most women that support feminism genuinely do want equality, but most feminism we see, however, is rampant autism from insecure fat chicks. I'm aware that the wage gap is bullshit, but from what i've seen, women do seem to have it much shittier in pretty much all societies around the world. are men just simply superior?
Is feminism really all that bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Didn't even read your thread,
i guess im just asking for a red pill, really. i dont support feminism myself, but i'd like to see others insight on it.
American feminists will walk down the streets of New York City topless to make a point. It's legal to do that there...
When a feminist walks topless down the streets of a city in the middle east and gets herself stoned to death in order to make her point, I'll give a nod of respect.
If they want their Disney princess bastardization of "equality", they need to start taking the big risks and fighting the big fights men have been since the beginning of civilization, not just laying back behind the shield of government protection and using shock value to try to sell an ideology to a world that doesn't want it.
Men and women are different and should be treated differently. It's as simple as that.
Give women what they work best with, give men what they do, too.
great point.
that's just it, they're fighting for equality. they don't like being treated differently. that "difference" you speak of translates to misogyny and harassment to women.
Yeah other nations need feminism pretty bad.
In the west it's a fucking joke. And that's the nicest way to put it.
Fighting for the impossible isn't something that will work.
Men and women will never be equal, as there is no standard for equality.
ok user, here's the rundown
>women should not have the right to vote
>women should not be in the workplace
>women should be in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant
>women should not be promiscuous
>women should be monogamous to their lawful husbands
I might be leaving a few things out. Basically, every problem in the Western world is the fault of women's lib. It's destroyed the concept of family, and its logical end will end in either Brave New World dystopia or have us all in fucking mud huts like savages.
>most women that support feminism genuinely do want equality
Then they're non-traditional neoconservatives who might be sceptical about the family law court system.
Whatever they are, they wouldn't call themselves feminists if they were intelligent and thus justifies why I believe in two types of feminists, the useful idiots who can be led astray by sophistry and the honestly sociopathic misleaders who are just hate preachers.
If you say "I'm a feminist" I'll first pretend you're an idiot as a benefit of a doubt, but if you keep arguing then I'll think you're sociopathic and blind to the evils these people do mostly to millennial white men with STEM degrees. Its no shock it's the educated people too connected to the internet to actually believe this garbage.
When feminists attack almost no one else, sorry but it's obvious. This is a hate movement.
Worth noting that a comedy was written about this in 391 BC.... No shit...
>doesn't support feminism
>defends feminism
Go lick your girlfriends asshole, fat bitch
red pill, bud. asking for a red pill.
this has actually proven to be a pretty solid thread so far.
If women got equality they would and are hating it. Equality to men equals getting treated like pic related, no special treatment ignored like most other normalfags
>women do seem to have it much shittier in pretty much all societies around the world
only in the uncivilized ones, now fuck off
i feel bad if you actually believe this, but im pretty sure ur b8ing or something similar to that
would that be your utopis, user? if that was what we did? because that's how sand niggers treat their women
If you want the red pills for real, you will believe this too. You'll feel bad for yourself, and you'll feel bad for the world.
It's not really a question of superior/inferior. A major part of it is that only women can bear children, so a state of affairs where it's normal for women to attend university and then have a career outside the home, and then after all that maybe get married and then only maybe have children is going to drive fertility below replacement.
Sexual liberation has been another feminist project - the problem with it is that ultimately undermines monogamy as a socially stabilising force - i.e. all men want sex and to reproduce. If the group or "system" excludes men from having a partner/s, they have no reason to buy in - no sex now, no assurance of children in the future. Patriarchal monogamy means as people pair off (or are paired off), they're no longer available as partners which means that almost everyone winds up with a partner. This means a lot of men have a stake in collective success now, and will work/fight/etc for the group instead of abandoning it, destabilising it or just refusing to contribute.
Basically it's like any liberal project - it sees any impediment to individual "freedom" as intolerable, even if that impediment is vital to group success (and being a liberal-individualist ideology, it only sees people as individuals created by circumstances with no higher logic to anything than that)
>Implying Equity is good.
Gonna get chu next
you did a good job of packing a lot in there, Australia.
You're leaving out hypergamy. Women still want to marry up, but now more women complete college than men, and the pool of "marriageable men" isn't there for them. Meanwhile with women pursuing careers are wasting their child raising years and are completely undesirable to this very small pool of "marriageable men" who can easily have a much younger and much more beautiful woman. Women's lib has made us like the rare Pandas in captivity who refuse to fuck.
What do you mean much shittier in most all societies? Females in the west are the most genuinely privileged group of people that have ever existed at any point and time aside maybe emperors.
Brah, this is like, the pastel side of alt-lite level redpills here. Somebody can come along and give actual refutation I'm sure.
I myself just honestly aren't eager to feel like an incel mgtow rattling off against feminism using material from SkepticTm people that I don't even like much anymore due to them being comparatively watered down in contrast to me.
The need for feminism has been pretty damned debunked. Go watch some youtube and see for yourself. Search for "feminism." Watch videos. Debunking is literally more popular on the youtubes than feminism itself.
Women in the workforce has driven down wages for everybody. It's the reason why a man can't raise a family on his income alone, so both parents now have to work and put their children into daycare. Women's lib has made it where people can't even raise their own children.
blm did this as well
you win the thread, user. that was pretty much what i was looking for.
Feminism is Marxist cancer. We need individualism and meritocracy. Western women have it better than any class of humans in history.
Found the fat chick.
People are not created equal get over it.
Women get treated like women, they are not magically the same as men because they feel like they should be.
Pic related, but I am pretty sure you are trolling
LOL I love these women who try to pretend otherwise its so obvious.
holy shit that pic related is interesting as fuck
that explains why women feel so victimized in the first place
>genuinely do want equality
Equality is a lie and an impossibility and it is destructive to pursue it.
>are men just simply superior?
Basically yes, but women are different in a good and necessary way. Keep in mind that as soon as we empowered them with the vote, they began to destroy our civilization. No surprise, really. We have thousands of years of experience restraining the destructive tendencies of men, and very little experience restraining the destructive tendencies of women.
Bringing women into the workforce is a competitive advantage. It causes increased economic activity, but it also suppresses wages and reduces the birth rate. On the other hand, if you can maintain the country's average IQ, doubling the population doubles the number of people with IQ 140+ where you can really innovate. What's more competitive, women in the workforce with a stagnant population, or a steadily growing population with a steady growing legion of geniuses ? Is one more competitive short term but a loser long term?
Also worth asking: what turns out better kids, a working mother or a stay at home mother? Are women happier at home or with a career?
You was a morman or some shit
Look hefe white boi don't chu be talking to me an disrespecting me ya hear? I aint dissing on ya but i hear that this whole equality thing bes a sham and shit. See this here thing is its like thhis thang calldd equity, femitardz only want social equality they think since y peopke is am more oppressed by x people they should get victim points , because x is objectively better do, yeah its the 9This a Sup Forums term gibsmedats of the feminist world.
Basically thr be trying to subvert the earth or some crazy shit, but since females are weaker ( and stupidr(im juxt being real here)) they can never be eqaual, pushing females to be equal to men take a hella lotta work dawg, so what the gotta like do is they gottz push the 'man' down.
it's almost like if we actually did pay them less, then we would be better off
Women only want a special type of "equality" where they don't have to share in all of the societal bullshit that guys face.
They don't want combat death equality, or lack of gender specific disease research equality, or homeless and murder rate equality, and they certainly don't want manual labor job or workplace injury equality, that kind of sexism they actually like.
Yes, it's marxism with panties.
No. If you could pay a woman less to do the same job as a man there wouldn't be many men working.
I'd say it's more of a hybrid feudalism/marxism that privatizes gains but socializes losses.
ah, good point
you are wise, user
What's your reaction to my posts
& I would post the truth about dating but I don't have it.
im really glad i posted this
you guys saved me a lot of pointless research
mind you i was never in favor of feminism, i knew the movement was bullshit just like black lives matter with pretty much all of the same fallacies, but now i have a much better insight.
very interesting, anons. keep it coming.
I'm not MRA/MGTOW, btw. To me, those movements are the other side of the same feminism coin. It's the realization of the opting out/not contributing reactionary strategy that Australia was talking about. That behavior is what will collapse society. Bringing back traditional families is the only way to fix population decline and men saying fuck women and fuck the system.
give me a sec to read through them. i guess i bypassed them because that's a fuck ton of words and im a ridiculously slow reader. dyslexia and adhd dont go hand in hand.
MGTOW has more valid grievances than modern feminism. That is the stone cold truth.
And MGTOW is for faggots. What does that say about feminism?
Well said
Trads are tradcucks for a reason.
Modern traditionalism will never be the same as old traditionalism.
Not only do people see extremely differently, the systems themselves haven't changed.
By being a tradcuck you are possibly resigning yourself to the current state of affairs.
Things need to change first.
And i'm the dumb one
It's true tho.
They were safer when they didn't work.
STD rates and single motherhood were lower... Before the end of shotgun marriages.
Poverty was lower and violent crime (women #1 victim) was lower.
They didn't HAVE TO work, and couples didn't need TWO jobs to get by before we built an economy and tax system that leans on dual income families
And of course, the more promiscuous women are the less likely their marriage is to be successful or happy.
Men and women ARE NOT EQUAL. We complement each other, and there's beauty in that. We're different pieces to the same puzzle.
Men are made to lead and protect women. Bravery is expected of men.
Women are made to bear and raise children.
Chastity is expected of women.
It's easy to be a coward. It's easy to be a slut. That said, I'll be brave and strong for you if you'll be chaste and faithful to me.
This is how society used to work.
you forgot pic related
Now instead they can fuck you, have your kid, take him from you, make you pay child support, she sits on her ass, you also pay more in taxes to support her, and all the other single moms being "independent" even tho women take more in benefits and social security than they pay in taxes, as a collective.
And now you get nothing in return, AND she will even be portrayed as the eternal victim who men must spend their collective lives appeasing (feminist influence in politics and public sphere or workplace). Well that's not true. If you're lucky you get to see your child on weekends, while Tyrone fills up your ex.
I can't fucking read that shit on mobile man
my fucking sides. oh my god. that is absolutely genius. but GOD DAMN I HATE IT. It reminds me of the girl that i am oh so horribly infatuated with, but also not because she's actually pretty smart, but the superficiality (hair stuff on reddit, sitting around doing nothing), is too horribly accurate. bravo to whoever wrote this. he gets laid, as he clearly understands the psyche of women
this dude is woke as fuck.
that was pretty eye opening, and from my nihilist perspective that was pretty satisfying. im trying to think of something insightful to say about it, but this guy pretty much covers everything he tried to prove. he's just... right.
Men are breed to be superior and always have been woman to populate only need to look good and fuck good until they are preggo. Women also do not base their thinking process on actual critical thinking they use emotions to decide their actions. And on top of that the only reason women were given rights was because cucks and weak men gave into women thinking they might get some sex out of it. Yes men are superior in everything except sucking dick stretching and crying.
And caring for infants
i guess what feminist really dont like is that men have the overtly more honorable role in society than women do
try telling that to a feminist, or any woman at all ,really. they'll just feel insecure and try to retort against this.
....perhaps, feminism was inevitable? they were just eventually going to realize how simple minded and immature they are, and hate it, try to do something about it. think about being a woman. would you not be a feminist? wouldnt you just get tired of being the lower tier of the only two genders in existence? perhaps that's where multiple genders sprouted from. no wonder why it's so backed up by feminist support. maybe in some kind of subconscious psychology, (for lack of better words, i mightve just made myself sound like a dumbass for saying that), a woman might want to become transgender, or demiqueer whatever bull shit so they dont have to correlate themselves with the lowest tier gender of society, so they can try to convince themselves or others that they are "better than women" persay. it all comes from the intrinsic insecurity that all women have. they just live in a constant state of inferiority, apparently and unfortunately.
does this make any sense?
i really hope this thread didnt just die. someone NEEDS to read that, i spent like ten minutes typing that
I read it.
If you can, please read because it expands on what first Aussie user was saying. Feminism is hypergamy + political power.
feminism is the idea that women are people. thats it. if some feminists are shrill, or difficult, or angry, they are shrill, difficult, angry PEOPLE, not cunts or dykes or ass or objects. they are flawed, even deeply flawed, HUMAN BEINGS, just like men are human beings. thats it thats all. if you cant get behind that, i hope your gf kills you tonite, cause you deserve it.
>are men just simply superior?
>feminism is the idea that women are people
We're not talking about the "idea that women are people" user, if this is your definition of feminism, then we're not talking about that. We're talking about something else, so leave this thread.
Piss off Alinsky kike
read through this thread and you might become a little less retarded
as a matter of fact, ill make it easy for you.
understand but also understand
What an absolutely horrendous image
>18 Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
Colasians 3
i was on /i/, and the subject was to give the body a head.
and i produced
i hope you just bible quoted me ironically
nothing insightful will ever come out of that book written by people that basically just grew out of being hunter-gatherers, not to mention it was translated from hebrew, a hundred other languages, then english, and had to be rewritten over and over an dover again because the printing press wasn't made until about 1000 years after it was translated over a billion times.
sorry, im so anti-religion, i firmly believe that every religious person is a delusional retarded cuck
I've been reading a lot of feminist stuff lately and there are feminists that reject the sjw shit and the (((tranny agenda))) erasing womanhood. They don't really get much exposure in the press or online, I wonder why... hmm..
This lecture by Camile Paglia is great if you can get past her stutter
She is about the closest I have found to a red pilled feminist. Though she would be offended if you called her a feminist. She is a supporter of the liberation of women but also warns women to be modest and aware that society is still dangerous to them. Feminism has been undermined by the jew pretty much from the start. Women wanted liberation from the dominance of men, to choose their own path. But instead of making a choice between working and raising a family, now all women and men must work. Have more sympathy for us Sup Forums most women today are so brainwashed and indoctrinated they don't even know what it is to be a woman besides showing off your body and being a sex object :(
Also would like to add a link to anti-sjw radical feminist site
Many redpills contained within esp if you are a woman
as interesting as i might find that website in relation to the thread, i couldnt read because the first two paragraphs made me cringe to the point of physical pain.
I definitely don't agree 100% with some of the stuff on there, I am not really on board with the man-hate, but it is a radical feminist blog after all. It is a very good example of how the left is eating itself and an interesting perspective on the trans issue
ill be sure to check it out at some point, but i had best be getting to bed now. i have work in 11 hours. thanks for your input, user
>why are women shit?
>evolutionary reasons
>the bible is shit
>it was just developed evolutionarily
They understood what women were/are.
Being worthy of God is esoteric but basically implies this whole thread. Marriage was predicated on it
i will say one thing though
the first thing it says on the site is "saying no to penis is not hate speech" right under the title of the page
like fuck, off, dude. fems just love the victim role so much.
my bad i didnt mean to just openly ignore an input like that, i didnt even read the quote. i just hate religion.
I hope you do, it's been a good resource for me. I have hope for a new wave of feminism, led by those of us who actually love and admire men but don't want to be oppressed by them:
>acceptance of the biological and sociological differences between men and women
>free choice of lifestyle for men and women, acceptance that some men and women run askew of the currently enforced gender roles
>focus on self sufficiency and self defense.. current feminism has merely replaced the patriarchy enforced by the husband with one enforced by the state. no. freedom means shouldering risk.
That is mostly directed at sjw trannies that demand lesbians have sex with them
I strongly suggest you look into Christina Hoff Summers and Cassie Jaye. Both were feminists. Both became convinced that it was a hate group and that men are more disadvantaged.
Statistics time.
More women than men graduate from college.
The vast majority of spending is done by WOMEN, not men, despite men making more money overall(not in the same jobs). This is why marketing targets women mostly.
Women are shielded from consequences, and their prison sentencing is always MUCH more lenient than men for the same crimes.
Women die less often as a result of workplace accidents.
Women live on average 4 years longer than men.
Women have vastly more control over birth rights. While men shouldn't be able to force a woman to carry a child to term or have an abortion, a man's future finances are completely at the whim of a woman's interests. A man can, even if using a condom or being told she's on birth control, get saddled with 18+ years of financial parasitism by a woman.
In cases of domestic violence, men are always considered the offenders, regardless of evidence or aggression. This is called the Duluth Model, and is extremely widespread in the US and the UK. A man who is stabbed or struck repeatedly by a woman is ASSUMED TO HAVE STARTED IT, and is ARRESTED, even if HE called the police.
Women tend to have vastly more elaborate support networks, and in he said/she said scenarios women will be automatically sided with and defended, unless excessive evidence to the contrary is presented.
Despite assumptions to the contrary, men are raped almost as much as women. When this happens, men have no support networks, and are often laughed at or ignored.
There are no domestic violence shelters for men. A man who seeks help will often be branded an abuser and denied access.
Women in western societies have more freedom than any group throughout history. They have more self-determination of their own lives. They are the safest group in our society.
>Women have it worse than men
Who fights the wars?
Who builds our building?
Who lays our roads?
Who are the biggest victims of suicide?
Who are the biggest victims pf child sexual abuse?
Who has the most workplace injuries and fatalities?
Who are the most homicide victims?
Who suffers more from mental problems?
Who gets more heavily medicated for so called "autistic spectrum disorders"?
Who are the majority of the homeless?
Who are the majority of the drug and alcohol dependent?
The answer? Men and boys. The fact is, society waa built to shelter women and keep them safe. Great pains have been taken to ensure that a woman not only never has to work in a sewer, or drive a ttruc for a living, but also to make sure they dont even see the hardships endured by men, as it may hurt their fragile egos.
Women are a protected superclass. Feminism is a cancer that convinces the most privileged in society that they are the most oppressed.
Feminism is nothing but the political manifestation of penis envy. "It robs a woman of the natural dignity of her sex and turns her into an inferior man."
There are good and bad thing about being either sex. We gave American women everything they wanted and a good lot of them are still whining, bitching, and moaning.
It used to be that women couldn't hold most jobs. There were female help wanted sections in the newspaper separate from the male help wanted. Women didn't have the luxury of divorce. Women could be thrown in an insane asylum at the whim of her husband. And there's a lot of other things too. I'm not sure we should forbid women from holding jobs, but modern feminists sure don't appreciate what we gave them.
good shit user
but can you sauce
>The vast majority of spending is done by WOMEN, not men, despite men making more money overall(not in the same jobs). This is why marketing targets women mostly.
>Is feminism really all that bad?
>Buy why user?
Because the end game of feminism was to intentionally break the family unit and emasculate men. (See pic related)
The worst decision man ever did was give women the vote, instead of the head of the household voting for the best interest of his family you instead created more votes and created voting blocks. Before a single vote could represent a family unit and people would vote what was best for them and their family, now you have politicians pushing through stuff for single mothers, for black women, for minority women or just women in general. Women tend to be selfish creatures who worry about what they can get immediately without worrying about the long term consequences which inherently leads to a welfare state on the levels we are seeing right now in western nations.
So in short fuck feminism and fuck feminists and fuck the white knighting manginas who empower these bulldykes because they think they are going to get laid.
no it really is not... you cannot keep redefining words like that... well you can, but it just proves the point that you are not to be taken too seriously.
This, very well exposed.
Men are superior, women are protected insctintively.
Fun fact: In the Titanic, there died more children than women.
guys OP is obviously just using you all to data mine stop doing her work for her
I don't have an actual study. Sorry. I really should catalogue all this statistics. I've got em all memorized but no sources handy. Still, a little google fu should turn it up...
Here's what I've got.
One of these even shows the current makeup of college grads. Keep in mind the gap on college graduation is WIDENING, not narrowing. I don't have an exact time window, but models suggest it will be a 2:1 ratio of women to men graduating college in the near future.
If you don't mind sorting through some whiny men and hostility, googling Feminism Is A Hate Group can turn up a lot of useful data with sources. Most of these things I'm saying can be corroborated with a little googling. This data isn't hard to find...even if people do everything in their power NOT to talk about.
>forbes com/sites/bridgetbrennan/2015/01/21/top-10-things-everyone-should-know-about-women-consumers/#5c8bade86a8b
>forbes com/sites/bridgetbrennan/2017/01/31/why-has-womens-economic-power-surged-five-stats-you-need-to-know/#613ba5f59562
Women don't actually want equality. They want chivalry on steroids.
When you do treat women equally with men they call it misogyny.
Oh, and while I'm on a's one of the biggest gems I've *EVER* found with regards to gender interactions and feminism.
It's long and prolly not worth reading your time, but I'll sum up the observations of the study.
Men who treat women the same way that they treat men are perceived to be MORE sexist than men who practice benevolent sexism. Basically women are used to being coddled, so being treated like a man is perceived to be sexist.
No wonder they think male spaces like gamers and tech fields are full of sexism.
Another wonderful gem. Throughout history, more women reproduced than men.
This link doesn't have the exact numbers, but some googling will find more data.
The short version is in recent history, women were twice as likely as men to sire children. The vast MAJORITY of men never had children. They either died, or were deemed too low status. Mitochondrial analysis also showed there was a period like 12,000 years ago where the ratio was terrifyingly disproportionate. Like...20 women to every 1 man.
Oh, and another interesting gem. On a scale of 1-10, women view the average man as like a 2. Whereas male attraction follows a bell curve(like IQ), female attraction follows an S curve, with around 80% falling into the category of "undateable".
This data was actually done by a dating website. You'll have to google again. I think it was or OkCupid. But it's worth it. Women's standards are *insanely* high.
Yes it is.
Feminism is just another word for childrenism, men know better what is good for society and in consequence for women.
All great civilization peaked under patriarchy for a reason, women LARPing as man is the biggest societal issue we have today, it creates high unemployment, divorces, single motherhood (and so criminals), low fertility, feminization of men, destruction of the nuclear family and various other degeneracies.
>thinking equality is a good thing
They have equality..what they want now is equity.
Know the difference
I believe women's liberation has been and always was hijacked by marxists and jews just like the civil rights movement. all progress in both areas has been completely undermined and is unrecognizable. sjws and the current wave of feminists are brainwashed, dried and folded. they have never experienced real hardship.
You're an ignorant fuck for hating religion, such hate is a product of left-wing ideology quite frankly. Religion is a codification of traditions, the metaphysics merely support the ethics that they teach because the majority of humans are gigantic children that need structure and an authority figure to keep their self destructI've tendencies in check.
Women don't want equality. They want control over men and escape from responsibility over their actions. Just like they always wanted, only this time it's enforced by the government. And that's normal women, not even the man-hating witches.
Feminism was about equality. Now feminism is literally sexism towards men
Feminism is a movement, not just an abstract belief in equality.