When will those curry shitters ever learn to use the loo?
Pajeet Hate Thread
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POO in the LOO!!!!
Pajeet in the street.
Why you hate India? We hurt nobody. White people stink. You stink butts!
will chank destroy poo?
The ruling Communist Party of China has issued a stern warning to neighboring India, with which it isengaged in a bitter border dispute that has recently seen Chinese live-fire drills and media speculation of extensive Indian military casualties denied by both sides.
After accusing Indian troops of crossing over the disputed Sikkim border last month, Chinese Communist Party outlet Global Times published a commentary Tuesday urging restraint by both belligerents, but warning that China was prepared to engage India in a battle for the contested land. The piece chalked up the conflict to a greater competition for economic and political dominance between the two leading Asian powers and said that Beijing would amass troops and armaments at the border in anticipation for what could turn into an all-out war.
Have a freebie
They'd be okay if there was way less of em. That's my main gripe, too fucking many of them. It's unnecessary
I can't hate them, they're too hilarious to hate. Losing them would be devastating to the lolcow population.
A war the U.S can stay out of for once?
Place is hilarious.
Fuck off reddit
why is it only indians who do this, nobody else speaks like this in broken english. must be something in the air that makes them talk this way.
I would try to defend indians but then I remember who it is that is hating. Between shart in marts and sjws and whatever the fuck the EU is, the good name you think you had for the cumskins...I mean the 'white race' has been thoroughly demoralized. Gotta hand it to the jews, they played you cunts into the great decline and you are getting bred out by the niggers (There is probably more of them than Indians).
So imagine i am CIA, what is the next step of your master plan?
You are surrounded, the wolves are at the door and our asscheeks spread over the paved pretty streets, what do you do?
Shitpost, thats all, thats the tragedy here.
Oh I am waiting for chinks to start a war I can claim that I survived homosexual persuasion for lulz and will shit in their streets literally every day at 4 am,I urge all indian brothers to do the same,this is cultural war Sup Forums took on us and will pay for the memes.
We are going to turn every street into a smelly designated area,so much so that one day Trump has to beg on live TV to stop.
Mark my words,end times are near.
>We are going to turn every street into a smelly designated area,so much so that one day Trump has to beg on live TV to stop.
These mlecchas and their adharmic toilets!
Browntide Worldwide!
Why do they put so much powder in their foods?!?!?!!!! look up the indian street foods on JeWTube
I would shoot each of you street shitters dead before that would ever happen I swear to God
We will infiltrate in positions unimaginable,one of ours will end up in power house job.
Another guy would prepare curry for us,the hot Schezwan one which will turn our turd black.
Another will knit a black suit top bottom for me.
>Co ordinated power out.
>Cameo activated.
>china women style ultra fast shit delivery mechanism.
I appreciate the doubles response to doubles responding to doubles
Your curry night will be monitored by the NSA, AND when the projected diarrhea time hits there will be snipers in position at critical infrastructure
You can shit but you can't hide
>projected diarrhea time hits there will be snipers in position at critical infrastructure
Hahaha, you arent that organized cumskin! Indian 4 AM is 1 PM EST HAHAHAHAH!
>van approaches 25m from rendezvous.
>puts on KECKSBURG type heavy metal bell all around,quoted with 3m worth of turd over 6m hard 9/11 grade steel.
>shits in the rendezvous.
>FatMCdonald sniper spots the movement,adjusts his sniper,shoots.
>Bullet pierces through sticky gravied turd hits the metal reflects back hits burger.
>Disease spread to the entire body.
>Mission accomplished,without firing SHIT!,oh wait!
Okay can somebody actually tell me what is going on in India?
Do they really shit all over ?
Is it true that they constantly rape women?
To me India seems to be an autistic beta subhuman place.
What is really happening over there? Why can't they stop being so fucking disgusting. Even niggers are way more relaxed....
not really most people are really nice there and commit less rape and crime than whites on average
It will be the first poo wars ever.
Chinks from the mainland shit in the street too.
The war will consist of each side shitting over the border and covering the other country in feces.
No where in that pic has been written that Indian speaks English without any grammatical errors with proper fluency. Just second largest, that's all. kek
Why so mad butthurt sissyboi ?
Did I took ur job?
That can't be, Since I don't work at McDonald's
Ha so funnnnnyyyyyyyy
Uh oh, would hate to raise the blood pressure of our fine obese userbase...
>more than jews
>both have atomic weapons
that might take a weird turn. And by weird I mean halving the population of Earth
Pajeet dropping the bantz like a fresh curler in backstreet Bangalore.
> chinese-indian war
Holy fuck, make that happen. So many people will day that their bodies put ontop eachother will reach the fucking Sun, its gonna be glorious.
>Mark my words,end times are near.
The irony of that statement in reference to shitting all over everything.
This Parjeet was drunk and un-licensed when he killed a young man here in Melbourne in 2009. Gets charged and uses a friend's passport to flee to India. Aus govt spend four years tracking him down amongst 1.3 billion other Parjeets and finally find him and now like the shameless cunts they are, the Parjeet is using the race card as an excuse not to be deported.
too late
here's the link to the story
Naive me read sitting on carpet - I wish.
I need more like this. They act like horny 10 years old that just discovered the internet, its too funny.
Aye man, you have 47 genders for christ sake. Also plebbit maniacs hacking this site, posting mainstream threads. fuck you normienigger
Shakespearean compared to the Kangz English.
He died doing what he loved, using his designated shitting street.
Why are they doing this. It looks gay man.
Fucking horny poos
No way this is real...
>mfw israeli crowd control stinkbomb fails "the Kashmir test"
For Indians it is the nostalgia bomb
I haven't laughed this hard in months
Don't feel too special, we are 42 million inhabitants and we did the same
And there is a third coming
fuck i was not ready for that.
fucking lol
About time!