how does Sup Forums feel about space exploration/habitation?
give me back my shekels.
how does Sup Forums feel about space exploration/habitation?
give me back my shekels.
Building a colony on mars for progressives, marxists, and far left cucks is not a bad idea.
Space doesn't exist faggot
How aboutbuilding a nazi space command on the moon
It does, I've been there.
Good load up the stormfags too.
Is this not just an artists rendering? It would have to be.. right?
How about we strap you to a rocket so you can find out for yourself?
the camera crew following in a pickup truck took the video user
its CGI
I took it
these guys.they work cheap
I fell like we need to achieve singularity and need to send robot colonizers before humans do.
It is
It's a front so we don't suspect the upcoming fake alien wars. Here's a quick rundown.
1. Aliens exist and have bases on the moon. They didn't like us going to the moon, so we stopped going there.
2. We have had some of their craft for about 75 years now.
3. Some craft have been partially reproduced or can be used.
4. The US possibly in conjunction with other nations will stage a false flag event where "aliens" (really robots made to look like aliens and possibly actors) attack earth. You would know this is fake if you just realize they've been here for thousands of years and did not attack us yet.
5. The attack will be used to justify giving even more shekels to military defense contractors and oil producers.
We've been in space, doing some crazy things, without the public knowledge. Go back to bed.
It's all fake and gay. I don't even think satellites exist at this point. I don't know what they're hiding exactly, but things like the ISS are so obviously fake that it's quite comical.
>The attack will be used to justify giving even more shekels to military defense contractors and oil producers.
I don't mind this as long as it pushes for space exploration.
The militarization of space is the only way we will truly advance in that regard.
You do know you can see the ISS even with the naked eye, right?
And multiple times a day too, since it completes one orbit in only 92 minutes.
Kill yourself, you larping retard
Selfie stick fuckin Retard.
no cuz the world is totally flat. look at recent history: 'The Fall of the Roman Empire'
what happened wuz, when all of the immigrants came in from the South, Rome tipped over and all of the Romans fell off ...cuz it's flat brah
It's mostly CGI, mostly.
Jesus Christ
How do you think your cellphone and television work? Magic?
The Huygens probe made by Europeans that was launched alongside the Cassini orbiter. This must have been taken after separation
It's CGI, retard.
salutations, fellow oldmanfag
Tesla knew something no one else did....
>inb4 look away goys
They took the picture taken by the spacecraft and placed this spacecraft over it.
>duhhh televisions needs satelites to work
Why is that guy eating a model of the Earth?
Yes, they do.
No they don't. Most TV's are powered by over the air antenna signal or cable. there is satelite TV but it isnt needed to watch TV if you have cable TV
Habitation of both Mars and the moon is a Meme. We'd be better off constructing orbital colonies.
How the fuck do you think you're able to watch shit live in the US from halfway around the world? You're a fucking cretin and should immolate yourself.
We live on the inside of a sphere, and surround the "universe". Nobody has sent anything into space.
>5. The attack will be used to justify giving even more shekels to military defense contractors and oil producers.
Thank god, we haven't had any good military tech leaps since the 80s
if the sun is inside why does it get dark at night?
>when you make fun of niggers for having a low iq, but try to claim the earth is flat
>I'm not a Christian
lol yeah clearly.
yes and no, the only good reason I can see would be for low-g sports arenas. Large space habitats would be spinning and fuck with ballistics of balls/players in flight.
Is it real and if so can you contact the satelite in a way
Or perhaps that both the moon and Mars have such low gravity it would have long term effects on your health. As long as theres tension your body can't really tell the difference between artificial and actual gravity.
inhabitants could live in conical rotating structures that would give them a net g-force of 1.0 or however close they want it
Then why go through the hassle of building a colony on mars? I mean the red is pretty and setting up a white colony there would trigger the chinks and SJWs, but beyond that I'm not seeing the benefit versus near orbital. Or hell taking up Mar's orbital plane once we're done with the earth's.
We've had a lot of them actually. You have no idea. Pic related.
dur what are drones dur
like I said sports/entertainment. At the technological stages of colonization of mars entertainment will be the majority of humanity's efforts to achieve. (robots doing all work etc)
So if you want to play football in ~.4gs you can do that on mars. I can foresee jetpack + exoskeleton assisted sporting being popular because of mars' unique gravity and atmospheric conditions
Not that guy, but clearly because the further inside it goes the harder it is to see, duh.
I love listening to the convoluted flat/hollow earth logic. I always just assumed that the movement was an exercise in debate/argumentation tactics that got out of hand and developed a following.
space travel isn't possible. period.
EVERYTHING from NASA or the Russians or the Chinese or the whatever has been FAKED in studios.
Sorry to burst your bubble. There's no escape from this plane of reality. We HAVE to fix this planet and our societies.
Don't listen to (((Hawkings))). Space travel is the ultimate jewish escapism for the (((educated))) masses.
the millions of people working in these industries who were paid to make their rocket parts for nothing, or sit at their terminals and watch a simulation would've spilled the beans on this one.
wats that
they were not *millions* but anyway this is the oldest most flawed argument. These are classified military projects born out of a separate industry stemmed from hollywood. None of the people involved will ever speak -- but even if they do, ((they)) own the media and will silence it. Check the Neil Armstrong speech for the 25th anniversary, and how convoluted his words had to be in order to somehow "spill the beans" like you say.
it's dozens of governments, each with their own contractors building rockets/satellites. The staff members from nasa is 18000 alone (says google) which doesn't include the highly specialized technicians working for lockheed or the other contracted companies.
In short people got paid a significant portion of the world's gdp to make the rocket/satellite parts. If it was just a hoax that money could've been hidden better to keep as much as possible in the hands of the spender.
OR, the money is and was always simply channeled to fuel other dark areas of military and political intervention. The space race is the best way to hoard money from the people while promoting nonsense escapism. The rest is good ol' compartmentalization.
We've had astronomical technological leaps, they just aren't allowed to see the light of day.
I the future nobody will want to live in a space station, or in mars. Apart from the increased salaries.
Now it's something cool but once it becomes something usual it will be the opposite from desirable.
DELET this
Ok but if this is real, who took the picture of the tr3b? Checkmate. Nigger
Pretty sure every penny of Nasa's budget goes to kiddie buttfucking operations.
Huygens lander took that pic of Cassini
enjoy your (you)s
Or just not a real picture. Look how close they are to Saturn. Titan is much, much higher up.
It would not make sense to release the probe headed for Titan that deep in the gravity well.
Im extremely interested by these. Do you have the others I've seen floating around on here? Especially the blue gridded screen one from I think the situation room.
I can post them all. Save and share.
what the fuck where's the wire?
i dont get it, whats wrong?
>gif from a movie with quote subtitled
this is tumblr as fuck desu
3D CGI is pretty good these days.
Plane high up, then dive causing what we are told is zero g. They are also using harness connected with wires.
Drawing MS paint pictures around nothing: The Webm
>muh compression artifact.
Was it a bit cramped, or was there plenty of space?
yes, that i know, but what is your point?
ok im freaking out. what does it all mean?
Have we been to space?
Have we been there with alien aircraft?
Is there such a thing as space?
what is up there?
keep digging
>who the fuck took that picture?
My best guess is that it may be an auxiliary component (Camera module) that has been detached from the probe in the picture for any number of reasons.
Or that image is a CG representation of a mission for normies who need some pretty pictures to drule over as a posed to the numbers and often bland technical images that accompany launch broadcasts for instance.
You the fucking man. Holy fuck the world is crazy.
Some official CGI. Compare this to apollo 11 photos.
yeah okay, something is fucky there. You can see how they used a space backdrop, i am wondering why when they make the cgi earth they don't have the ocean and land on the same layer. Wierd how they even have it chroma keyed out.
alright. seems like a lot of work to me.
what about other countries than US in space? Russia for instance
It means you have encountered a conspiracy theory you find credible. It's complete horseshit of course, but only you can find that out for yourself by looking up the right sources with the right amount of skepticism.
Good luck.
If you look carefully - you'll see that the pinky finger grabbed the pocket of the pants. Nonissue, although at first glance it seemed as if there were an invisible wire.
big club we are not part of
im watching eddie brave joe rogan talk in this very minute.
does it help?
You should take a closer look at the 2 people in the back. The woman's hair and the wire the guy is grabbing.
truth will not be given freely