>have white wife who's sole purpose in life is to have many white children
>live in 90% white Utah
>mormons help each other out, you will never go hungry
>get hired because boss is a mormon and knows you from church
>get to call jews gentiles causing eternal butthurt
Why aren't you a mormon yet?
>inb4 jew butthurt
Mormonism, the final redpill
Other urls found in this thread:
No premarital sex.
Well worth that, when you look at every positive.
Tell me the negatives.
I think Atheism+ is the only answer.
Inbred fucktards. Communist core ideology. Pass.
Mormons are the only religion besides Islam with a positive birth rate. They are literally the future.
>using a false religion for political purposes
Plus I bet I could take any of those fags in your OP pic in a street fight, they look like pussies who are only doing well because non-Mormons protect Utah from foreign invasion
Temples in Ghana, Nigeria, Mexico, The Philippines.
Every-time Mormons try and sign me up it's always third-worlders who are the missionaries.
Feels bad man.
Here in america, mormon missionaries are almost exclusively white. Hell I even fucked one back in high school, she tried to convert me.
Mormons are good, honest people. Not especially honest in business unless they are dealing with one of their own. They are gorgeous attractive people. I find it interesting that there are multiple LDS threads a day on pol now.
Mormonism is a gigantic fraud.
>now it's the missionaries trolling Sup Forums instead of us trolling their chatline
so this is how it feels to be dr frankenstein
I wanna smoke pot and they'll get mad :/
mormons are yummy. omnomnom
I member... The book of magnets.
>the only religion besides Islam with a positive birth rate.
>what is India
You look strange. Sometimes there is 2 of you americans mormons, generally it's 2 female, they have a little trolley with propaganda, they just wait all day at the entrance of one of the big parc in paris. They wait like some fucking statue and nobody come to them except hentai rappist guy who try to hit on them.
>>get to call jews gentiles causing eternal butthurt
tell me more, i would sign up just for that
They're becoming browner and browner by the week
>Buying comfort with mass delusion
Yuri Bezmenov says hello
I think you mean the only predominately white religion, Protestantism and Catholicism are growing with Africa, and Orthodoxy is growing with Ethiopia
According to mormon doctrine, only those who accept the teachings of Joseph Smith can be considered "jews" all non believers (including semites) are considered gentiles.
You are now aware that mormon doctrine is suspiciously similar to muslim doctrine, and that Joseph Smith was even compared to Mohammad in his time.
For example:
Mormon doctrine
>Jesus was a mormon
>all the apostles were mormons
>somehow someone corrupted everything and no one knew what was right until JS read out of a hat
Muslim doctrine
>Jesus and apostles etc. were muslim
>filthy jews and christians corrupted everything
>no one knew the true way until prophet sandnigger "heard allah"
I like mormons, but I don't know if they'd approve of my career.
>t. nigger gasser
Trust me they will love you, except they will never tell you this to your face
The dumb faggots who paid Fred Johnson at tycho to build them a planet colonising ship only to have it flown at Eros station
What you get for giving your ship a faggy name like Navoo
They're bleeding members. That and transgender are women in the church.
if your religion speaks of Chist and God and isn't based off early christianity, then it's a LARP.
even islam, which started a couple hundred or so years later with the life of muhammad is just fanfiction.
so really only jews, orthodox and catholics are the true religions, but Christ hates jews so we gotta remove the jew.
Mormonism is just so demonstrably false.
>Wars that never happened
>Original scripture that church leaders didn't want getting out turns out to be agreed funerary rites by all anthropologists while Mormons were told it was in some language that upon further inspection makes absolutely no interpretive sense
>Kinderhook plates
I'm a deeply religious person, but Mormonism doesn't even come down to belief or anything; it's just straight up hoaxes kept afloat by community. And then they manipulate religious laws and codes to give themselves as much state recognition as possible as if that makes it legitimate.
You literally have to pay 10% of your annual salary to the church. Also Utah definitely isn't 90% white. Mormons also lately have been pushing harder to recruit poc.
>not realizing that the truth is irrelevant
I don't give a fuck if these people believe aliens created Eve by tonguing Adam's anus. The fact is, they are the only ones producing WHITE BABIES any more and that is all that matters. What better way to spit in the filthy yid's face than producing 12 all white babies for him to rage at?
>the truth is irrelevant
Listen to yourself. Feels over reals.
they have already capitulated from their racial and heterosexuality standards. Mormonism is long dead
It could go the
way of Islam and become the next huge world religion then?
The only real truth is blood. Produce white babies or get the fuck out.
The real truth is in the blood of Jesus.
Whiteness is irrelevant.
Friendly reminder that anyone countersignalling white babies is either a yid or a yid controlled white.
You forgot the part where you burn in Hell for eternity.
Most definitely NOT repilled.
t. cuckold
>he hasn't yet realized that god created whites and only whites in his image
protip, god is the creator, whites are creators on earth. Connect the dots you fucking bushnigger
>god created whites and only whites in his image
Now explain how the fuck you would know this
Nigger do you even meditate and speak to god?
That aside, take a look at the world
>ye will know them by their fruits
Whites have created anything and everything worthwhile on this planet while niggers have languished on the scraps that whitey gave them. It is blatantly obvious who has the divine spark on this planet
>hint, its not the niggers
What about the honoraryans?
I like Mormonism. It's so... all-American, to put it succinctly. I also admire how Mormons under Brigham Young have founded Salt Lake City and made it a paradise in the desert. Oh, and they didn't have to restrict the native population to concentration camp and population control them with attack helicopters, if you know what I mean.
If I could chose the religion to believe I'd probably go with Mormons. One of the things that stop me from trying is that I am a foreigner and I feel that I'd be unwelcome in Utah. I feel that many Mormons might feel the same way as OP, i.e. they only want "white" Mormons of certain heritage.
t. a Russian guy from Latvia.
A fiction, you moronic yid. Blood is blood is blood. This will ever be so.
I know a guy who went on a mission to Russia. Said the local religion was vodka lol
>Jesus was a mormon
They do not believe that lmao
Ex mo mo here, grew up in the church so can confirm. They know he was a Jew
You can still convert nigga. Marry an aryan wife and have 9001 babies.
And I thought I hadn't seen enough stupid threads today
If I convert, can I come to Utah, find a Mormon wife and stay?
It can be hard to get into the US if you're white, but yes. The culture here is encouraging of rapid marriage and childrearing. Too bad I'm addicted to gook cartoons instead.
>Be Joseph Smith
>Make a bunch of shit up
>Somehow end up translating accurate places and names from the fake manuscript with the translation ability that he proveably didn't have..
Kinderhook plates are literally irrelevant
No, I mean specifically come to Utah as a tourist, say that I'm a Mormon and I want to settle there and find me a wifey.
Mormonism has nothing to do with race. Limiting your cult to a single race would mean limiting your potential income.
They allow colored peoples now you faggot
i'm thinking about joining the unification church, they hook you up with a job and a free korean/japanese waifu
Only if you actually are a member of the restored church. Otherwise you'll be somewhat limited in your choice of brides but atill way better than the average American.
No you didn't you pathetic lying virgin.
>Hell I even fucked one back in high school
Then she wasn't Mormon dipshit
Doesn't mean most Mormons like it. They might only approve of it conditional that coloured people stay in their countries. But what I'm saying it's insane to be a Mormon and not want to eventually immigrate to Utah.
Joseph Smith and Muhammad both had sudden and convenient revelations that God wanted him to marry someone else's wife
Also, this is quite important to me. What do Mormons think about the Constitution? Do they believe in it and one nation, or secretly hate all this stuff and just let goyim have fun before they go to hell?
And yet look who fills out the Southern Baptist churches every Sunday.
Says right there in the Bible "a multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language".
anything related to, created by, endorsed by, or anything related to kikes is the ultimate blue pill you fucking degenerate.
Following the book of Mormon and not the Bible
Lol ok heretic
How about no.
No need for non-Whites
What is mormonisms stance on the naming of the Jew?
Why go out for degenerate burgers when you have purity steak at home?
implying half of Sup Forums arent wizard apprentices.
Jews must repent of their sins and accept Christ or they are damned.
Joseph Smith got shit on by the based sheriff. I just can't follow a prophet who was killed by a sheriff.
Utahfag non Mormon, can confirm OP is correct
Mormons are a satanic cult. 1850s scientologists. Frauds, liars, blasphemers. The center of US anti-Christian blasphemy. They can all burn with their lying founder
ky u fucking cultist heretic.
they're heretics, it's time for some ol' fashioned burning at the stake.
>Uses necktie
Not even the smallest redpill.
Another lying Mormon. How can anyone think Mormonism s anything but a Satanic cult?