one.
If you are a 9 you wouldn't come to a place like Sup Forums for validation...
3 or a 4 at best.
do you even understand what you are writing or what this fucking board talks about? does it even get into your head?
proves my point you aren't human, just a stupid self-hating, unaware insect
Stop posting this.
I didn't come here for validation. I came here to discuss something that I could not discuss in real life.
I'm in love with my PATIENT. The English guy of whom I speak was under my care. It's nothing something I could talk about to my friends who are also nurses.
Alright, you've made it too obvious now.
You know what. Believe what you want.
too blatant
thread reported
Asian movie star. Asians are terrible actors because they have no sense of self, making them incapable of interpreting a character since part of the becoming process means transcending one's identity. Your ilk take cues from the magpie beside them, and you react in keeping with your place in the food chain; you care only about taking what that other magpie has, or acquiring more than they have. You cannot love. You cannot imagine what it is like to be someone else. You can only caper or copy in the aim of material gain. You are not a person.
Post pic of your slanty insectoid mug
As an Englishman I wouldn't be interested in a Chinese chick
Honestly, insects do more for life on the planet more than humans ever will.
slide thread
Go watch serpentza. You'll find out the mistake you're making soon.
I probably should have been more specific. Not English English. An american with British heritage, born and lived his childhood in the states.
If this is who I think it it, not gonna happen kiddo. I want white kids.
Both of your cultures are known for a utter disregard for oral hygiene, so I think it's a good match. Best wishes to you
Marry him and move to England.
Considering that you won't ever be around Asians, your false belief should be fine.
I guess beauty is rare these days.
It isn't who you think it is, since I would be one using the name "kiddo". I'm 3 years his senior. He's also not completely English/white.
you reply too much to be a woman
2/10 for effort
The way to a person's heart is through their stomach. Learn to cook, get them hooked on authentic Chinese cuisine that they can't find at Panda Express. They'll be literally eating out of the palm of your hand.
Chinese guy here, white women fall for it every time, they've almost completely forgotten how to cook and American food is mostly mongrel versions of foreign cuisine with cheese anyway.
>hey've almost completely forgotten how to cook and American food is mostly mongrel versions of foreign cuisine with cheese anyway.
I think I will be cooking him Singaporean food. He is part south asian. For some reason whites who look completely white but have a bit of nonwhite heritage LOVE it when you cater to their nonwhite side.
You're trash kys
Definitely larp but still a good outlet for subhuman abuse. So he's apparently a mongrel now to keep the roleplay going. Fair enough. You're proving my slander from before; you're going to imitate what you think a successful acquirer of white dick would do to hopefully obtain your own. I love bird allusions for you miserable homunculi, and here you're a fucking pigeon. You want something shiny and now you're going to do X to attain it. Even the replies don't feel like they're coming from a human. I won't be around Asians? I'm from southern Ontario, you've descended on us like locusts. This might be a bad chatbot, perhaps it should be saged just to save time.
If you're attractive, polite, and open to multiple wives, I don't give a god damn fuck what you beast bastards do.
This thread is nice and autistic.
Just like you.
English please. I no speak gobbledygook.
Go to bed jamal
>Not English English
not even human, then. carry on with your miscegenation, you disgusting little hussy.
Put on a dress, you british ballerina.
post a picture of your hand with a time stamp
Fellow southern ontario bro! I agree with everything you said. We're basically a mix of india n china now lol.
>post a picture of your hand
Arm to shoulder is usually the best determiner, though most aren't keenly aware of this.
What does it mean? Are you describe a biological feature, or cultural element or nationality?
In any case, you're either a Chinese or an American.
this is a good idea, doesnt give away identity but might be enough to prove its not total bullshit
if you can come up with picture and soon it might go a long to way proving you are actually chinese female
otherwise, 11/10 LARP
Pretty likely , my thick chink gf is cute and that puss tight. I love being used for social status her senpai rich too.
holy cringy thread
>I'm considered a 9 by most.
>No to the pics
We don't need more Elliot Rodgers.
Like if you were going to listen to anything this faggs say.
>born and lives in usa
>part south asian
So what the fucking fuck kind of mongrel is he?
He's part South Asian. I assume that this kind of mix is quite common in the UK.
No we don't get many english american bengali pakis
sage and report
It probably should be, at least in the urban areas.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
You need a little history lesson
Honestly the virgin fags talking shit is cringy as fuck but you just brought it to a whole new level.
and you just revealed how new you are to this place.
Chances of a man rejecting a girl are almost non-existant
However women never initiate, since they want to be hunted down, not the other way around
Nah, pol has always been cringy. Many of the people on pol are just here for the safe space and anyone who disagrees with them is shilling for (((them))). Also the hypocrisy on pol is always astounding.
lmao shut your fuckface you retarded newfag
the post you replied to is old copypasta
you're trying to cover it by acting cool and doing (((this))) because you're trying to fit in but you've already outed yourself as a total newfag so just fuck off and assassinate your president already you damn dirty leaf
The group think, learn to think as an individual instead of just posting the exact same shit someone posted 2 minutes before you.
1. No you aren't.
2. This is a goddamned fucking slide thread.
You proved my point. Shekel for a good goy.
It is but the virgins need to vent on someone.
holy fucking shit dude
when you resurrected that op-related hot fire, did you imagine that would go down?
It's alright, let it out. Everyone needs to vent from time to time.
Also even if I just happened to miss a post in the past, sure you fags have missed something, unless you spend 24 hours a day on pol, my point still stands.
holy fucking shit dude
dude stop my sides can only take so much
you are the newest of fags
you've outed yourself , just accept it and move on
>Englishmen and Chinese women
That's a switch
Usually it's always white girls who date asian boys
Yes I admit I never seen said copy paste post before. But no I'm not a new fag. Your abo ass cant even fathom that one might have a life and thus not be on pol 24/7 to read every post and thus might not have ever seen said copy paste.
you are a fucking newfag
>pic related most of pol is the right
But keep thinking i'm a newfag or shill or whatever you want. Because after all you think I invaded your safe space so you must come defend it.
Well if you're Chinese, any form of racemixing is an upgrade
I'm prob also a shill to.
Sorry, not the type of Asians Brits prefer
Not many subhumans lack self awareness like the American. Risen into power through schemes and backstabbing of his own friends, this arrogant materialistic creature refuses to acknowledge when his mongrel nation does any wrong, forcing his simple, narrow views upon others using stolen knowledge, twisted to serve the only God the American knows: profit. At some times he will promote friendship with backwards barbarians or entice you against his enemies, dragging you through a path of war and misery. But do not fall for the trick: the American is never moved by ideals. At the end of both sides of the war his masters created there's the American, selling smoke and death to both sides, rubbing hands.
But I thought muh IQ means everything. Oh wait it doesn't when comparing chinks to whites but when its comparing whites to niggers IQ is all the matters.
look at all this newfag summerfag cancer replying to this obvious larp thread
oh my god stop
i'm dieing
i can't breathe
>copy paste post
Hail Hortler
This, capitalism is what brought degeneracy to the western world. It tricked women into getting jobs because muh equality. Also so the rich could double to workforce.
It's getting old. You sure you're not projecting? Also pol is 18+
get triggered there bud?
Capitalism is good. It's what it naturally evolved into that's bad.
The projecting is obvious now. Just stop, repeating the same thing over and over again thinking its funny is just cringy. Feels bad for you because all you really want is attention but this will sadly be my last reply.
Go back to r9k with your bullshit you little baby
Which makes it bad. People say the same for communism but it to cant work because it will always lead to an oppressive authoritarian government and Capitalism will always lead to degeneracy and the destruction of culture. If we could just keep the capitalism we had in the past before all of this degeneracy bullshit I would be all for it but sadly I believe it will always lead to our current situation.
posting that /fit/ pasta was a good decision, that leaf's in an autistic frenzy