>American cattlemen have been gored again by the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. Japan last week raised the tariff on frozen U.S. beef to 50% from 38.5% for the next eight months, while Australian ranchers enjoy a 27.5% rate and can expect that to fall to 9% over the next 16 years if TPP goes ahead.
>Japan is the leading market for American beef, consuming $1.5 billion worth last year. But Australia is a fierce competitor and already enjoys more than half the market for frozen beef. The Aussies locked in Japan’s TPP market-opening with a bilateral trade agreement.
>That’s how they dodged last week’s “safeguard” tariffs. Under World Trade Organization rules, Japan set up a mechanism to increase tariffs if imports surge by a set amount, in this case 17%. But Tokyo exempts countries with which it has trade deals. Since the U.S. left the TPP, it doesn’t qualify for the exemption. So U.S. producers are likely to lose market share.
>To add political insult to injury, eight of America’s top 10 beef-producing states voted for Donald Trump. The eight are: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Culturally they belong to his political base, but his trade policy is hurting their interests. (The other two states are California and Colorado.)
>The Administration has said it wants a bilateral trade deal with Japan like Australia’s. But times have changed. Tokyo signed the Australian deal as part of the horse-trading for TPP in return for which it stood to gain access to 11 other nations’ markets. Politically it now has no incentive to equal or improve those terms for the U.S.
>butthurt cattlemen who've been subsidized, pampered, and greedy for so long they think they are entitled to help because "muh dick"
yeah fuck off nobody needs your fucking abscessed ass here
Julian Taylor
My family is in cattle ranching, there is no shortage of demand. Fuck the japs, and fuck you kike
Angel Clark
Hudson Allen
He just opened the Chinese market to US beef.
Oliver Gray
Have you SEEN beef prices over here? A flood of supply for this market will mean I can actually afford the stuff again...
Sebastian Powell
>oh no, its now more profitable to sell the beef in the country, leading us to be less dependent on importing food from other countries
Robert Howard
Farmers in NZ love the TPP as well.
Don't trust Farmers. They get in lots of debt and then bitch and complain for bailouts when they have a tiny loss in profits.
They boss our government around something chronic and also demand the immigration flood gates stay open so they can pay brown people shit.
Isaiah Hughes
>If I vote for my candidate, I'll get all of my wishes fullfilled xDDD
Trump ran on withdrawing from TPP. He held his promise. The voters knew that they'd suffer in some areas, while winning in other areas they deemed more significant.
Welcome to politics, you god damn retard.
Liam Davis
>sell to a few million nips >or sell to billions of chinks
Evan Stewart
Isaac Sanders
>American cattlemen have been gored again by the Trump Administration’s I would fire whoever wrote this
Ayden Sanders
This has been going on for awhile, the TPP would inordinately help a small island country like Japan that has few serious exports outside of technology, but TPP would be very bad for us, making us sell shit cheaper and giving countries much greater access to our goods.
Australia is still probably decades away from being able to supply Japan alone with itself and other neighbors. But that's how markets work.
We have the supply, the have the demand. Now Australia has the supply and they're alot closer to japan. We can peddle our shit anywhere, just probably not for the same amount of money.
In the long run, TPP will hurt Australia more than it will help for the same reasons. We may lose out on a few lucrative markets for now, but eventually the pendulum will swing back around.
Levi Young
>Babby's don't understand that land-poor, overpopulated wealthy Asian countries will pay more for beef than the domestic market and by becoming by losing access to these markets YOU will surrender profitability and market share to the Big Strong and Muscular AusGODs
Kek, flyover """education""" at its absolute pinnacle
Michael Jenkins
Then the US should negotiate a bilateral deal with Japan. Not being in the TPP doesn't stop the US from doing that. The problem with multi-nation deals is that the problem of one is the problem of all, see EU.
And Australia has a continental advantage into Japan anyway. I'm sorry for beef but joining the TPP would've meant a job exodus from the US for many other industries, and a bigger net loss, in general.
Also [spoiler]OP's a faggot[/spoiler]
Thomas Lee
Wait a fucking second didn't literally everyone besides globalist shills say "hey, this is retarded, you're fucking us over and its starting to look like a NWO"? Wasn't this one of the few things both Reddit and Sup Forums agreed that it was literally a cancer on consumers? Are you trying to tell me the TPP is good? Are you retarded? I don't care if Japan puts up more beef tariffs, so long as we don't surrender our nation to globalism I'm all for an extra tariff.
Dominic James
>chinks buy up australian cuck meat for subsistence >it's profitable >can charge native australian cucks more since a steady income is guaranteed from chinks >australians starve and their test levels lower even lower
Austin Lewis
its true japan is a lucrative market since they need imports more than most 1st world countries.
but you can't pretend that TPP is responsible for this particular shift in the market. its been trending this way for a long time, the US has lost an absolute shit ton of cattle ranchers over the past few decades, and even then we probably produce 10x the beef that Australia does, if not more.
Jason Fisher
>Tariffs shoot up forcing American's to sell to Americans >Market achieves new equilibrium >Butthurt japs and globalists bomb a Texas cattle ranch >Texas nukes Japan >The rest of America nukes Japan >Japan surrenders, buys our beef without tariffs and makes even weirder hentai
This is bad for us how?
Michael Barnes
America produces about 5-6x the beef that Australia does. But your population is also 13x larger than ours so there's far more hungry mouths to feed before you can start exporting.
Australia also has much better bi-lateral free-trade agreements in key agricultural export markets (China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia etc) which makes our farmers more internationally competitive.
You're right, it has nothing to do with TPP. It's simply because our government is more competent than yours.