Wtf would happen

if Australia, turkey, and Canada join forces?
>would this result in a new world order?
>would this result in WW III
>would it mean the ultimate shit post storm on this broad?

All of the above

Now why the FUCK would that ever happen?

aussies and canadians have more in common than you think

not t*rkey though, fuck them

well, why the fuck not.
for one would be teh lulz here on Sup Forums, sorry on all chans

but they, like both of you. are legendary shit posters

Fuck turkey, I'll never join them. Anzu is the only exception, the rest can eat shit and die.

so this is your reason.
"from what i heard today, truks are a mix of back people, jew, and mexican.
>lie like jews
>fucking every where like mexicans
>are as bad as black people
dose this sound right?"
i typed that into a truk thred not that long ago

Give me a good reason to like them.

we fuck your mom
>muh anzu
dumb wh*Te subhuman

they can do shit post like no one else.
im saying to team up, not become one nation. just team up for one goal.
>new world orer
>ww iii
>shit posting

No, not good enough. I don't even reply to roach posters or give them (You)'s.

>Anzufag thinks his opinions matter
awww :3

at lest use them as cannon fodder when shit posting, so you and the Aussies can post some high grade shitpost.

see what i mean

Nah. I would never ally with such a disgusting, shitskin nation. Plus I've seen too many turks that are just cancer.

strayans are cool. leafs are just discount burgers. i dont know why anybody cares about them.

why do wh*Tes think that they're some kind of masterrace?
I've beaten many wh*Te subhumans here, ur weak

ok, well how about using them as nothing but cannon fodder. they do love to shit post. think of it as the grunts from halo and your the master chief.
i mean just look at this,
you have to admit they are good at what they do.

No. I gain nothing from accepting them.

We should send Australian men as refugees to Canada to uncuck them, and start bar fights with the Somali refugees.

>The Aussfags suffered terribly at the hands of the Emu's: let them in. *folds hands*

Them = Canadia

not accepting, using. there is a diffrence

Fuck off cunt and show real flag instead of pussy pirate.

>Anzu is the only exception
No exceptions faggot. Thats like saying that you like one kike and they should live.

well shit the gang is all here

Thanks cunt. Didn't expect burger desu.

what little of a fleet they have would be sunk before the war began

I'm not actually obsessed with Anzu, it's just the most popular thing from on here from Turkey.


Typical fucking canadians, always trying to ride our coattails

>implying we'd bother going to war
Yeah nah cunt we'd just get fucked up on cheap piss. And if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight because I fucked her too hard. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA POOPIES XDDD

now jst imagin what could happen if turk, leaf, aussie, and yankey can do together?

if the aussies and canadians non-wh*Te then why the fuck not would i not unite with them
if they're just anzu obsessed wh*Teoid subhumans then they can go fuck themselves lmao

>Mad they didn't get the best GET in history

Everyone will take turns at fucking Canadas boi pussi.

Too bad we don't live in precivilization. If it was a lawless land, roaches wouldn't have a chance against whites. Whites and asians do what is necessary in the given society. Brown and blacks just act like they are still chimps no matter what happens.

fuck turks, fuck cucks

>If it was a lawless land, roaches wouldn't have a chance against white-