What the Israeli Jews have done to the Palestinians is just as bad as what the Nazi Germans did during the Holocaust.
Israeli must open its borders as a reparation to the 4.5 million Palestinians.
Sebastian Robinson
Cant watch a single one without vpn or proxy, lel. Thanks mama merkel.
Ryan Ward
>killing muslims
Is Israel, dare I say it, /ourzionistoverlords/?
Ryder Nelson
The Holocaust is a Hollow Hoax Hitler was right never killed any jews just criminals the ALLIES america britain and soviets caused the HOLOCAUST you speak of not Hitler or NS Germany Hitler always right! mourningtheancient.com/truth.htm
Liam Young
Benjamin Bennett
>Oy vey that Palestinian child was throwing rocks at me! >The only way to defend my self was to bomb his school with white phosphorus! >Pls gibs moar shekels go-- I mean guys!
"This terrible scene takes place on the Esplanade of the Mosques in Jerusalem: a Palestinian trying to flee is brutally and ruthlessly killed at point-blank range by the soldiers of the Zionist occupation, for no reason, even though he did not represent any threat. He was not armed. The soldiers opened fire intensively, leaving their victim only death as the only exit !!"
Josiah Bailey
>/ourzionistoverlords/? Y E S
Christopher White
Mr. Trump, please give us money to take over the w- I mean, secure our borders!
Israel carried out the USS Liberty & 9/11/2001 Holocausts, Acts of War Against The American People!
Samuel Hall
Jordan Rodriguez
Landon Gomez
>Implying I care about mooslem Palestinians like I do white gentiles Lmao >Inb4 t. Shlomo
David Cox
Well Israel is the ZOG behind White Genocide in all White Nations so you cannot stop White Genocide and your women being BLACKED until you end your Dual Israeli ZOG silly.
Directed at the guy who says ">Implying I care about mooslem Palestinians like I do white gentiles Lmao >Inb4 t. Shlomo"
(ID: sRyV5otK)
Ian Brooks
The holocaust is a hoax. The national socialists didn't gas any jews.
Adam Gutierrez
Thomas Reed
Daniel Wood
They should leave Israel. If you want to fight over sand, and take on Israeli military, this is the result. I'm certainly no fan if Israel, but you all need to get a grip. Palestinians act like niggers.