Thanks Sup Forums for paying for my healthcare.
Thanks Sup Forums for paying for my healthcare
>not evading taxes
what scum do you mistake me for?
>too fucking fat to even walk
Forgot to link it
Thanks a bunch again
>skinny boogie
>unarchived boogie2988
Hooktube that shit to prevent views
Already has enough threads
Fat fucking shit
Can't a fan send a pistol to this poor bugger. The morbid obesity and the mental illness. He should be able to end his pain.
When a single black is more reasonable than boogie's entire fanbase
>tfw watching the vid eating a pulix tender sub
>mfw Publix just introduced the Havana Sub in my store
>literally selling the breaded commie
sounds good, probably just a cuban sub, chill out bro.
>living in Florida
>friend recommends Publix
>its the most overrated, overpriced grocery store I've ever been to
just no
That was really good.
Still waiting for the oven roasted jew.
To be fair, the cost of the operation is probably substantially less than if he didn't get it and stayed obese and had to deal with all the health consequences that come with obesity. I'd rather pay to have someone cut their stomach in half than to pay for their 3 open heart surgeries.
>implying people on Sup Forums make enough money to pay federal taxes
you do realize that he makes several hundred thousand dollars a year, right?
Statistically speaking he pays more in taxes than you ever will, you white trash cuck.
>I'm willing to do anything
>anything but change
he's gonna fail so fucking hard just watch
Whatever, I'll get it back at tax time.
thank (you), have a (you)
He were told he should have his leg amputated, instead he kept it and the sickeness spead. Now he has insane medical bills and can't walk.
Norbro, a decent human being as allways.
What the fuck...
that must feel warm
if he looses enough weight, can he walk again?
Good shit, again?
Mods are dead, post sinks.
I don't know, it sounds like it very limiting for any mobility.
Video where he explains it:
So you like paying taxes for anything
If he's really trying to improve himself why would any of you capitalist scumbags object? If not then he should probably kill himself, I know I would.
>dude is morbidly obese
>recognizes it as a problem that is self inflicted (albeit rooted in severe child abuse he suffered)
>takes measures to deal with the problem
Why is he being shit on again? I thought Sup Forums was all for fat people recognizing they have a problem and losing weight?
I think that's the goal. He says that he'll be able to exercise again once the surgery allows him to drop enough weight to not fracture his vertebrae or leg bones while trying.
Not that you have a say dumb ass, but I otherwise agree.
>Why is he being shit on again?
Because he espouses values of weakness. He's always bitching about muh anxiety, muh weight loss, muh fiancee. He's not a real man, and surgery won't change his whiney ass personality.
If he just walked with a friend in a park or on a beach that would improve him. He could talk about video games or philosophy.
Basically he is proactively trying to MGTOW into thinness..
We're all for self-improvement when you're willing to put in the work.
Surgery that will fail due to no fucking willpower and being too lazy to control ones eating while doing no physical activity is not to be admired.
I'd have given that blobfuck way more credit if he hired a nutritionist and personal trainer and done what any normal person does, but nah, just fuck my stomach up senpai, it means I don't have to put in the effort!
Precisely why I say fuck this fat cunt.
>I thought Sup Forums was all for fat people recognizing they have a problem and losing weight?
that's /fit/ and /fit/ acknowledges hard work and dedication, not miracle surgery and delusion.
> He says that he'll be able to exercise again
if you think that exercise makes you lose weight you are illiterate. He's not a 180lbs guy trying to lower his body fat to 6%.
Part of his problem is self-esteem too, being overweight is discouraging to the point depression sucks away motivation. But ypu have to find a way to push through.
Jesus what a ridiculous fat retard
I dodge my taxes.
Didn't say that exercise would help him lose weight, I said the weight loss would allow him to exercise.
Which is important, considering how his cardiovascular system could desperately use it.
Allegedly he had some pretty horrendous physical and sexual abuse laid down on him as a child, he can't even see right out of one of his eyes when his mom tried to claw it out. Basically all of that culminated into his eating disorders later in life. I'd tell you to have some empathy, but then I remembered where I am.
mods are dead. post sinks.
>muh childhood
why do his fans make excuses for this fat fuck?
Dunno dude I just watched that legs video
I seriously doubt he'll keep his legs much longer anyway, losing weight would make the treatment easier and such, but he's way beyond fucked for running now, as in if he did run his condition would worsen a lot.
Guess he can boxe ?
because it's un-provable and if you question it, they can cry and run away. Does he have any proof? Yet, as evidenced by this thread, proof is not needed for people to believe.
Just look at him, don't you want to fuck those juicy tits?
Mods are dead.
post sinks
I never understood the sink meme.
Honestly, even being able to swim laps in a shallow pool, or standing for an extended period, could help. Getting mobile again is important if he wants to get his circulation going enough to keep his limbs from going necrotic.
Lurk more
post less
I hate you meme flag faggots
I would red laced, black boot, curb stomp you if we crossed paths. Pure peckerwood, and I rock my red and blue.
Mods are dead. post sinks.
Doesn't matter even if it's provable, it just shows his weak character and cowardness, it's really just how you let shit like that mould you
We give people permission to hurt us, user. I don't care about what you say to me, because you have no affect in my life.
Even if my mommy gave me a violent potty training, it's my permission to let it affect me.
you and I are on the same page.
mods are dead, post sinks.
The problem is not who is paying health care for whom, the problem is that the US health care system is too fucking expensive.
You would not fucking care who else is insured by your insurance if you were only paying a moderate insurance rate - which in turn is determined by the cost of health care itself.
Just an example: do you know the standard allergy prick test? The one where your arm is pricked with a needle 10 times and tiny drops of pollen samples are placed upon these spots?
Two thousand five hundred fucking US dollars.
In Germany, the very same test would have cost you 200 € at most if you had to pay for it yourself.
In case you're insured (everyone in Germany is) the very same test costs your health insurance company only 4,95 € per test * 10 = 50 € = 60 USD.
Problem is I don't want to share the bill with niggers or spics, if only humans can have the insurance pool then I'm game.
He's gonna eat a hamburger the next day and then die
The only problem, Ahmed, is the system that encourages and perpetuates those ideals that you highlight.
Until that is taken care of, we are truly fucked on the subject. i don't see it being addressed in the next 15 years, with the speed my government moves.
Mods are dead, post sinks.
Didn't realise the NHS was funding Fatso Reduction Therapy in the USA now.
those will go necrotic regardless considering that, if I understood it correctly, he has no lymph nodes in both of his legs
but again I have no idea how much cardio helps in a situation like this one
they could either pick that or free money checks for the poor
can't stretch too thin
Get well fatty.
He has a victim mentality so will never get better, he'll claw and scrape but will never succeed because he refuses to unhitch himself from the ball and chain that is his own self pity
you whiteknight fags defend youtube whores but attack bros like him, so much for the brotherhood and non sjw Sup Forums, I'm out.
Boogie is a doormat sjw sympathiser
It will be extremely painful
Yeah, that pic isnt him but his lymphedema was pretty bad. Dropping weight will help it significantly. Imagine having permanently swollen legs and feet.
He will still be dead twenty years earlier than expected. His dumbass think the problem is with stomach, not himself. This dumb fuck is so beyond self control he needs a surgery to help his dumbass. Stop giving this dumbfuck views you retarded mother fucking nufags
master troll, look at him
No, master stuff his face and idiots like you that keep funding him.
>makes a living off youtube
>tries to appeal to as wide an audience as possible
What I'm not allowed to name the shills?
Thanks norwegianon
hes worth every penny