Should the public pay for the health care of people like him?
Didn't he have surgery today?
Will be funny to see him gain the weight back and realize he's a piece of shit.
The public should pay for their executions
Why do you hate this man? All he want is happiness
sure, why not?
>would make a comfy santa / 10
Yes: the public should pay for forced water fasting camps.
No. He should be euthanized alongside retards.
I am geuinely curious if this will fix him.
Honestly every adult should have a mandatory yearly test of whether they are a burden on society.
If they are established as such they would be given two options.
The first one would be immediate execution.
The second would be something like a japanese prison mixed with a military boarding school where they would be offered a chance of making something of themselves through harsh discipline.
at least he is trying, but we all know he won't make it, for him food is a drug
Another thread about a useless sack of shit, that relates to nothing.
I'm so surprised.
Mods are dead. Post kats.
Acting as if browsing Sup Forums wouldn't be a immediate death sentence.
happiness is in the pursuit. he will become...chad.
This thread is relevant to politics. That other "boogie29-whateverthefuck hate thread" isn't relevant.,
My aunt had that surgery and it worked for her for a couple of years but then she started just eating recess cups because they fit in her smaller stomach better. She put a bunch of the weight back on. Whats going to be funnier is when he goes all flying squirrel with the loose skin.
Kikes want happiness too but that doesn't make it a good thing.
The chances of him getting below 300 pounds is quite unlikely. Not unheard of for people in similar situations but I'd put my money on him not doing it.
Please let the shooter be white
My aunt also got this surgery, and her weight has fluctuated ever since. It does help really fat people like boogie lose the weight, but a lot of the time they end up not eating healthy and eventuality putting weight back on. I mean this might be what he needs, the fucker can't even walk so exercise is out of the question until he lose enough weight.
PLEASE, dear meme flag faggot explainto me why we need 32 threads about a useless ack of shit that has no job, no talent, and no wife.
He's famous for being fat.
So this thread isn't a complete failure I'll dump some chan girls.
Just the ugly ones doe, because you want to post pictures of naked fat dudes.
This particular fat cunt at least has the virtue of not being that fucking Southern cunt. idk how you can complain about anyone else when half the fucking catalog is that fucking attention whoring cancerous cunt, srsly.
How much did the operation cost? $1,000,000+?
How much did the bull charge to inseminate his wife?
The biggest part of losing weight is your diet. Eat as much as a fat person and you are one unless you are at the gym 4 hours a day.
I eat fast food often, but I'm not fat at all because I can control how much I eat. Helps to drink less soda and have water instead.
I'm only one man.
Why are you fighting me, fuckstick? I rember when Sup Forums banded together to keep this shit at bay, now your acting like I'm in the wrong for not e-whoring? That's a dick girl that tried to become queen of Sup Forums, newfriend.
Just send him your paycheck and shut the fuck up, you tool.
WAYYYY too many nudes in this folder, I'm going to have to be careful.
If it is mandatory for society to pay for a medical procedure for someone that has a condition that is a result of a cascading list of their own mistakes, then it should be mandatory for these people to have a limited diet and an intensive regimen of cardio and strength training.
They should schedule an operation and then put them down like a stray cat.
Wow a Defiance cosplay! I enjoyed that show.
No, of course not. Weight has to do with lifestyle and habits.
the public didn't pay for him though, so what's the argument?
All weight loss surgeries do is (hopefully) force people to eat less, which they could do anyway if they cared enough to. People can and do stretch their stomachs back out and regain all the weight and then some.
What Guillermo del Toro creation I am looking at?
Yes if you believe we should treat mental illness the same way we treat physical illness
One way or the other, you pay.
The question is how you want to pay. Efficiently and humanely (Obamacare), or inefficiently and inhumanely (Trumpcare).
Sure is /edge/pol today
I hope he loses weight now and improves his health
happiness without the effort
Fat slob should fucking neck himself and do humanity a favor.
How is this even a question? Of course not. He's a fat fuck who eventually got so damn fat he had to get surgery using our tax dollars. He's a e-celeb tard he should be able to pay for his own shit instead of relying off the tax dollars of actual hard workers.
Everything is edgy when you need an ID to buy plastic silverware.
>Should the public pay for the health care of people like him?
Nope !
OP is a fucking ass hole who'd I'd gladly enter thunder-dome with.
Notwithstanding, he (lardbag sack oh shit) makes too much money on paper to be a charity case. He might of got some of it donated, but he's admitted to making plenty of $$$. He probably pays more into obamacare than most people in this thread IF HE'S HONEST.
I'm still so sick of fifteen of these threads.He's just a worthless meat bag, and proof that free market is dead. mods are dead. post old chan girls.
kek underrated
They'd be crazy not to. This guy pays more taxes than anyone on here. Compared to Boogie, we are all parasite breathing his air.
He does nothing but blame others for him eating enough to feed an african village. Fuck his fans theyre enablers
That a lardbutt can become a hero for not being able to block food from stuffing itself down his mouth is a symbol of everything wrong with the western world
He doesn't seem like a bad guy. I understand why everyone here hates him, but honestly I would rather see tax payer's money go towards a white person in the pursuit of improving himself than a single chimp, who is just going to use the GIBMEDAT to continue nogging.
He should be killed, his body processed into an example, an soilent green.
All of our fatties should be FEMA camped. We could go full fight club, and process their fat into some kind of agent orange- white phosphorous mix and air drop it on the middle east.
Two problems with one solution. No more fatties, and fuel for slurry bombers that eradicates terrorism with shock and awe.
Things like boogie, we could strap to beds and continually harvest the meaty fat that could be processed into fuel. Just have to strap him down and feed him like veal. Given his life so far, he won't miss much.
>feed an african village
even though thats at least 1,000 negro babies, and 4 adults. an apple pie is enough to feed an entire african village.
think.. a canadian province.
Kikes can never have happiness because picture related is all that will make them happy.
A mixed bred dumbed down easy to control group that is divided in every way, and united in only one - it's control by and servitude to the international Jew.
>All he want is happiness
and for taxdollars (everyone else without consent) to pay for it
noice mate
Honestly I can think of far worse things for my tax dollars to go towards.
I hope he loses the weight and keeps it off.
I can't wait to see him fail
The public should pay for a single bullet for people like him.
>Can't buy a chocolate egg
did he go through with the operation already? if so, not following the prescripted diet will literally kill him
The obese should pay increased taxes to cover the treatment of weight-related diseases, similarly women should pay increased taxes for abortions and contraceptives and black people should pay increased taxes to cover injuries caused by violent crime. It's only fair after all.
>tfw a millionaire lardass gets his healthcare paid on taxpayer's buck while you haven't been able to afford to go to a dentist in years
No it won't. I don't know the exact procedure theyre'd oign but they'll likely remove adipocytes, but he'll just get fat again. Instead of working out, he chose this option because he's a pathetic fuck.
He's doing gastric bypass surgery, which makes sense since his stomach is probably so enlarged by continuous overeating that it's most likely several times the size of an average persons stomach.
No, but regardless I'm relieved that he pulled through and hope he finally manages to stop being such a fat fuck.
If people want healthcare for damage they've done to themselves they should have to work for it. Put them in labour camps for a few years where they won't be able to stay fat or take drugs.
It is objectively cheaper to have a system that covers everyone than only select people.
So should becomes less a question than why wouldn't you?
>bypass surgery
Unbelievable to what extent people are willing to go because they can't tell their own asses to stop eating.
>Should the public pay for the health care of people like him?
Did he died or did he woke up?
>no free healthcare
>in good condition
>free healthcare
solved the health crisis guys, make fatties pay more if they wanna eat like pigs
we could just save tons of money AND time and toss you all into the gas chamber
>if they wanna eat like pigs
well now he will literally be unable to eat like a pig.
I know a fat guy that got this done and he got full from eating a medium sized apple.
>we could just save tons of money AND time and toss you all into the gas chamber
It's cheaper to cover everyone and not care about the direct administrative overhead than it is to make sure everything is correctly billed and only 'covered' services are given.
It's cheap to have preventative care that stops illnesses from happening that it is to have care that only deals in treatment.
The for profit healthcare industry fails because it's in the care providers best interest to have as many people sick with highly profitable illnesses rather than no ill people at all.
that could work in country like Japan, but not US of A. there is too many fat fucks
>It is objectively cheaper to have a system that covers everyone than only select people.
lol fuck off back to the_cuckold m80
you dicks I'm hungry now
>Should the public pay for the health care
The USA spends the most as a function of GDP on healthcare in the world. It's about double what Canada costs and has outcomes within a few percentage points in major illnesses with an overall slightly lower life expectancy.
Is 95% survival vs 92% worth 7% more of the GDP? I think that's a terrible deal and a massive waste of money and resources.
I know everyone says it won't fix him, but I genuinely know two people (a couple) who got drunk with us one night and told us that they were at one point were extremely overweight and they had this gastric bypass (sp? and not sure if I even got the name of the surgery right but it's the same as boogie where they take most of the stomach out and tie some sort of limiter around the base of your esophagus) and they both had tremendous success with it and continue to up until this day.
Apparently if you eat slightly too fast, or slightly too much, you vomit and have to start all over again unless you starve to death
How much health insurance costs in USA? And what's the difference between it and obamacare? Explain pls.
Yes, you should pay for the bullet to put him out of his misery.
It all varies depending on your employer, your current health, your state, etc etc..I wouldn't even bother looking into it Ivan. It's frustrating as fuck
He did do the operation already. If he doesn't stick to the diet, he'll have a bit of time to figure it out before he actually croaks. Also seefor more useful info. From what I've heard, it's a very effective procedure
Well I'm just curious why it bothers you to pay 2k/year for obamacare, but it's totally alright to pay the same amount of money for your own health insurance. I'm cleraly missing something.
i think people like him should be given more accurate info about healthy eating. the old food pyramid was bullshit replaced by arbitrary quotas for stuff like fruits and vegetables
he should be told about how important protein, iron, calcium are and how little carbs/sugars/fats he needs if he isnt working out or lifting heavy shit or jogging. whole grain carbs shouldnt be thought of as healthy for some one like him. bullshit statements about whole grain being good for you are why we are in this situation
Obamacare/ACA isn't actually nationalized health insurance. It's an attempt at standardizing the health insurance system while opening up Medicaid coverage for anyone who can't afford to buy their own insurance. The problem is that the Affordable Care Act penalizes people who can't afford insurance and don't qualify for Medicaid (not all states expanded their coverage, some areas are totally lacking in medical coverage providers) and mandates levels of coverage across all plans that can be expensive or entirely unnecessary, like the infamous OB/GYN coverage on male healthcare plans.
It does nothing to actually change the problems with the health insurance industry. It just forces you to pay more, and gives you a tax penalty if you have no coverage.
this stopped being about "healthy" diet a looooong time ago
Thx burgerbro.
I think it should be a two-tier system where people should pay for the consequences of their actions (or inactions), for example a smoking cyclist who gets lung cancer should be made to pay for his own health because it was his choice to smoke. Likewise for abortion and cutting your dick off, these are all personal choices and should not be paid for by the public.
But everything else should be part of a public system. If someone needs treatment for something that's not their fault, for example, the smoking cyclists breaks a leg in an accident, or if a relatively healthy person gets cancer for no obvious reason, then I see no reason why they shouldn't be cared for publicly.
This fat fuck deliberately overate with junk food all his life despite everyone knowing how unhealthy that is. And while knowing that the obvious way to lose weight is to simply stop eating so much (which would be the cheap solution), he took the easy way of surgery (which is expensive). He should pay for his own treatment.