why is it taking so long to impeach and remove this orange retard from the white house?
God damn it
You said it
>orange retard
Sorry, but could you please use his appropriate name?
It's Cheeto Funny Hair Cunt
heh trumps gotta be so upset at these mean names we make for him
god damn it
What's done is done
The only retards are the ones wasting everyones time and money because they have nothing to do and are STILL butthurt about the elections. It's crazy
be nice
It's not. We'll look back at this and wonder how we managed it so quickly.
>why is it taking so long to impeach and remove this orange retard from the white house?
Two words:
Due Process
fuck, the investigation is taking its sweet time.
Dang it Bobby
dat boi aint rught
rural and suburban retards
>fuck, the investigation is taking its sweet time.
Yeah it seems to when the person is in government or rich, which Trump is both.
double wammy
He better be making way and setting the chess board up for civil war wiyh his internal coup business otherwise I support impeachment, he has done some positive things lately though. He needs to write a bill that socializes healthcare though.
desu, i think a sinlge payer system is better as we the people have the power to negotiate. but until then ill back obama care over the death care congress is trying to pass.
You have to do something illegal.
Its a lot harder when you've done nothing illegal.
Insurance =/= healthcare retards. We pay thousands more annually to get put on a shitty bronze plan that doesn't even cover anything anyways because the deductible is so high
He didn't put any of his businesses in private trusts. As president he is privy to insider information that could directly benefit his business. Not to mention all the money he charges the US taxpayer so he can golf at his own personal resort and enrich himself in the process while his nepotistic appointees send your sons to die for Israel.