What do you guys think of this?

What do you guys think of this?


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niggers being niggers

That's a weirdd looking cat desu

does dog grow hair back?

I can't even watch it. I can't watch white people being attacked by these animals anymore. I don't know what happens, and I don't care. I fucking hate them, and I don't need any more reasons to do so.

yeah. I have a husky who had is tail and leg shaved for two medical issues.

took like 6 months, but it all grew back perfectly.

>wh*Te "masterrace"

Typical everyday niggery. Niggers are pack animals, never forget this.

Roach has no idea Whats going on around him what a suprise, mods should have banned all of you



i swear i want to smash those nigs heads in with a rock

you guys say its black people but in reality its just dumb poor people.

Where you live it could be slavs and where I lived it was chugs.

lets just steralize and move on.

Of course. A lot of dogs have double coats too and shed at regular intervals. My old neighbor used to cut their Samoyed's fur in summer, they don't like warm weather.

Love it. I hope it happens more and more and I hope the niggers are dumb enough to keep recording it. This is the best way to redpill whites.

>i swear i want to smash those nigs heads in with a roc-


wh*Tes are sissy monkeys who can only talk shit about BLACK people on internet.

That's what concealed carry is for. If this happened to me, it would be like a golden opportunity. Kill a nigger for free.

Awww, is the roach upset?

Constantinople is going to be ours~


I live with some Lithuanians and this type of shit would never happen. Europeans don't behave like this. It's American "culture" of violence.

This is sad too. Showed my dad this video. He's from Boston and spent a lot of time in Quincy. Depressed the shit out of him

psst, turk women love white cock

This will keep happening until there's a viral video of some ccw license holder unloading 6+ rounds into a group of them on worldstar. Colin Flaherty is a saint for standing up and even putting his face behind the truth.

That is all.

>What do you guys think of this?
Evolution taking place.

Whites made their bed, now their kids can die out,

It's not even a roach, it's some shitskin mutt living in Turkey who thinks he's a turk.

typical wh*Teoid screeching when they encounter something their tiny brains can't comprehend.

must have been california, if that was florida one of them would have gotten shot

>i swear i want to smash those nigs heads in with a rock

Looks like the beach needs some new wind chimes.

Let him post. White people need to see this shit.
How they treat us when they are in power. Stuff like this will wake whites up.

Such as you getting outbreeded by mountain niggers?

This was in Quincy, Massachusetts which is considered the greater boston area.


ah no wonder

I think linking to Instagram or giving a fuck about it at all should merit a permaban. Please stop coming here.

that's not even a tomato, that's the edible fruit of Solanum lycopersicum.

>I swear I just want to get shot in the head by my own poli-

fuck off roach

Feels good to have no niggers here

whats the story behind this?

Shit like this is why you don't leave home unarmed.

Those kids have their pre-teen pudge and these niggers really don't give a fuck damn they'll hit anything. Blacks really are animals.

I don't get it, why was the multicultural group of blacks and women, all of whom look to be in their mid twenties, picking on the teenage looking white kids?

mirin those biceps.

Did they stab that guy on the right?

I see tourist niggers all the time.

Because they can?

Hey people. I have a solution for this roach problem. Just don't reply to his posts. I am also a roach I am tired of his posts

I pray in the coming Syrian war I get to meet your kind, and to watch you cower in the wake of a real man

No that's just ketchup

Why do black men have such nice dick sucking lips? Is it centuries of natural selection for which ones could serve their masters the best?

It actually is a wonder because Quincy is mainly whites and chinks. Looks like all of the H1B rice fuckers that are buying up all of the properties around Boston are starting to feel the heat of cultural enrichment too.

I knew he was bleeding Nigel, but being stabbed in the head is much more serious than just hitting someone.

Looks like that dog got a head transplant.

>I pray in the coming Syrian war I get to meet your kin-

I suppose we'll have to see, have you ever even seen a gun in real life?

cancer post
yeh but those white kids werent the quincy type, look like capecop tourists. this event would have hopefully just given them the redpill their bluestate education wouldnt have.
used to think those were cool dogs, this ruined them for me. i wont dare look up shaven german shephard

A Husky's skin is very sensitive and you shouldn't trim their undercoat.

AWESOME. converted to webm.

I'm actually angry after watching that.

Nigs gonna nog.

We must user, because no one else will.

Why isn't this viral? Nothing on the news about this.... Complete blackout...

speak turkish you fucking roach
stop speaking white people language

a new forced meme, nice

Holy cow, those 3 grown men sure could beat the fuck out of that kid, Turk user's right, we're obviously inferior

nah, it's funnier he has to speak our language to show that he "has btfo the WHITE race"

Don't fucking reply to this roach you fucking dumb burger

Are you always this butthurt lol? No wonder your country is so terrible.

Meme it!

We must make the world aware that the black man's mouth is a natural cock holster.

fuck these niggers and fuck you

This. I see this same roach post the same fucking pictures from time to time.

Can you people really not tell this is fake?

Good point, user. I have seen so many of these, and it just keep reaffirming my absolute hatred for these apes.

not everything is fake

I think if the roles were reversed every white in the country would have to write an apology letter to their nearest black family. Civil War 2 can't come soon enough

Ya siktir git amina kodumun cocugu git baska yerde trolluk yap. Amina kodumun zencilerini mi savunuyosun

Guy on the right is dead I believe.

Some of the Instagram commenters are saying that it's on their local news and that the police are involved. Not sure what area this is in.


Fuck off. It's real.

are these comments common for instagram? I've never been on it but these seem... incredibly retarded. its like they arent even people.. desu

Only station I could find it on is Boston Fox. All of the other local stations around here are ignoring it completely.

They're fucking NPCs

kimseyi savunduğum yok moruk sadece bu altyaşların götünü aleve vermeyi seviyorum o kadar :DD Bak nasıl da tetiklendiler :DDDD

Hocam anliyorum tetiklemek zevkli de bu isi amina kodumun zencileriyle yapma. Herifler bildigin sempanze, insan diye yutturmaya calisiyolar

biliyorum ama zenciler iyi götünü yakıyor bunların :DD yoksa sikimde değil zenciler,müslüler.

I used to think "around blacks never relax," but now I've changed that to a non-rhyme: "if you see blacks, get the fuck out of there asap." They are brutal animals

sage all slide threads

This get me so fucking mad in any Latin American country the rule of "soldier" is really respected one on one.

Fucking niggers but those were fucking kids I'm a fucking 5'6 manlet but I would kick one of those lanky nigger ass I've fought niggers before they are so fucking pussy for fighting 3 or 5 on one

In the US, poor blacks are 4 times more likely to commit crime than poor whites.

Really activates the ol' almond, huh?

They're alive, and they actually caught the nogs. Searched the building address and found the article.
