Stop LARPing Sup Forums, tell the truth

Hey Sup Forums.

As we all know, almost all of us don't actually believe much of anything we say on this board. I myself usually LARP as an ancap because I find the absurdity of it hilarious and enjoy being probably the most hated ideology on Sup Forums, other than (maybe) Marxism-Leninism.

Truth is, I'm pretty much a centrist. Typical lower middle-class white guy, suburban background. I don't like paying taxes, but I understand the need for a social safety net. I don't like totally unlimited immigration, but I could give a fuck less about a border wall. I didn't vote in the election, and probably still wouldn't. I support capitalism but not completely unregulated, and I do think we need a solution for the automation crisis. I don't care if people are gay, trans, whatever. I don't care about race much. In fact, I really don't care about any of this shit. I'd like to make a little bit more money and have a little bit less student debt, but I doubt either is going to happen through the political process. Yes, feminist/Commie professors annoy me, but in all honesty, academicians have always leaned much farther to the left than the society, and we've seemed to make out ok anyway - hell, it's probably constructive to have all your basic worldviews challeneged at school, college experience and all that. Global warming is real but it isn't going to extinct the species. Trump is an absolute moron.

That's basically my views. So. Come to Jesus, Sup Forums. Who are you? We're anonymous, so you can go back to LARPing later.

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, this place is a joke. these people actually took it seriously.

Its not LARPing if youre doing it on the internet, faggot

practice what you preach.

>So. Come to Jesus, Sup Forums. Who are you? We're anonymous
no you're not

Which people? To be honest, I think the numbers of genuine fascists/ancaps/whatever other weirdo ideology you can find on Google are seriously exaggerated. There's this weird idea that Sup Forums won Trump the election - not really. The average Trump voter was old, middle class white people - not exactly the types of people who spend all day on a message board making dumb pictures and spamming them on Reddit.

All of these LARPers know they're LARPing, but think everyone else isn't LARPing, so they keep LARPing. It's basically a multiplayer video game that everyone thinks is actually single player.

>Its not LARPing if youre doing it on the internet
that's only one idiotic fallacy of their stupid sentences

Just stop saying it ffs, youre honestly embarrasing yourself hard right now. At least try to look the word up ITS NOT LIVE ACTION IF ITS ON THE INTERNET YOU RETARDED NEWFAG

I've done hard time for what I believe in

How long was the ban?

I am dude. It's okay. Nobody here knows that you're the same guy in another thread talking about the Fourth Reich or the ancap utopia or starting Kekistan or hyping up Pizzagate. You can be honest in this thread. What's your actual views?

Stop. Just stop. You don't have to keep the show going. It can rest for one little thread.

>I didn't vote
>I'm pretty much a centrist
>I really don't care about any of this shit

Sup Forums had nothing to do with it. there are some nuts here, but that's all they are, insane nuts. they have the exact same argumentative structure as fundamentalist christians, and flat-earthers - the EXACT same. The rest are just having a laugh, a poorly thought out, immature laugh, but it's there.

Okay? Well let's hear your views then. The real ones. Not the dumb Sup Forums ones.
Yeah. I mean there's no doubt there's a few sincerely deranged morons here. But most of it is bored kids, video game addicts, and people taking a break from jerking off to porn on other Sup Forums boards to yell about shit they don't actually care about.

What's your opinion of Trump getting elected? I agree it wasn't Sup Forums, nor do I think there's really a hardcore fascist movement on the horizon. More like a few thousand Rust Belt'ers never recovered from '08 and flipped just to see if it would make things any better. Trump did get some new voters energized, primarily from the white working class, and he basically just won them over by talking as if he were one of them.

Year in state.

> Anything that causes my small, shriveled, raised-by-TV-and-pornography mind to feel dissonance is just larpydarp trolling!!1
Some people will die stupid and nothing can change them.

Ok. Since you don't want to come out with your real views, I'm just going to make a series of assumptions, based on the maturity level it requires to actually make a statement like the one you've made here and expecting people to believe it (((even if it were true))).

I'm gonna say you're about 17. Started looking at porn at about age 11. Virginal. Don't give a shit about politics though YouTube feminists annoy you. Lot of video games. Lot of anime. Poor social skills but still have some friends. Decent grades. Parents were moderate Republicans, almost solely because of taxes. Older brother voted Obama when he was 19 but became a non-voting hipster when the Hope and Change never happened.

Nice to meet you typical Sup Forums member!

>academicians have always leaned much farther to the left than the society,

That's actually a fairly new phenomenon and strongly associated with the French Revolution and its daughter movements like Progressivism, Marxism, and Fascism.

Traditionally, academics tended to be extremely conservative. You should read Aristotle's Children to get an idea of the evolution of academia in the West and Middle East and a History of Chinese Philosophy anything by John King Fairbank to get an idea of Eastern academics.


Did you catch the line in the new season of AGOT by the old maester dude?

>We are this world's memory

That is pretty much how scholars saw themselves until the March of Progress meme made us intellectually lazy. History was seen as a cycle of rises and falls, births and deaths, that could only be broken by remembering what had come before so that we could predict and thereby change the future. Now academica is all about how we will be Star Kangz and shit eventually, no matter what mistakes we make now.

I actually grew up with an Internet filter, never had much access to pornography as a youngster. Unlike the vast majority of Sup Forums "fascist" roleplayers, I'd imagine.

i dont really get the appeal of LARPing anonymously on the internet. no risk = no reward.

The media turned it into some kind of pay-per-view fight or something. I didn't vote, and seeing how this played out is very disappointing. Seeing these people attack you for not picking their extreme view on the right or left is so nauseating at this point. Nobody knows what they're talking about and seem to like looking at the world in black and white, no pun intended, when the world is much more complicated than that. As soon as someone says something that is to the tune of "you are either with us or against us", I tune them out because they are way, way too stupid to give any responsibility or weight to their opinion.

No, he's with the gay one.

The human party, is that what it was?

First, I don't entirely agree. It's funny you bring up Aristotle because he most certainly did lean left to the rest of society as he actively challenged the state he lived in. Socrates was even more radical, educating young kids in the streets of all backgrounds and engaging in lively debates with them. Of course by today's standards this is not radical stuff, but back then it was. Socrates was killed for being a "subversive", just like those horrible professors these days are "subversive".

Do I agree with most of what they say? No. But I do feel I learned something by sitting in a couple humanities colleges in school, if nothing else than discovering *why* I disagreed and *how* to articulate it.

Secondly, re: Enlightenment... Yeah, that seal is broken my man. Things aren't going back the way they were before.

>The media turned it into some kind of pay-per-view fight or something.

No doubt about that. They did it for ratings, to the detriment of anybody actually knowing anything about the issues. The basic format of the debates was "She said this bad thing about you. What's your response?" over and over and over.

Yes! Everyone on here is larping and no one believes anything they write, its just a form of expressing our selves freely. nothing here matters.. go to sleep..

So by your definition of left and right, Ancaps don't actively challenged the state they live in? And leftist are both the establishment here and against the establishment?

Bad copy pasta and i aint kidding

In the USA, left has become establishment supporters of collectivism and the right has become the anti-establishment supporters of individualism. This is the way things are going no matter what your silly definition of left vs right is (I know your using the original French Revolution definition of left vs right, but times have changed and the concept of left vs right in the USA has nothing to do with the original terms).

Ancaps would have been very left-wing by, say, Ancient Greece standards. They clearly actively challenge the state. What's your point? My only point was it's no surprise professors are radicals and tend to lean left, though there are quite a few exceptions.

>And leftist are both the establishment here and against the establishment?

Not sure I understand what that's supposed to mean. If you think the United States is "leftist" compared with other countries, sorry. I ain't buying it, and neither is anyone else that's ever walked into a country with decent infrastructure, universal healthcare and paid family leave. We're basically at the center worldwide, and to the right for first world countries, as far as I can see.

I thoroughly believe jewish culture promotes sociopathic tendencies at a greater intensity than any other although I do not consider jews to be genetically corrupt people. I don't think there is a cure for Islam beyond total annihilation; it is too conquest-orientated and barbaric in origin to ever simmer down to a reasonable level. I'm okay with modest homosexuals, but loud, flamboyant, attention-whore queens need to fuck off and die. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as such. Blacks are a separate subspecies but I don't hate them, I merely hate that our society which refuses to acknowledge this and act accordingly. To me, hating blacks would be akin to hating any other species of animal, such as the chimpanzee, for doing what wild animals do (ie stupid and pretty irrational).

In addition, I consider christianity to be a branch of judaism, all judeo-christian religions to be unfit for Europeans, and christianity as quite possibly a contributing factor as to why we've allowed ourselves to be ruled over by a highly disproportionate number of jews in politics and the corporate world. I'm not a pagan, but I'd much rather see a Germanic-origin pagan religion followed, en-masse, by European people than I would them all be atheist or christian, seeing how christianity is a Middle Eastern religion created by sand people for other sand people.

Personally, whilst I do believe in some sort of god, I don't subscribe to any form of organised religion at all. If I had to, it'd probably be buddhism.

I don't LARP on Sup Forums, this is who I always am.

Where did all these shills come from?

>establishment supporters of collectivism

Stop the Rand shtick, no roleplaying ITT.

> the concept of left vs right in the USA

I mean you are correct, but compared against other first world countries, our conception is off because what's called "mainstream" left here is actually right-center.

>the most hated ideology on Sup Forums
I think the joke's on you, commie.

The USA has a central bank, welfare, largly socialized healthcare, >80 thousand pages of regulation, fiat currency, etc. All of these things are leftwing ideas. Our whole economy is a leftist economy since these ideas were implemented. You think we are right-wing because a few people are overtly religious and the news focuses on those people. That's it.

>"mainstream" left here is actually right-center.
No it isn't. Left vs right doesn't make since here because the conservatives are trying to conserve a radically liberal republic and the left is trying to go back to a centrally planned economy kinda like the monarchs had.

>I thoroughly believe jewish culture promotes sociopathic tendencies at a greater intensity


> I don't think there is a cure for Islam beyond total annihilation; it is too conquest-orientated

Western countries are pretty conquest-oriented desu.

>. I'm okay with modest homosexuals, but loud, flamboyant, attention-whore queens need to fuck off and die


>Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as such.

It is treated as such. The treatment doctors prescribe is transgenderism and sometimes sex change surgery. Would you tell a clearly mentally ill homeless man who thinks he's Jesus that he's not just to enrage him, btw?

> Blacks are a separate subspecies
Scientifically false.


>I don't LARP on Sup Forums

You do.


No, I think we are right-of-center because I am comparing the U.S. to other first world countries, like I just clearly said.


I hereby state to all parties surveiling this board that i have been larping all along and it was all satire.


So too were Zhuang Zi, Confucius, Buddha, Muhammad, and all the great minds whose thoughts we still read today.

But who do you think were the people who copied their words over and over and over again into the ages of ages? Look at the lesser scholars that lost prominence after the Enlightenment.

The Epictetuses, the Aquinases, the Han Yus, the Ibn Khalduns, were they preserving a way of thinking or were they changing the way people thought for the rest of time? The Enlightened ask us to worship the exciting heroes who shifted the course of history, but forget the giants who maintained the shoulders we stand on.

It's too easy to tell a new story, mixing in clever allusions to the old ones we got our ideas from, to make the moral we want to hear. It's not too hard to listen again to the stories that made us who we are.

>Rand shtick
You are retarded. The west was built on classical liberalism and nationalism. Those are the two ideologies that built the modem world. The modern left is trying to go back to an oligarchy with a centrally planned economy. They would be the "right" by the french definition and the modern US right would actually be "radical leftist" using the original french definition. This is why left vs right doesn't make any since in the USA.

Thanks for being honest with us!

>middle grounding with lefty "economics."

>comparing the U.S. to other first world countries
We are economically just as left-wing as Europe.

I think that the USA is just too large. No first world country is as large. We could easily break up into three countries and it'd be way better off.

>cucknada higher than us
How so? They have larger taxes and try to discourage investing.

This comment is retarded.

I fell off the deep end politically a while ago.

What I can't stand are self-defeating normies who fail to do anything important and instead shove their heads up their asses and sniff deep in transparent efforts to deny reality as it is.

The natural order consumes all things in time, history shows as much again and again. Countless people alive today are in for a rude awakening in a few short years from now.

Nature is anarcho-capitalistic at the very root of reality, modern governments are merely corporate monopolies on violence and issuance of money, and at the end of the day your ideology is only worth what it does to keep you alive and thriving.

Every ounce of effort spend ideologically masturbating is another ounce ceded to those who seek to prosper instead of slowly kill themselves in a fit of hedonic self-flagellation and hatred.

No it isn't. It's why the entire USA is split from the coasts. It's too vast and isolated in many parts.

I-I'm starting not to be as racist. I mean I still think that niggers are inferior but arabs, indians aren't that different from whites desu. they had great civs once and can do it again. Beaners are a bit inferior but a bunch of them are smart. eh. In the end it won't even matter when we just clone whatever the fuck type of human we want. desu the fanatical devotion to the white race only holds true if you believe in like a white god or some shit. I've been pretty drilled into white supremacy for a while, at least casually so - never done any real skinhead shit, but it just gets old hating that hard.

I also think that we desperately need to decentralize. We are too big and this creates a situation where the government doesn't respond to the people and/or cater to the people at all.

Agreed with that.

>The west was built on classical liberalism and nationalism.


>The modern left is trying to go back to an oligarchy with a centrally planned economy.

See, when you say "the modern left", I already haven't a clue what you're talking about, because you keep vacillating between talking about the left as "the establishment" and also something else. So which left are you referring to here? Or do you even know? The left who wants the U.S. to do the same kinda welfare state stuff other first world countries do? Or the "left" as in corporate Democrats (or hell, George Bush)? Or the "left" as in unabashedly Communist academicians? Or the "left" as in Rage Against the Machine fans? Or the "left" as in anyone who isn't an ancap?

I LARP as you all the time btw and I have to say
>you're not doing it right

>Heritage Foundation
>"Economic Freedom" index like it's a thing

Nope. Real sources only, not LARP-friendly sources.
Hmm perhaps.
Because it's dumb shit put out by a Koch Brothers "think-tank", what did you expect? It to make sense? Might as well post something off of one of Soros's sites.
Thought you wanted to get rid of the government; why are you concerned with whether or not it responds to the people? Just focus on smashing it and getting Ayn Rand books to actually make sense instead.

Have you seen the economic freedom index? If you haven't then you are in for some interesting red pills in your future. It's a wild ride ahead but always seek more information and always be open to new ideas.

How the fuck does that graph judge economic freedom? Canada, Sweden and Australia aren't more economically free than America or Japan.

I normally LARP as a larper, I love pretending to pretend I'm pretending when actually I am deadly serious about my views.

A lot of official statistics are retarded. It started with shit like IHDI which just uses mathematical wizardry nobody can understand to basically just say "oh theres income inequality, your country is shit"

fuck man don't get me started on IHDI. but yeah , theres very few stats you can really trust. I just go by GDP and HDI

>Ancap citing heritage.
I giggled.

The left that wants the government to manage the economy via central banking and a massive body of regulation. This is what we finally left behind in the US and the modern left has brought it all back. Also, all leftist except communist are corporate allies. They just usually don't know it. At some point you have to ask yourself: why does every single corporation support left-wing ideas if left-wing ideas are anti corporation?

No, he's just in for nonsense, exactly as you'd expect from a pseudo-academic corporate think tank.

It judges by using the sophisticated mathematical formula known as "corporate funding".

>i'm a centrist
Oh so you hold no political stances on anything... good to know goy

data is data is data
I don't care who did the study as long as the data and study is sound.

Fuck off JIDF

I always hope that just one thing I bring up might lead to a spark of ideas and questions, but usually it probably doesn't. Who knows?

Ok, so the left is anyone who isn't an ancap. Got it.

>why does every single corporation support left-wing ideas if left-wing ideas are anti corporation?

Corporations have both parties. Been that way for quite some time, though without a doubt, the GOP gets a substantially higher amount than the Dems for the obvious reason of tax cuts. Our system=corporate America+state power. A system that has its pluses and minuses. Mostly minuses, but I doubt it'll change.

"Economic freedom" is not data. It's a subjective analysis based on whatever the hell artificial standard you wanna construct to get the desired result - which is the kind of thing places like the Heritage Foundation, Center for American Progress, CATO Institute, etc. do for a living (paid for by their donors).

Did you just admit you're LARPing?

The truth is that we would all be vastly wealthier if the people who rule the world weren't so wildly unfit to rule. We would have less poverty with less work. It is kept from us by people who wouldn't recognize their own real financial interests if their lives depended on them - and we know that they fucking do depend on exactly that.

That's why we get engineered crises sapping our wealth and the perpetual accommodation of evil. It's the fault of mental midgets at the top and bottom of the hierarchy. That's what they think humanity is like. They seriously aren't competent enough to imagine anything better, let alone enact it.

And yes, socialism really is a billionaire scheme to steal from the working man. Really. Fuck you all for the economic illiteracy that let you fall for an abusive DARVO campaign.

I gave some of my stances. Whatever those stances mean, that's what I am.

Now, share yours instead of diluting this non-LARPing thread with your post-irony anti-Semitism.

Economic freedom is the lack of government intervention into the economy, and yes it's measurable data no matter who compiles it.

>The left that wants the government to manage the economy via central banking and a massive body of regulation.

Classical Liberals are not leftist ether for example.

I can only think of one corporation that has any support for right-wing ideas. That's it. You're just parroting the typical white bread explanation of politics in the USA.


Another interesting data set for leftist to try to explain.

In a truly White mans world I would probably lean towards minarchism, but the way the West is today I feel have no other choice but to support Ultra-nationalism. I do hate niggers, kikes and Mudslimes. see them as hostile tribal groups pushing their interests over my ingroup. I value the primacy of race over ideology

Or this

i don't know what this is but the states on the right are much more fun than the left. nobody cares about wyoming and the dakotas and oklahoma and the rest and nobody wants to live there because there is nothing to do.

Really now? That's all the criteria is? So how did governments that

>tax more than the U.S. from the economy
>spend more than the U.S. into the economy

come out higher than the U.S.?

Could that *possibly* be because the Heritage Foundation, backed by the corporations that fund them, wants people to think that the way to have a country as chill as Sweden is by doing the exact opposite of what they do?

>Classical Liberals are not leftist ether for example.

Of course they aren't. Classical liberalism was firmly capitalist, leftism is usually associated with socialism. Why are you telling me things I already know? Why do ancaps always do that, as if they really think their (very) basic grasp of (very) basic issues is some sort of intellectual miracle they must insist on bestowing upon the masses?

>I can only think of one corporation that has any support for right-wing ideas.

It's not really about right or left. It's about personal interest. Rich people wanna stay rich. They get involved in politics to ensure they stay rich and get richer. One of the ways they do it is by funding groups like the Heritage Foundation. The other way they do it is by funding groups like the Center for American Progress. Different sides of the same coin.

> typical white bread explanation of politics in the USA

Obvious facts tend to be boring like that.

I really love individual freedoms and believe that the ideal society is one that doesn't need some political system to herd people like sheep. Problem is that achieving this society is impossible with the existence of non whites as they generally follow their personal or racial interests rather than pursue and explore higher ideals like liberty, jews because they leech and subvert everything they touch and just shit tier, low IQ white trash proletariat as they are generally incapable of self governance I envision. I'm a freedom loving fascist, white supremacist who's an ends justify the means sort of person.

Economics is one hell of a drug, faggot. It's not coincidental that high-IQ people drift towards my economics. All the wealth of the Rothschilds is a fart in the hurricane of human potential. The rulers of the world sealed themselves up into dead little social bubbles, devoid of all challenge, and their intellects have decayed accordingly. They have come to bugnuts conclusions about the way the world works, and by conspiracy of the wealthy, they are about to destroy themselves and their own potential. Repent and come back to capitalism, jewry! Greater profits await you in freedom than in your imbecilic little dreams of racial conquest!

>tax more than the U.S. from the economy
>spend more than the U.S. into the economy

come out higher than the U.S.?

Because ether they didn't and your misinformed, or they have other government intervention in the economy like regulation, legal monopolization, a larger number of government services that cost the same, etc.

>Chile's rich are really really rich
Yeah. That chart is funny. If you don't have any social safety net, the costs spent on the social safety net decline? Who'da known.

haha even satan cant hide your motives
you are projecting your mental illness on other people

>Economics is one hell of a drug, faggot.
LOL yeah cartoon science has indeed had a drug-like effect on your thinking capacity
> high-IQ people drift towards my economics

>the reason the numbers are valid is either this reason or that reason ionno
Nice job admitting you didn't even look into the methodology or compare the numbers before posting idiot.

You need to LARP better. At least sound like you actually believe in crap, not just Google and post the first chart you can find.

I play a way better ancap than you.

It's because we don't choose to be libertarians/ancaps. We only reach this position because we can't find any feasible argument to disprove it. It would be much easier to be a modern liberal or something like that.

We only tell you things you already know because we have no idea how much you know. Most people who argue like you don't know shit (no offence) and only believe in their ideas because that's what school has taught them their entire lives. Most don't know the difference between classical liberal and modern liberals for example (though that one in particular is becoming more common knowledge as of late due to the internet).


> Most people who argue like you don't know shit

But here's the thing: they actually do know. See, that's what I was getting at in that post when I said
>Why do ancaps always do that, as if they really think their (very) basic grasp of (very) basic issues is some sort of intellectual miracle they must insist on bestowing upon the masses?

People already know half of what you say. It's just that because they already know, they walk away when you start talking, not because you "won" or your "intelligence" intimidated them, but because they have better things to do than listen to an autistic person screech about shit they already know and pretend that makes them a genius.

You should really just stick to pretending you can make music or writing 10000 page books about dragons or whatever to try to look smart. Politics isn't for you folks.

butthurt about bitcoin?
it was less than a dollar

Nobody is jealous of anything you and your fellow autists do. Whether it's color ridiculously large but poor illustrations all day, or write incoherent drivel that mom calls a book, or get straight As in home school, or go around repeating sentences you read on the Mises website and barely understood: nobody is jealous. They're just nice enough to pretend they're impressed occasionally.

I just want hard liberals to die. Thats all.

People who think they understand us literally break on converting or not based upon measures of general intelligence. There are entire professions that become more libertarian for every year a person works in them because the arguments persuade LITERALLY EVERYONE who actually needs the lessons in their own life. And everyone who achieves any success in life is either libertarian or narcissistic in private. No exceptions. You either live by Erisian or Illuminated means. You are either trusting people or controlling them. Those are your private means of life. Every other ideology is an illusion drawn from that fundamental choice about whether or not YOU privilege YOUR judgement over other people. Are you special? Are you better than the rest?

If you're really smart enough to understand an-cap ideas and you don't think yourself worthy of godhood, I look forward to your eventual conversion. Stick around. This place is a powerful force for opening closed minds. The powers wouldn't hate it if it weren't.

Hail the consequences!

And this is how we know you are either LARPing or autistic.

Because the closest to "Erisianism" is Syndicalism, which it (correctly) defines as "public participation in institutions is combined with no state."

Do you know whose philosophy that is?

See fucking pic.

Either confirmed LARP troll or confirmed autist.

Nice shill thread OP. Gaslighting is fucking creepy, by the way. Grow up and wake up. The world is going to hell and the least you could do is support with your words the people trying to expose the neolib/neocon globalists. Even better would be to get your life in order and make a difference in your community, even in little ways.

If you did do these things, then you would not be posting the nonsense you are posting, and you would not sound like such a flaky faggot.


Chomsky has a hardcore agenda he hides from most people. I would not trust a word the fucker says on certain issues. He is a brilliant scholar, and still important to listen to, but this godlike reverence for him bothers me.

By the way... telling people not to larp kind of invites it. I also like to let off steam larping as an an-cap. I believe some of what I put out there, but a lot of it is expressed rage at my disbelief that such wealthy people can push such stupid policies. They chop down the economy and laud themselves for having a large slice of a small pie when they could have larger slices of larger pies. That is my actual belief and what actual enrages me about misrule on earth.

Notwithstanding actual larping, Chomsky is a profoundly dishonest man who takes part in DARVO campaigns against the public weal. If you think he has any insights, you're a sheep. You fell for it and got lulled out of all serious opposition to anyone's schemes. That's what Chomsky is paid to do to people. He is not incompetent at his job. His job is just evil.

I'm a National Socialist who salutes Adolf Hitler, user.

I love communism
I love race mixing
I enjoy grinding for paper money
Traps arent gay
Jews rule
Being a cuckold isnt inherently pathetic

>video game analogy