Its strange there are so many of them when they are genetic dead ends since women usually want nothing to with them.
There are theories that they are either closer to primitive man or the next stage of human evolution.
Its strange there are so many of them when they are genetic dead ends since women usually want nothing to with them.
There are theories that they are either closer to primitive man or the next stage of human evolution.
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t. autist
An autist would not admit they are genetic deadends or possibly remnants of primitive man.
It's just turning intelligence into a diagnosable disease, real autism is rare and very serious. Aspergers is a lie. The spectrum is never applied equally across cultures. There is nothing wrong with white men, especially the ones reading this.
Asians have really shitty social skills, especially Asian women, and whites more socially skilled than them are readily described as autistic.
Worse is when someone has something like obsessive compulsive or bipolar and get called autistic. There are too many people that actually can't tell the difference, autism is an extreme social learning disorder, someone caught in some obsession only seems like they're socially dysfunctional.
It seems like all introverted whites get slapped with the autist label. White guys on the spectrum do not seem much different from a normie asian beta. That might also be why east asian women are the only women attracted to aspie white guys.
>Its strange there are so many of them when they are genetic dead ends since women usually want nothing to with them.
Can confirm.
It's not necessarily hereditary though. Women having children much later than before causes more cases of autism. And who knows what else might be behind it.
I have a theory that autism might be a natural self-correction mechanism for when society becomes too degenerate. New generations become more and more autistic until the degeneracy stops being self-perpetuating.
I honestly think they should be euthanised.
Autists are much more statistically likely to have strange interest including bizarre sexual fetishes. Autists are more likely to be homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual.
Most autists aren't genuinely autistic, just socially awkward Kids that we're over diagnosed and pushed the pharmaceutical Jew
Your gay arse flag is the only thing that's superfluous around here.
Asian women have worse social skills than Asian men, Asian men respond faster and do so with an expression.
If you're a hot guy, Asian women just stare. They're blank. No one is home. Guys very wary at the low personality standards in the west are very turned off by this.
Yet that's not autism and an intelligent man that's a little hard to understand is! There is no spectrum, respect autism for what it is, a serious social dysfunction in which describing introversion as this is simply unfair.
I'm fucking sick of the standards expected from white guys.
What we call "autism" here is what used to be called asperger though.
In healthy societies, social conformance leads to positive outcomes for the individual and the group. In degenerate societies, conformance keeps making the situation worse.
Aspergers are less emotional, more rational. They won't tend to be socially conformant just based on emotions. They eventually can reset the situation. And the cycle begins anew.
More aspergers are born when women have children later in life, or it can develop due to abandonment. Things that tend to happen more in hedonistic societies.
Supposedly the gender ratios at birth can be affected by environmental factors and that's an evolutionary adaptation (i.e. you might need more fighters or more breeders in different circumstances (related to alimentation and stress, etc)). Asperger might be a similar phenomenon. It leads to cultural corrections which made societies survive better in the long run.
Pointless. They likely have a fertility of less than 1.
I like my flag. It is the most autistic flag.
No 2 are the same in any way at all some are cunts others are good fun - This was from working in a forensic health unit that specialised in autism. There trying to drop the labels now because of this lack of distinction
I have heard others say this as well.
Bicyclists should be run down.
The problem with this thesis is that only East Asians and Europeans seem to have growing autist/introvert populations. Hispanic and blacks do not seem to have monk mode introverts despite living in high population density areas.
Anything else to say?
They need to be forcibly removed from society. They are a detriment to everyone around them.
Put just them out of their misery... You can only hope assisted suicide is legal in your country
I think autism is empowering. I have autism and I use it to my advantage, it makes me very good at my job
Real autism is having to wear a helmet because you can't stop punching yourself in the head
the "spectrum" approach to literally everything is what destroys civilization, as it removes any concept of "right and wrong", or of "healthy and unhealthy". This is why men with long hair are being accepted as women
I am an autistic. I will admit I am a genetic deadend or possibly remnants of primitive man.
Sup Forums wouldn't exist as it does without our autists
According to statistics, half are jobless, while the other 35% are underemployed.
You are not dealing with aspies in society because most of the time they are in their bedroom playing video games and watching anime.
why do you have such massive spaces, it makes it hard to read your post, please cease your faggy spaces
They are better dead.
Also i saw a full aryan family yesterday and both of their kids were autistic.
I laughed all the way back to my home.
why? autism is not genetic. it's not down syndrome. any random kid can turn out to be autistic
I knew an autistic kid that smoked so much weed he acted normal. lil dude smoked an 8th of loud a day.
One of us
>Its strange there are so many of them when they are genetic dead ends since women usually want nothing to with them.
Psychiatry is a pseudo science, that doesn't mean that what it "diagnoses" as autism isn't something real, but the problems that are "diagnosed" point to something that is real but don't really offer a satisfactory explanation or treatment. Autism, most likely isn't genetic, as it would have been bred out of the gene pool very rapidly. It must be something acquired through toxics in the environment when growing up and maybe lack of proper nutrition contributes to this.
I would mention the vaccine thing as one of the possible causes, specially for unnecessary and ineffective vaccines like the flu, or the not properly tested ones like that which is supposed to prevent several illnesses in one shot (don't know how it's called in english) of which not only I've read about but later I remembered it affected me and I personally came out as scarred for it. Meme all you want, toxic shit in vaccines is a fact as soon as you read just a little on how they are supposed to work.
You could hypothesize that autistic behavior is only beneficial to populations with sufficiently high IQ
>toxic shit in vaccines
such as?
You could also reverse the causality. As the welfare state grows and genetic trash sluts can get the state to fund their offspring, more autists are born to these low HWR women who have poor prenatal hormonal environment wombs, probably exacerbated by drugs and alcohol. Middle-upper class women waiting until their 30s to have kids would also contribute to this problem
A long list of toxics, but mainly mercury, aluminium (a known neurotoxic), formaldehide and etc. You can very easily look it up for yourself.
By the very design of how a vaccine is supposed to work it requires to have some toxics so the immune system reacts to it, the problem is when the dose is too high because the same dose is used for several illnesses or when the target population is old people that might be more susceptible to these.
There's a huge spike of deaths during the months of the flu vaccine campaign among the older people, and it is commonly attributed to the flu itself, not the vaccine. There's also the fact that many studies discredit flu vaccines' effectiveness among elderly people, which are its primary target. Propaganda goes a long way to make uninformed people get nasty stuff injected in their bloodstream.
Is your job shitposting?
>Autists are more likely to be homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual.
There is a conspiracy targeting such people, to turn them into trannies, so they side with the system that doles out their tranny injections. Mostly in the middle and upper classes. Because the monsters in charge fear true intelligence.
>Autism, most likely isn't genetic, as it would have been bred out of the gene pool very rapidly
Many autist traits are selected for in nature. It is only in dysfunctional civilization that vulgar jabbering apes have the advantage.
You know, this post got me thinking. Growing up I was the class clown. Always making people laugh, getting in trouble repeatedly for interrupting class with jokes, I was funny and very outgoing. That was up through 8th grade, after that things changed. I became more insular, I couldn't make small talk, I had trouble looking people in the eyes, all the hallmarks of autism. The change occurred during the transition into high School and I've always wondered what could have happened to me. Your post made me realize that around that same time, I had to have certain inoculations for school. I don't remember what they were but I remember I was late on some. Could this have given me autism? Or did puberty really fuck me up?