As I'm sure many of you know by now, a law that would criminalize any boycotts against Israel with a fine of up to 1 million dollars and 20 years in prison is going to be debated by congress soon. I still have some faith left in the American people, albeit not much. I want to print off flyers or some sort of paper to pass out at my university with my local representatives contact information for anyone who also opposes the bill to raise hell about it to him. Do any of you have any ideas how I can raise awareness to this? I have yet to it in any mainstream normie news sites, and since practically all of the media is Jewish owned, I doubt I will.
Any advice?
Free speech to be criminalized soon for the sake of Israel
Other urls found in this thread:
Into archive
>washingtonpost com/opinions/this-piece-of-pro-israel-legislation-is-a-serious-threat-to-free-speech/2017/07/24/0752d408-7093-11e7-8f39-eeb7d3a2d304_story.html?utm_term=.a58c0b41f063
This bein slid.
>Any advice?
Give up
Let it pass. I will gladly let my ass get taken to court and martyred to see the supreme court strike down some bullshit law like this.
>preemptively boycotting all Israeli products,
Come get me kikes
You'll be gassed in time.
>come get me
We would rather just keep you at the computer
I seriously can't wait until Iran finally becomes a nuclear country and does what whites can't bring themselves to do.
Protect themselves against muslims?
Wipe every trace of your existence off the face of the earth.
Are you sure you want that?
You guys can barely keep track of us as is
One can only hope.
But really, does anyone have any ideas besides printing off a few flyers? Can anyone provide me with some normie appropriate and palatable introductions to ZOG?
Call up your local congressman
Make a petition with a bunch of signatures
Do a publicity stunt fundraiser like jumping through a flaming hoop on a scooter
start arresting senators who signed this, the ones who voted for another nation over their own, the ones who believe that Israel is superior to everyone's freedom of speech and the Constitution, and charge them all with treason. They'd throw you or I into jail over an not buying their products, why not start pushing for their arrests and recalls? Congress is a threat to every American as their loyalties are to other nations than their own. Our politicians hold little to no patriotism and need immediate removal.
have a bump OP
You know that most of the Jews live in US and if Iran will start some shit even more of them will come here right? And also if whites in the west can't fight their enemies than it means the white race is weak. Asking Iranians to deal with teh Jews is the same tactics Jews use when they tell every minority about the evil white slave owners.